Last activity: 17 Jul 2017 16:25 EDT
Is PEGARules Schema export/import process works in PEGA 7.1.7?...
a) In DEV environment , we have upgraded to PEGA 7.1.7 from 6.3 SP1 which was successful and completed with a single to split schema approach.
b) Now we would like to upgrade our QA environment. But we don't to follow the traditional approach that we followed at step "a". So we decided to export only "PEGARules" from DEV and import into QA environment. The import was successful without any issues. This is for PEGARules Schema.
c) Now, we wanted to use existing PRPC 6.3 SP1 Pega schema in QA environment as a data schema. We don't want to export "PEGAData" schema from DEV.
d) So, we executed data upgrade scripts on existing PRPC 6.3 SP1 Pega Schema. But it was failing. I attached the errors.
Please take a look into It and help me with a best answer.
***Updated by moderator: Marissa to close post***
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