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version 6.3
I need to report definition contain the column "number line", which would contain a sequence number line report definition.
How to do it?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
I have not been able to figure out a way to do this but I have reached out to some more clever people to see if they can. It certainly is not a OOTB feature.
Cecil Howell, CSA | Senior Instructor | Pegasystems Inc.
So this is actually pretty simple to accomplish for LIST reports.
1) Create a custom control that outputs the page list subscript of the current page:
2) Add a column to the report (should be first column) and assign it to any property you want
3) Change the column to be formatted using the custom control you just created
Now when the report is run the custom control will output the row number.
Emilio Gaudette
Question Solved
Question Solved
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