Last activity: 27 Jan 2017 1:40 EST
pr_sys_statusnodes pyIndexDirectory becomes NULL after upgrading from 717 to 722
After upgrading from 717 to 722 and restarting our application server we notice that the pyIndexDirectory has NULL in pr_sys_statusnodes table. Prior to restarting pyIndexDirectory was "X:\Program Files\Pega Systems\Index"
Upon restarting the server the value became: "X:\Program Files\Pega Systems\TempDir\PegaSearchIndex". On the Search landing page we see that Indexing has started. We cancel the index and changed the Search Index file directory back to original: "X:\Program Files\Pega Systems\Index". Doing Check of the rules, data, and work show indexes are good. The pr_sys_statusnodes pyIndexDirectory als has correct directory.
But every time the appliction server is restarted the pyIndexDirectory goes to NULL and the directory changes to the TempDir path.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***
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Accepted Solution
What worked for us: Dynamic System Setting: indexing/distributed/automodecleanupandreindex = false
This stopped the Index Directory from being intialized to NULL on graceful shutdown of our application server and also stopped triggering automatic reindexing. Since the Index directory is not being intialized to NULL the currently set Index Directory is being preserved/retained.
Note: We could not get the<path> to work but this is not needed in our case as the indexing/distributed/automodecleanupandreindex = false provides the desired behavior in our environment.
Pegasystems Inc.
How many nodes do you have in this system?
Can you please share logs as well?
see attached screen shots for what we are seeing.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello ,
I am suspecting that there would be multiple entries in PR_SYS_STATUSNODES table for PYINDEXDIRECTORY .
check the below query and let us know the results
select * from PR_SYS_STATUSNODES where PYINDEXDIRECTORY is not null;
I am going to submit an SR for this.
Pegasystems Inc.
Please post the SR number for tracking purpose .
SR-B13803 submitted.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gerald,
Thank you for updating us with the SR number. I have updated your post above to reflect this information for effective tracking.
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Pegasystems Inc.
Posting the below snippet so it's usefule for other user's facing the issue.
This is an expected behavior for 7.2.2 release. This was done in-order to have the replica count appropriate so as to minimize the elasticsearch errors.
It's advised that JVM argument<path to index directory> be set to all nodes that are targetted to be index nodes to avoid re-configuring them as index nodes after every re-start
Accepted Solution
What worked for us: Dynamic System Setting: indexing/distributed/automodecleanupandreindex = false
This stopped the Index Directory from being intialized to NULL on graceful shutdown of our application server and also stopped triggering automatic reindexing. Since the Index directory is not being intialized to NULL the currently set Index Directory is being preserved/retained.
Note: We could not get the<path> to work but this is not needed in our case as the indexing/distributed/automodecleanupandreindex = false provides the desired behavior in our environment.