Pega mashup / IAC troubleshooting : "PRGateway Exception: error response from PRPC" when preview Gadget
I am working on a proof of concept for a customer in Germany, and the customer requires a Pega Mashup: a PRPC work object to be embedded into their corporate webpage.
As is often the case at a security-conscious customer site, access to the customer's servers is going to be very restricted. Therefore we wish to create a proof of concept, a pilot installation of the mashup ahead of the actual implementation in order to determine and then document precisely all the configuration needed.
To do this, we are using a 'VMWare' PRPC instance running on a laptop, and on the same laptop a 'Tomcat' servlet container to run Pega Composite Gateway 'prgateway.war', and later on we will be using an Apache webserver instance to serve a mockup of the customer's webpage with our embedded Gadget inside it. The Gadget can be tested just using Tomcat - for detailed instructions to do this, see below.
The problem is, PRGateway can generate my Gadget successfully but I cannot run the gadget connecting via PRGateway; my gadget will only run as a standalone file connecting directly to prpc. If I open the Gadget using the PRGateway 'Preview' button at the bottom of the Gadget Setup screen, I get "PRGateway Exception: error response from PRPC".
I am working on a proof of concept for a customer in Germany, and the customer requires a Pega Mashup: a PRPC work object to be embedded into their corporate webpage.
As is often the case at a security-conscious customer site, access to the customer's servers is going to be very restricted. Therefore we wish to create a proof of concept, a pilot installation of the mashup ahead of the actual implementation in order to determine and then document precisely all the configuration needed.
To do this, we are using a 'VMWare' PRPC instance running on a laptop, and on the same laptop a 'Tomcat' servlet container to run Pega Composite Gateway 'prgateway.war', and later on we will be using an Apache webserver instance to serve a mockup of the customer's webpage with our embedded Gadget inside it. The Gadget can be tested just using Tomcat - for detailed instructions to do this, see below.
The problem is, PRGateway can generate my Gadget successfully but I cannot run the gadget connecting via PRGateway; my gadget will only run as a standalone file connecting directly to prpc. If I open the Gadget using the PRGateway 'Preview' button at the bottom of the Gadget Setup screen, I get "PRGateway Exception: error response from PRPC".
- There are NO errors in the Pega logs. There is infact nothing in the Pega logs to indicate the connection was even attempted.
- The PRGateway logs are in Tomcat, files in the tomcat\temp directory 'PRPCGateway-2016-Apr-08_0_0.log, after setting the PRGateway log details level to 'CONFIG', I am seeing an entry "INFO: Response Status=400" and I assume this is the standard http code 'Bad Request'.
Downloading and editing the Gadget files in a new directory, we can set the pega.web.config.gatewayURL to connect directly to the PRPC instance instead of via PRGateway (line 8 in the Gadget html file) and then open the file using, say, Firefox. This works beautifully, and the Gadget displays exactly as hoped. However we must use PRGateway in the real installation as it performs the task of a reverse-proxy server for PRPC, and the customer's network design requires this.
Does anybody have any suggestions for troubleshooting this?