Transport for NSW
Last activity: 22 Jun 2015 10:28 EDT
Create a Decision Tree - Fail to create rule RequiresVPApproval
While working on the excercise: Create a Decision Tree, I could not proceed past step 5 as per the Procedure (Create a Decision Tree.pdf), which states:
"5. Make any changes you may want to the label name, check the identifier and then click Create and open to create the decision tree rule."
The problem is the rule window (as shown in step 8) used to configure the decision tree does not open so it is not possible to complete steps 6 onwards.
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue.
FYI, I had no issues in creating a decision table as per a preceding excercise.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Are you using IE or Chrome? If you are using Chrome, please try using IE.
Bill Rathert
PEGA Academy
Pegasystems Inc.
to be fair, you have no choice but to use IE. The decision tree rule form is one of the few remaining ruleforms limited to IE-only. It's possible the reason you did not see anything after clicking Create and open is because of pop-up blockers. If you are using a browser other than IE, a pop-up window opens with a message This ruleform is currently only compatible with Internet Explorer.
Transport for NSW
Bill, Eddie,
I am using IE to complete the workshops. I'll check if the popup blocker is turned off then retry this exercise.
Thanks for the prompt replies,
Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, even when using IE the decision table rule form opens in a new window. At least allow pop ups from the Pega 7 server.
Transport for NSW
I tried creating the Decision Tree rule again after turning off the pop-up blocker in IE but was unsuccessful. This is what I tried:
1. Turned off the popup blocker. For IE version 11 this involved going to IE's Internet Options>Privacy>"Turn on Pop-up Blocker" ticked OFF. Then I closed my IE browser session and reopened a new one and logged on to Pega 7 Designer Studio (DS) again.
2. Redo step 5 of the exercise: "5. Make any changes you may want to the label name, check the identifier and then click Create and open to create the decision tree rule."
3. Upon clicking Create and open DS simply closes the Create Decision Tree tab. There is no rule configuration window displayed as per step 8 of the exercise. It seems like the create process just terminates without doing anything.
4. I double-checked that IE's pop-up blocker was still off and it was.
Anything else I could try in order to resolve this issue?
Cheers, Richard
Pegasystems Inc.
I'm testing this in a Windows VM w/ IE 11.0.18, and it seems to work for me.
try this - 1) open the App Explorer, 2) expand the Candidate case type, then 3) expand the Decision Tree category and click on CandidateScoring to see if it opens.
tell me what happens
Transport for NSW
I can do steps 1 and 2. Upon doing step 3, I get the a single line item CandidateScoring in the DecisionTree window but thats it. I was hoping that I could double-click on CandidateScoring to open a decision tree editor of some kind, but nothing happens. Should something happen as a result of this action?
So right now I'm still unable to configure this decision tree. Any other ideas for completing this.
Pegasystems Inc.
can I trouble you to email me a screen shot of what you are seeing?
It might be easier (and faster) to sort this via email, then we can post back our findings here.
My email is: [email protected]