
Pega Developer
Last activity: 24 May 2016 6:07 EDT
create a value list manually
Hi ,
can someone explain me how to create a value list manually
Thank you
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Accepted Solution


Are you asking how to create a property of type value list or how to populate a property of type value list using a data transform or activity?

Pega Developer
hi Rajiv,
I'm asking how to create a property of type value list in PEGA 7.1
Accepted Solution

Kavitha Kaloori

Pega Developer
hi Rajiv,
Thank you very much!

Hawaii Medical Service Association
HI Rajiv,
I am looking for answer to second question that you had indicated: how to populate a property of type value list using a data transform or activity? would you please advise?


Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Rajiv,
Thank you for your reply. I have a use case that I have a value list property say PropertyValueListA, and I have predefined elements that Element1, Element2, Element3, and Element 4, the user should be able to select one or some or none of the elements from the UI, which may be like for pyUserRoles in the AccessGroup in the designer studio. Would you please provide some information in this design?

Unfortunately, UI is not my area of expertise. I am sure someone with that knowledge can definitely help you.
Tagging the community moderators to help you - Lochana DurgadaVijayakumar, Vidyaranjan Av

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan
You can refer to the UI Gallery "Build a list "example for this.
This feature can be used when a user wants to select multiple items and maybe build a list which can then be used for a separate purpose. The user may want to build a list from an existing list by choosing each and every item from it or may wish to build a new list by searching over a big list.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Thank you. I can see them for the page list. Would you please point out for the value list specifically?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan,
I have not tried it in house so I am not sure how exactly it can be implemented for value list.
May be you can give it a shot and see if you are facing any error or not.
We can help you analyzing the error further