
Last activity: 7 Dec 2016 2:30 EST
What will be the DSS setting for jars that present in multiple codesetversion in pr_engineclasses
Suppose I have two jars abc.jar and xyz.jar for my two functionality
Now i have imported abc.jar in codeset=myapp ,codesetversion=01-89-01
After this i have imported xyz.jar in codeset=myapp, codesetversion 01-89-02
Now in the DSS "properties/com.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.codeset.version.myapp/default", what should be the value ?
1. 01-89-01,01-89-02 [Comma seperated]
2. 01-89-01:01-89-02 [Colon seperated]
3. 01-89-01 [Lowest version]
4. 01-89-02 [Highest version]