date filed should not allow more then date mentioned .
Hi team,
I have a requirment where based on reason user should not be able to select the date.
Example.For reason "X" date filed not should not allow less than Min Duration(1 days) or more than Max Duration(10 days) to be selected
For reason "Y" date filed not should not allow less than Min Duration(1 days) or more than Max Duration(5 days) to be selected.
We have total of 10 reasons and default max and minimum duration for each with different values.
Please suggest how to implement so that whnver user selects a particular reason ,date filed should alloow user to select date bewteen max and minium days mentioned and if user try to select date beyond mentioned window.error message should be displayed.
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to update categories***
***07/02/2017 Updated by moderator: Lochan to close post to future replies; identified as duplicate ***