Last activity: 19 Jun 2017 13:56 EDT
Harnes, Pop Up Window
I have Problem in My project. My Project Show Table "TreatyYear", and in here i have button "List Description". If I click Button "List Description", then show harness (pop up window) "Treaty Description". In Table "Treaty Description" i have button "Show". If Button "Show" i click in ID "10001", then show section "Treaty Limit".
The Problem is, if changed the page, and click button "List Description", then all the button in section "Treaty Description" not function. I mean the activity is not proses.
Can you help guys.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi ,
Some screen shots could help understand the issue better. Please also mention the version of Pega you are using,
1. When you click on button to change the page, does the pop-up harness get repainted with the new page details or a new pop up is opened ?
2. If Button "Show" i click in ID "10001", then show section "Treaty Limit" : Is this done in a modal (Or ) in the pop up directly ?
Picture 1. This is Screen from Section "Treaty Year" in page 5. This Section have Button "List Description". In Button List Description, have action "Harnes(Pop Up Window).
Picture 2. This is Screen Pop Up Window Harnes (Treaty Description). If i click button show, then show section "Treaty Limit" (picture 3).
Picture 3. Section Treaty Limit have fuction "Add Data". Function "Add Data" in the button "Tambah". Now, i click Button "Tambah", then show layout for input data. But, if i want to cancel the proses Input Data, then i close the pop up window (Picture 4).
Picture 4. I close the pop window with default button close.
Picture 5. I Change the "pagination" from before in page 5 to page 6, and then i click button "List Description".
Picture 6. Then show Screen Pop Window Harnes(Treaty Description). But, the problem is, if i want to click button "Show" then is not proses. I already check the "tracer" but tracer is empty. Nothing Call Activity.
Picture 7. Screen Cell Properties from Button "List Description".
Can You Help...?
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Francisco,
Thanks for getting back with the screenshots. Those help tremendously!
1. Can you confirm the version of Pega you are using ?
2. Did this feature work before and break now (OR) never tested before.
Lets try to narrow the use case that causes the issue before debugging further.
1. TRy this : Click on List Description -> launch the harness -> Click on Show -> Close the pop up at this poin (DO NOT CLICK ON THE "Tamban" button.
Try to relaunch the harness and click on the "Show".
Does the show work now ?
2. If the answer to the above is Yes, then we may to check further into the "Add Data" function of the Tamban button, you can try to disable that and check if things work fine.
3. If answer to 1 is NO, then try the following use
Click on List Description -> launch the harness -> Close the pop up
Launch the harness again and try "Show"
Hi Krithiga,
My version of pega is 7.2.2.
I have done these steps you suggested me. However when I click the "tambah" button and close the pop-up window, then I change the page in the TreatyYear section, after that I click the "List Description" button again to make the "TreatyDescription" section appears. Now the current problem is right after that section appears all the button inside the following section are not functioning anymore. Can you please help me figuring out the solution regarding this issue?
Thanks again for your help!
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Fransisco,
I wanted you to try WITHOUT clicking on the TABNAH button.
1. Do the following things work fine - when you do not click on the TABNAH button ?
opening and closing of the pop up,
Show button response
2. Can you send me screen shot of the TABNAH button configuration
1. I done following your idea. I Launch, and i click button "List Description" and then i click button "show". after that i close pop up window, and i change page. and then i click again "List Decription" and then i click button "show". Button "Show" have respon, because i'm not click button "tambah". I Think the problem have in button "tambah" but i don't know where's the problem and how.
2. yes, i can send the screen shoot.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Fransisco
That proves the data transform / activity associated with the TABNAH button may cause the problem. Next step would be narrowing that.
1. TRy removing both the data transform and activity associated with the reload section, check if the issue is reproducible
2. If not try adding the data transform alone - Test andverify.
3. If yes, we can assume that the Data transform is causing the issue, if not try adding the activity and check.
Once we narrow to either the activity or data transform, we can debug further,