
Last activity: 24 Sep 2019 15:32 EDT
Pega Mashup: Passing Parameters to Mashup
I am working on the pega mashup data passing requirement. I am trying to get communicate between external application and Pega Mashup.I have tried with Setgadgetdata method with onload event but it is not passing the data to Pega gadget.
I've been trying to use the JavaScript method of doAction, but most of the documentation is listed as outdated.
Below is the code used by me which is not working.
Please let me know if any one knows.
Thank you
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
function setMashupName() {
Enter Vendor id <input type="text" id="VendorID"/>
<button type="button">Click Me!</button>
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** -->
<script src ='http://1/prweb?pyActivity=pzIncludeMashupScripts'></script>
I am working on the pega mashup data passing requirement. I am trying to get communicate between external application and Pega Mashup.I have tried with Setgadgetdata method with onload event but it is not passing the data to Pega gadget.
I've been trying to use the JavaScript method of doAction, but most of the documentation is listed as outdated.
Below is the code used by me which is not working.
Please let me know if any one knows.
Thank you
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
function setMashupName() {
Enter Vendor id <input type="text" id="VendorID"/>
<button type="button">Click Me!</button>
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** -->
<script src ='http://1/prweb?pyActivity=pzIncludeMashupScripts'></script>
<div data-pega-gadgetname ='PegaGadget'
data-pega-action ='createNewWork'
data-pega-action-param-classname =''
data-pega-action-param-flowname ='pyStartCase'
data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false'
data-pega-applicationname =''
data-pega-threadname ='STANDARD'
data-pega-resizetype ='stretch'
data-pega-action-param-parameters ="{pzSkinName : '' ,UserIdentifier:'',Password:btoa('')}"
data-pega-url =''
data-pega-event-onload = 'setMashupName'></div>
<!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** -->
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***