Document Now button does not work
I have downloaded and setup the virtual machine required for Business Architect Essentials (7.1.)
The VM seems to be working, as I have been able to finish all of the exercises up through Unit 3 topic 3. However, in topic 4, I need to create documentation by clicking on the "Document Now" button; but when I do that, nothing seems to happen.
I am running on a Windows 7, 64bit desktop with 16GB of RAM
I am using Chrome (version 40.0.2214.111 m), but I have also tried FireFox (version 35.0.1), and Internet Explorer (version 11.0.9600.17633)
I have verified I have Silverlight installed (version 5.1.31211.0)
I set Silverlight to run automatically.
I turned off my popup blocker
I have rebooted after making changes to Chrome
I don't know what else to try and I am bummed to be stopped because I was moving along in my training pretty quickly until this issue blocked me.
Any ideas on what to try next would be greatly appreciated.