
Avaya india
Last activity: 30 Jun 2017 17:55 EDT
calling decision table from decision tree
Can someone explain me how to call decision table from decision tree?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you try this;
IF @(Pega-RULES:String).contains("Pass_Values_Here", Param.PARAMETER) then "Call Decision Table" "NameOFDT"

Avaya india
can you please explain me in brief

Pegasystems Inc.
With the combination of if, then, otherwise condition you can call the decision table inside the decision tree. Appropriately the decision table and tree needs to be parameterized. We usually call the decision tree inside a decision tree and not see the use case where we need to call the table in a tree. Enclosed are few best practices followed for Decision Table and Tree;
Decision tree is used whenever we want to return a value based on certain conditions. This basically simulates the if… then logic
If you're making decisions on a series of data that are different from one branch to the next, use decision tree.
Decision tree uses function alias to determine the conditions that are used for returning the value. Each condition can further be nested into multiple levels. Based on our requirement if we want to return a value based on values of 2 or 3 properties then we will use nested conditions. If required we can call another decision tree from current one
The basic difference between decision tree and decision table is that in decision table every condition should depend on all the specified properties. And we cannot specify or logic between the properties.
As opposed to evaluating all the clipboard properties for any given row in Decision tables, you can evaluate specific properties for a given row in Decision Trees
With the combination of if, then, otherwise condition you can call the decision table inside the decision tree. Appropriately the decision table and tree needs to be parameterized. We usually call the decision tree inside a decision tree and not see the use case where we need to call the table in a tree. Enclosed are few best practices followed for Decision Table and Tree;
Decision tree is used whenever we want to return a value based on certain conditions. This basically simulates the if… then logic
If you're making decisions on a series of data that are different from one branch to the next, use decision tree.
Decision tree uses function alias to determine the conditions that are used for returning the value. Each condition can further be nested into multiple levels. Based on our requirement if we want to return a value based on values of 2 or 3 properties then we will use nested conditions. If required we can call another decision tree from current one
The basic difference between decision tree and decision table is that in decision table every condition should depend on all the specified properties. And we cannot specify or logic between the properties.
As opposed to evaluating all the clipboard properties for any given row in Decision tables, you can evaluate specific properties for a given row in Decision Trees
Similar to Decision table we can restrict the allowed results. Similarly we can restrict the list of functions being used in the configuration tab
Hope this information helps.
Sai Suresh Yaramati Gaurav Londhe

Areteans Technology Solutions ltd
You can use the function DecisionTable.ObtainValue()

Afroz ali Malleswari Pottanamada Vidya Devi Venkata Shubhakar Yadavalli Aarti Jani and 4 More

Pegasystems Inc.
The following PDN link shows 2 examples: