
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 13 Jan 2016 23:18 EST
Link to image file broken after application RAP package export/import operation
Has anyone experienced issue like below.
The company logo image does not appear in the manager portal after promoted application to the UAT environment.
However, the Rule-File-Binary record can be found on the UAT environment and the logo image appears on the Rule-File-Binary rule form in designer studio.
The logo image is included in a section using Icon control.
We have found that the actual URL of the logo image in the manager Portal differ from that of the Rule-File-Binary rule form in designer studio.
In manager portal
<img data-ctl="Icon" src="webwb/onemizuhologo_14113024741.gif!!.gif" tabindex="0" role="link" alt="" data-click="[["runScript", ["pega.desktop.activateDocument(\"Dashboard\",\"Data-Portal\",\"pyDashboard7\",\"pyUpdatePortalContext\",\"true\")"]],["runScript", ["removeScreenLayouMask()"]]]">
in designer studio
<img onload="getImageDimensions()" src="/prweb/PRServlet/m-acnNOhet3vliKBMKGagKHNJZnJaowb*/webwb/images/mhbk_01_01_01_onemizuhologo.gif?date=1452149763709&pzExpirationPeriod=0&pzInstanceKey=RULE-FILE-BINARY%20WEBWB%20ONEMIZUHOLOGO!GIF%20%2320150326T080821.836%20GMT" id="ImageIMG">
Has anyone experienced issue like below.
The company logo image does not appear in the manager portal after promoted application to the UAT environment.
However, the Rule-File-Binary record can be found on the UAT environment and the logo image appears on the Rule-File-Binary rule form in designer studio.
The logo image is included in a section using Icon control.
We have found that the actual URL of the logo image in the manager Portal differ from that of the Rule-File-Binary rule form in designer studio.
In manager portal
<img data-ctl="Icon" src="webwb/onemizuhologo_14113024741.gif!!.gif" tabindex="0" role="link" alt="" data-click="[["runScript", ["pega.desktop.activateDocument(\"Dashboard\",\"Data-Portal\",\"pyDashboard7\",\"pyUpdatePortalContext\",\"true\")"]],["runScript", ["removeScreenLayouMask()"]]]">
in designer studio
<img onload="getImageDimensions()" src="/prweb/PRServlet/m-acnNOhet3vliKBMKGagKHNJZnJaowb*/webwb/images/mhbk_01_01_01_onemizuhologo.gif?date=1452149763709&pzExpirationPeriod=0&pzInstanceKey=RULE-FILE-BINARY%20WEBWB%20ONEMIZUHOLOGO!GIF%20%2320150326T080821.836%20GMT" id="ImageIMG">
We are suspecting that the image referred from manger portal is coming from cache and that cached image is not generated on UAT environment as the RAP package was being imported.