Ruleset Version not getting imported
Hello all,
I am facing an issue. I created a product rule to import a particular RSV from one platform to another.
All the rules in that particular RSV are imported on the targetted platform and RSV in which they are present are the one which I imported.
But, if i look for that particular RSV, it is not present on the system.
What could be possible reason for that?
Can someone please help me on this?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories; User still needing assistance. Adding #helpme tag***
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Accepted Solution

Hello Vartika,
First, the Name and the version of RuleSet are "non-versioned rules"
To export the RuleSet version you need :
- uncheck in the product for each rulesets "Exclude non-versioned rules"
- un can add the following line in "Individual instances to include", Rule-RuleSet-Name [RS Name] and Rule-RuleSet-Version [RS Version].
hope that helps
Hi Vartika,
I did a search on PDN and here's what I found:
Create/Delete/Update a Ruleset Version takes time
Do let us know if this helped!
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Lochan,
Thank you for tagging this post under correct heads for a faster response.
Thank you for your reply.
The links mentioned by you contains useful information but it did not solve my issue. :(
Can you help me with it?

If you are importing an application, the RSV instance will be included as part of the zip. If you are moving only rulesets as part of your product then add the RSV pzInskey in your product. Hope this will help you.
Thank you

Hello Sam,
Thank you for your response.
I am importing an application containing the desired Ruleset and its version.
So, that is the reason I didn't add the pzInsKey of the RSV in the product.
But the RSV is not imported on the targetted platform.
Do you see any reason for it?
Just to mention again the rules in that RSV are present on the targetterd platform.
Hi @Vartika.
(I hope I don't go to into detail for what you may have already tried or know about but it might also help others :) )
It would appear you have confirmed that the RSV (which I am guessing you mean Ruleset Version) is contained within the Records | SysAdmin | Ruleset. Once that's confirmed then you know that the ruleset is in the system. If you can't search for and find it, you may want to ensure the index for rules is either working or up-to-date. If you want to use the ruleset in a particular application make sure you add the definition of the ruleset within the particular application. And with that in mind, make sure you define the ruleset with the appropriate version. for example, if your RSV that you want is 01-02-01 and you have it defined in the application as 01-01-55, the code for 01-02-01 won't be usable in the application until you change the dependent version to something like 01-02 (or 01-02-01)
hope that helps
Hello Rob,
Thank you so much for your response.
No, the Ruleset Version is not even present in Records | SysAdmin | Ruleset. :(
Indexes are working absolutely fine. And even my application is pointing to that particular version. (for example - 01-02-41)
Do you see any other reason?
Waiting for your response.

Make sure that you haven't explicitly excluded Ruleset and Ruleset Version under Global Exclusion in the Prodoct rule. If it is excluded, you will not see the Ruleset Version in the target platform, but you will still be able to see all the rules in that Ruleset version in the target platform. Hope this helps.

Hello Praveen,
Thank you for your reply.
No, I haven't excluded RSV under Global Exclusion in the Product rule.
Do you see any other possible reason?
Hello All,
Thank you so much for providing me with good inputs.
But I am still not able to resolve my issue.
Do let me know if i should provide you all with more information.
Thanks :)
If your exported RAP contains the RSV which doesn't get imported into the target system, we'll have to look at the RAP and perhaps run import with Tracer/Debug to determine the reason for the missing RSV. I suggest entering an SR for it.
Accepted Solution

Hello Vartika,
First, the Name and the version of RuleSet are "non-versioned rules"
To export the RuleSet version you need :
- uncheck in the product for each rulesets "Exclude non-versioned rules"
- un can add the following line in "Individual instances to include", Rule-RuleSet-Name [RS Name] and Rule-RuleSet-Version [RS Version].
hope that helps

Hello David,
Thank you so much for your response.
Yes, I had checked the checkbox "Exclude non-versioned rules" due to which the RSV was not getting imported.
I have added the pzInsKey of the RSV in the "Individual instances to include" and it worked. :)
Thanks again!

Hello Viswanatha,
Thank you for your response. Yes, RSV was not present when i previewed my Product Rule as I had checked "Exclude Non-Versioned Rules" in my product rule. The issue is resolved now. Thank you.