
Last activity: 12 Sep 2017 2:09 EDT
JMS MDB Connection Configuration - Weblogic JNDI creation
We have followed the instruction provided in the link -
Now to proceed to the next step we need few input from Pega –
1. Which jar command need to be run to rebundle the prbeans executable jar file. (we have modified the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml) and in which environment? Windows or Unix?
2. Which jar command need to be run to rebundle the prpc_wls_jee4 ear file?
3. We are using Weblogic as EAS for PRPC application, so what are the steps to create the “JNDI name of the QUEUE” as mentioned in the above suggested link? (we have the actual JNDI server details, connection factory details, Queue details and credentials)
We have followed the instruction provided in the link -
Now to proceed to the next step we need few input from Pega –
1. Which jar command need to be run to rebundle the prbeans executable jar file. (we have modified the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml) and in which environment? Windows or Unix?
2. Which jar command need to be run to rebundle the prpc_wls_jee4 ear file?
3. We are using Weblogic as EAS for PRPC application, so what are the steps to create the “JNDI name of the QUEUE” as mentioned in the above suggested link? (we have the actual JNDI server details, connection factory details, Queue details and credentials)
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Regarding your 1st and 2nd queries if you have any zipping tool like 7-zip you can repackage the jar/EAR's easily.
For 3rd query please refer the link.

Hi Gangababu,
First 2 query we will try to download the 7-ZIP and check, there are some policy which might prohibit us to do that but we will check. Thanks for this.
For the third query we are asking the Steps to be followed in Weblogic server to create the “JNDI name of the QUEUE” as mentioned in link ? The same is shown the in the below screenshot. But you have provided details on Rule configuration in PRPC, I think in this step we need to create a "JNDI name of the QUEUE" in weblogic server named "JMSTest_ServiceClient. So please let us know the steps to be followed in the Weblogic Server to create the "JNDI name for the QUEUE"?

Hi Gangababu,
First 2 query we will try to download the 7-ZIP and check, there are some policy which might prohibit us to do that but we will check. Thanks for this.
For the third query we are asking the Steps to be followed in Weblogic server to create the “JNDI name of the QUEUE” as mentioned in link ? The same is shown the in the below screenshot. But you have provided details on Rule configuration in PRPC, I think in this step we need to create a "JNDI name of the QUEUE" in weblogic server named "JMSTest_ServiceClient. So please let us know the steps to be followed in the Weblogic Server to create the "JNDI name for the QUEUE"?

Pegasystems Inc.
First the first two queries, you can use jar command to package jar or ear files. If you have JAVA_HOME/bin set in your environment PATH variable, you can open a command prompt and type in jar to see the options. For example, if you have extracted contents of prbeans.jar in a temporary folder, modified the contents of ejb-jar.xml and you now want to create a new jar, navigate to the path of your temporary folder in command prompt and type in this command:
jar -cvf prbeans.jar *
This will package all the current directory contents into a jar named prbeans.jar.

RavikanthReddy Malyala can you please provide your inputs?
Updated: 4 Dec 2015 7:44 EST

HI Joydeep
Could you please go through the PDN link.
I think from ML7/ML8 no need to edit deployment descriptor files manually (weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)
You have to update the application.xml and weblogic-application.xml with generated MDB component jar.

Pegasystems Inc.
I believe the functionality is only available since 7.1.8. Yes, this is the way to go.

Hi Ravi, we are using ML6 in our project and we need know the steps in Weblogic to create the JNDI name of the QUEUE, as mentioned in the link .
Would appreciate if you could let us know the same?

Hi Ravi, please ignore my last message. Please see my latest comment below.
we are using ML6 in our project and we need know the steps in Weblogic to create the JNDI name of the QUEUE, as mentioned in the link
Would appreciate if you could let us know the same?

Pegasystems Inc.
Joydeep, if you followed standard steps such as those mentioned in this article to create Weblogic destinations:, you would have given JNDI name at the time of Queue creation. If you hadn't, you can go back and edit your configuration.

Hi Praneeth, Thanks for the input, we have followed the same but that is for new connection setup I believe. Actually the problem is, the PRPC weblogic server and the JMS Queue Weblogic server are not the same. JMS QUEUE is remotely configured (already on the ESB side) which we need to read from PRPC ML6. Now as per the link PRPC Weblogic server should have some JNDI name of the QUEUE (as highlighted in the below screenshot), how to configure that one in PRPC Weblogic server?

Pegasystems Inc.
OK, so if I understand you correctly, you have a Queue configured on a remote server which is different from the server where your PRPC instance is deployed. And you want your MDB listener to listen to this remote Queue. Is my understanding correct?

Pegasystems Inc.
If my understanding is correct, see if modifying your PRPC weblogic-ejb-jar.xml as mentioned in this post helps solve your problem:
Basically, you want PRPC MDB listener to monitor a remote queue.

I have seen the link and the option that is suggested is what we are trying now. Will keep you posted about the outcome. Thanks for the link.

Pegasystems Inc.
The JNDI name you specify must be the same as that you gave for the remote destination. You don't have to create a new JNDI entry in your PRPC Weblogic server. The remote JNDI provider URL coupled with the JNDI name will help the container monitor the remote destination.

But if I just provide the JNDI name of the Queue then how the PRPC system will resolute the remote server to connect?

Pegasystems Inc.
Check this link which I sent earlier:
You will have to specify JNDI provider URL in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. That's how the remote Queue will be resolved.

Hi Ravi/Praneeth, While generating the deployment file from the JMS MDB listener form we are getting namespace as blank, why is that?
Is it the reason of getting the below error while re-deploying the prpc ear file (after rebundling ejb-jar.xml) ??
Unable to access the selected application.
Hi Ravi/Praneeth, While generating the deployment file from the JMS MDB listener form we are getting namespace as blank, why is that?
Is it the reason of getting the below error while re-deploying the prpc ear file (after rebundling ejb-jar.xml) ??
Unable to access the selected application.
VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND <506:5> problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements 'message-destination-type@ message-destination-link@ activation-config@ around-invoke@ around-timeout@ env-entry@ ejb-ref@ ejb-local-ref@ service-ref@ resource-ref@ resource-env-ref@ message-destination-ref@ persistence-context-ref@ persistence-unit-ref@ post-construct@ pre-destroy@ data-source@ security-role-ref@ security-identity@' instead of 'message-driven-destination@' here in element message-driven@

Pegasystems Inc.
Joydeep, I don't have an ML6 instance on Weblogic at this moment. But I recently generated a deployment descriptor (DD) for JBoss and I don't see the blank namespace. This is my DD snippet. Can you remove xmlns="" from your DD and try deployment?
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_MyMDBListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener MyMDBListener</description>
Joydeep, I don't have an ML6 instance on Weblogic at this moment. But I recently generated a deployment descriptor (DD) for JBoss and I don't see the blank namespace. This is my DD snippet. Can you remove xmlns="" from your DD and try deployment?
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_MyMDBListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener MyMDBListener</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_MyMDBListener_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_MyMDBListener_EngineCMTLocal">

Hi Praneeth,
I have removed the " xmlns="" " manually and re-bundle the file, but still getting the same exception -
Unable to access the selected application.
Hi Praneeth,
I have removed the " xmlns="" " manually and re-bundle the file, but still getting the same exception -
Unable to access the selected application.
VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND <506:5> problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements 'message-destination-type@ message-destination-link@ activation-config@ around-invoke@ around-timeout@ env-entry@ ejb-ref@ ejb-local-ref@ service-ref@ resource-ref@ resource-env-ref@ message-destination-ref@ persistence-context-ref@ persistence-unit-ref@ post-construct@ pre-destroy@ data-source@ security-role-ref@ security-identity@' instead of 'message-driven-destination@' here in element message-driven@
I can see that the JBoss and Weblogic DD structure for the MDB portion of the ejb-jar.xml is not the same. Is there any issue with the DD generator for the Weblogic environment?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Joydeep,
Have you got more than one JMS MDB configured? The reason I am asking is that I see a closing element of </message-driven>
I seem to see a colon character (:) after the MessageDrivenDestination_STOBJMSLISTENER. Please confirm if that is the case. It would be easier if you attach a copy of your ejb-jar.xml.

Hi Simon,
The earlier one is for Pega PRPC PRAsync MDB. Attaching the ejb-jar.xml file.
Please suggest if any issue with Weblogic DD generation.
Thanks & Regards,

unable to attach hence copying the xml file -
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ejb-jar xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="3.0" id="ejb-jar_1">
<description>PegaRULES Enterprise-tier Engine</description>
<display-name>PegaRULES EJB Engine</display-name>
<session id="Session_PRServiceStateful">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRServiceStateful_EngineBMTLocal">
unable to attach hence copying the xml file -
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ejb-jar xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="3.0" id="ejb-jar_1">
<description>PegaRULES Enterprise-tier Engine</description>
<display-name>PegaRULES EJB Engine</display-name>
<session id="Session_PRServiceStateful">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRServiceStateful_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRServiceStateful_EngineCMTLocal">
<session id="Session_PRServiceStateless">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRServiceStateless_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRServiceStateless_EngineCMTLocal">
<session id="Session_EngineCMT">
<description>PegaRULES Engine (Container Managed)</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineCMT_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineCMT_EngineCMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineCMT_LockManagerLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineCMT_DatabaseLocal">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_prconfig">
<description>location of prconfig.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_prbootstrap">
<description>location of prbootstrap.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_prlogging">
<description>location of prlogging.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_keyring">
<description>location of pegarules.keyring file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_extclasses">
<description>location of folder containing class files used by
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_extlibdir">
<description>location of folder containing jar files used by
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_tracefile">
<description>file spec for trace output from pr3native profile
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_tempdir">
<description>location of folder to be used for PegaRULES
temporary workspace</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_gclogfile">
<description>file spec for garbage collection statistics (input
to PegaRULES analysis)</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_eis_adapter_conn_factory">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_jms_tcf_async">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_jms_topic_asynctrigger">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_jdbc_pegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_jdbc_adminpegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_jdbc_prfilestore">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_wm_pegaworkmanager">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineCMT_url_prmbeans">
<description>location of file</description>
<session id="Session_EngineBMT">
<description>PegaRULES Engine (Bean Managed)</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineBMT_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineBMT_EngineCMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineBMT_LockManagerLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_EngineBMT_DatabaseLocal">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_prconfig">
<description>location of prconfig.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_prbootstrap">
<description>location of prbootstrap.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_prlogging">
<description>location of prlogging.xml file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_keyring">
<description>location of pegarules.keyring file</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_extclasses">
<description>location of folder containing class files used by
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_extlibdir">
<description>location of folder containing jar files used by
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_tracefile">
<description>file spec for trace output from pr3native profile
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_tempdir">
<description>location of folder to be used for PegaRULES
temporary workspace</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_gclogfile">
<description>file spec for garbage collection statistics (input
to PegaRULES analysis)</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_eis_adapter_conn_factory">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_jms_tcf_async">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_jms_topic_asynctrigger">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_jdbc_pegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_jdbc_adminpegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_jdbc_prfilestore">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_wm_pegaworkmanager">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_EngineBMT_url_prmbeans">
<description>location of file</description>
<session id="Session_LockManager">
<description>PegaRULES lock manager methods</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_LockManager_DatabaseLocal">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_LockManager_jdbc_pegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_LockManager_jdbc_adminpegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_LockManager_jdbc_prfilestore">
<session id="Session_Database">
<description>PegaRULES Database methods</description>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_Database_jdbc_pegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_Database_jdbc_adminpegarules">
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_Database_jdbc_prfilestore">
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_PRAsync">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRAsync_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_PRAsync_EngineCMTLocal">
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_STOBJMSListener" xmlns="">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener STOBJMSListener</description>
<message-driven-destination id="MessageDrivenDestination_STOBJMSListener">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_STOBJMSListener_EngineBMTLocal">
<description />
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_STOBJMSListener_EngineCMTLocal">
<description />
<description>Role associated with authorized users</description>
<description>Default create method</description>
<description>Default create method</description>
<description>Start the enterprise tier of PegaRULES (local only)</description>
<description>Stop the enterprise tier of PegaRULES (local only)</description>
<description>Default create method</description>
<description>Default create method</description>
<description>Start the enterprise tier of PegaRULES (local only)</description>
<description>Stop the enterprise tier of PegaRULES (local only)</description>
<description>Default create method</description>
<description>Default create method</description>

Pegasystems Inc.
Looks like your DD is incomplete. It is complaining about several missing elements. There must have been a problem in DD generation in ML6. Why don't you add the missing elements and try again? You could use the snippet I sent for reference.

Hi Praneeth - is the JBoss DD generator will work for Weblogic 12c as well? Please confirm then I will try you snippet.

Pegasystems Inc.
Let me check. I have a local Weblogic 12c instance. Will bring up my server and try to create a DD with a custom MDB.
Updated: 8 Dec 2015 12:45 EST

Hi Praneeth, I have tried the snippet provided by you but this time I am getting the below exception while uploading the ear in the weblogic.
Hi Praneeth, I have tried the snippet provided by you but this time I am getting the below exception while uploading the ear in the weblogic.
VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND <268:5> problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements 'transaction-descriptor@ iiop-security-descriptor@ resource-description@ resource-env-description@ ejb-reference-description@ service-reference-description@ enable-call-by-reference@ network-access-point@ clients-on-same-server@ run-as-principal-name@ create-as-principal-name@ remove-as-principal-name@ passivate-as-principal-name@ jndi-name@ local-jndi-name@ dispatch-policy@ remote-client-timeout@ stick-to-first-server@ jndi-binding@' instead of 'reference-descriptor@' here in element weblogic-enterprise-bean@
Updated: 8 Dec 2015 10:05 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is an example of weblogic generated using 7.1.8 functionality, but the runtime behavior is the same, you should be able to use it.

Hi Kevin - I am unable to locate the snippet of the one that you have referred as example. please share the same.

Pegasystems Inc.
Just attached.

Hi Joydeep,
Here is the snippet of code we need to change in 7.1.6
<message-driven xmlns="" id="MessageDriven_RaviMDBListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener RaviMDBListener</description>
Hi Joydeep,
Here is the snippet of code we need to change in 7.1.6
<message-driven xmlns="" id="MessageDriven_RaviMDBListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener RaviMDBListener</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_RaviMDBListener_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_RaviMDBListener_EngineCMTLocal">
Here RaviMDBListener is the jmsMDB listener name.
Hope this helps!

Pegasystems Inc.
Gangabadu is using <message-destination-type> instead of <destination-type>. It is worth trying!!

Pegasystems Inc.
I executed a test on my PRPC71ML7 running on WebLogic Server. The generated ejb-jar.xml is also using <message-destination-type> and NOT <destination-type>. The update prpc_wls_jee4.ear deployed fine without any issue.
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_Mortgage_Flow" xmlns="">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener Mortgage_Flow</description>
I executed a test on my PRPC71ML7 running on WebLogic Server. The generated ejb-jar.xml is also using <message-destination-type> and NOT <destination-type>. The update prpc_wls_jee4.ear deployed fine without any issue.
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_Mortgage_Flow" xmlns="">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener Mortgage_Flow</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_Mortgage_Flow_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_Mortgage_Flow_EngineCMTLocal">
<container-transaction xmlns="">

Deployment did not gave any exception now, but after restart the weblogic server we are getting the below warning in nohup.out file. Can you please let us know if there is a way to check like "Test Connectivity" from Weblogic side?
<Dec 9, 2015 9:44:35 AM CET> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB STOBJMSListener is unable to connect to the JMS destination JMSSTOB_ServiceClient. The Error was:The JMS connection factory with the JNDI name: weblogic.jms.MessageDrivenBeanConnectionFactory could not be found. Please ensure that the JNDI name in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml or corresponding annotation is correct, and the JMS connection factory has been deployed. NestedException Message is :Name not found: 'weblogic.jms.MessageDrivenBeanConnectionFactory'>

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you sure that's the correct JNDI name for the connection factory? You need to check the JNDI name of the connection factory on your remote Weblogic server. Have you created a custom connection factory on the remote server?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Joydeep,
It looks like you have not specified the destination-jndi-name in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. In my example, I have added <destination-jndi-name>jms/SimonJMSMDBQueue</destination-jndi-name> which is a JMS Queue destination for my Mortgage_Flow MDB.
Please verify your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.

Hi Simon/Praneeth,
We have correctly mentioned the file entry in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. but is it JNDI name of the QUEUE or the JNDI name for the connection factory?
Right now it is JNDI QUEUE name as per the pdn.
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file entry -
Following is the Weblogic configuration of the JNDI Q, CF -
Hi Simon/Praneeth,
We have correctly mentioned the file entry in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. but is it JNDI name of the QUEUE or the JNDI name for the connection factory?
Right now it is JNDI QUEUE name as per the pdn.
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file entry -
Following is the Weblogic configuration of the JNDI Q, CF -

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Joydeep,
<destination-jndi-name> in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml should point to the JMS Queue destination.

Hi Simon - Ok then it is properly configured with the same name as it was created in Weblogic. So what could else be the problem? Is there a way to check the "Test Connectivity" inside the weblogic?

Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure about test connectivity from within Weblogic. But looks like connection factory configuration is missing in your DD. You need to set an activation config property in your ejb-jar.xml I think. Refer to these posts:


Pegasystems Inc.
If you need a formal engagement of Pega GCS, please create a SR for this.


Hi Praneeth,
Below is the entry in the ejb-jar.xml file and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. If I refer the Connection Factory JNDI name in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml then where should I specify the JNDI name for the actual Queue?
ejb-jar.xml -
<message-driven xmlns="" id="MessageDriven_STOBJMSListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener STOBJMSListener</description>
Hi Praneeth,
Below is the entry in the ejb-jar.xml file and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. If I refer the Connection Factory JNDI name in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml then where should I specify the JNDI name for the actual Queue?
ejb-jar.xml -
<message-driven xmlns="" id="MessageDriven_STOBJMSListener">
<description>Message Driven Bean for JMS Listener STOBJMSListener</description>
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_STOBJMSListener_EngineBMTLocal">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_STOBJMSListener_EngineCMTLocal">
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file-
Please help.
Thanks & Regards,

Bank of America Corporation
Please share final solution on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for posting your query in the PSC. This looks like an inactive post and hence, we suggest you create a new post for your query. Click on the Write a Post button that’s available on the top right pane of this page. Once created, please reply back here with the URL of the new post.
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