How to convert corespondence to word file.
Hi ,
any one knows how to convert Correspondence rule to word file .
thanks for help.
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Hi ,
any one knows how to convert Correspondence rule to word file .
thanks for help.
Hi Pramod, Good morning!
would reading the correspondence content in a property and referring this property in a cloned flow action of CreateMergedWordDoc works?
Please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!
If you want to convert Correspondence rule to word on client side, then you can follow application document wizard approach (Designer Studio -> Application -> Tools -> Document). Need to create a word template and include following field code:
{pega:insert corr=CorrespondenceRuleName}
What is the exact use case and Pega version? Depending on that a simple solution can be followed like creating a file from Correspondecne stream and setting correct MIME type and File extension values through an activity rule.
We have using pega 7.1.6 version right now. and the requirement is to generate a word file based on clip board data and attach this word file in mail.
can you please give me your suggestion on this.
thanks in advance.
Please try this approach:
Hope this helps you!
Hi ,
Any ideas/ suggestions to this issue.
see if this helps:
There are some details here on using both the Microsoft 2003 XML Format to generate Dynamic WORD documents here; as well as some details of about using the Java Library DOCX4J.
And PRPC has (Out of the Box) way of generating WORD files that can editing and saved back to PRPC as well (using a Microsoft Silverlight control).
Also: I haven't tried this but you *might* be able to get away with just generating HTML; setting the file extension to 'doc' (or 'docx' maybe?), setting the MIME Type....
(Certaintly a similar approach works for generating EXCEL files - PRPC does this with the 'Export To Excel' mechanism for instance).
Hope this helps,
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