UI Implementation guidance needed. DataPage.pxResults(X).PropertyList(X) Embeded UI need for mobile
Hi All,
I have a requirement such that we will have a DataPage D_Service.pxResults which will look like this
D_Services.pxResults(1).ServiceName = MyService1
D_Services.pxResults(1).ServiceStatus (1) .Code= A
D_Services.pxResults(1).ServiceStatus (2) .Code= B
D_Services.pxResults(1).ServiceStatus (X) .Code= C
D_Services.pxResults(2).ServiceName = MyService2
D_Services.pxResults(2).ServiceStatus (1) .Code= W
D_Services.pxResults(2).ServiceStatus (2) .Code= X
D_Services.pxResults(2).ServiceStatus (X) .Code= A
We have to build UI such that we all Services and beneath each service we have to list ServiceStatus for that service.
User can select only one status among different status for a given service.
Appreciate your idea and feedback.