
Posted: Feb 10, 2016
Last activity: Feb 11, 2016
Last activity: 11 Feb 2016 5:18 EST
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Accepted Solution
I see something in your snapshot about
not authorized to create . . . PYGEO . . .
Is perhaps part of the issue that you are attempting to use a name starting with "py" ? Such names seem to be mostly reserved for system use. I say mostly because the data-transforms are often called "pyDefault" and that use of "py" starting the name seems to be allowed (and even encouraged!). /Eric
Hi Martin,
Which operator you are using to create the new application?
Accepted Solution
I see something in your snapshot about
not authorized to create . . . PYGEO . . .
Is perhaps part of the issue that you are attempting to use a name starting with "py" ? Such names seem to be mostly reserved for system use. I say mostly because the data-transforms are often called "pyDefault" and that use of "py" starting the name seems to be allowed (and even encouraged!). /Eric
thx for your answers.
@ARULDEVAN T.T: I am using an operator with the access group "Application:Administrator". So it shouldn't be a problem with having to little rights to create an application.
@Eric: Good point! Unfortunately, there is no name starting with "py" when I create the application. I don't even "touch" other rules. All the errors pop up when I create a new application.
Try creating applications with the PEGA default administrator id.
Question Solved
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