
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 5 Aug 2015 16:01 EDT
What are your favorite, free third-party tools?
Did you see the recently revamped PDN Article, Favorite free (or cheap) developer tools?
Do you have additional tools to share? [Banish FOMO.]
Post your favorites here!
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here is my list :
Fiddler - to trace the HTTP requests at browser level
SOAP UI - to test SOAP/REST services.
tcpmon - to trace the SOAP request/response.
IBM Support Assistant workbench - to analyze performance and OutOfMemory issues (thread dumps and heap dumps

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gopi,
Thanks for your suggestions.
Your first two favorites are already documented in the PDN Article, https://collaborate.pega.com/question/pega-marketing-marketing721vm20160509-broken.
We're looking for additional tools (not documented in the article).
I'm glad that you have vetted Fiddler and SOAP UI!
The PDN Article originally included TCPMon and IBM Support Assistant, but we removed those tools for the following reasons:
- TCPMon is no longer supported: https://ws.apache.org/tcpmon/
- IBM Support Assistant Does not belong in the PDN Article because it is a support site and, as such, can be categorized with all of the other support sites for 3rd party products -- beyond the scope of the PDN Article.
Perhaps these reasons are not strong justifications for removing TCPMon and IBM Support Assistant.[??]
Let's hope that other community members will weigh in on these tools!
(Looking Ahead: As this new list evolves, perhaps we can eventually consolidate the vetted information to create a community article that supplements the PDN Article. The community article would be easy to maintain with open access to all -- for authoring and commenting.)

my bad! i misunderstood the post based on the title. Its a very useful list. Thanks Mary!

GCViewer - This utility counts the number of full garbage collection
Tattletale - Tattletale is a tool that can help you get an overview of the project you are working on or a product that you depend on. Very useful for JAR dependencies etc..
Updated: 20 Mar 2015 11:53 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I am going to suggest Greenshot under the screen capture / recording heading. I discovered this via someone else but as I can't see it listed I thought it worth adding.
This is great because it has tools to quickly / easily obfuscate data that you don't want to include in the screen shot (names of people / servers, personal data etc.), and plenty of other quick effects like highlights, lines, arrows etc. It also has plugins for stuff like MS office / dropbox to export the screen shot to excel, word etc with one click. So far my favorite screen capture tool and I have used the others in the PDN article.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for this one, Marc. I plan to check it out. I've typically used Snagit but Greenshot sounds like it could be better.
Updated: 23 Mar 2015 11:11 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Just what we need, Marc!
Many Thanks,

Pegasystems Inc.
By far, cygwin - I can run my linux/aix scripts in cygwin with all the power they entrust under a windows commandish prompt. Supports ssh, xwindows and everything under the sun, gives up a bash/korn/awk/grep/the whole world of utilities... to export it for a client to use, just need to export cygwin64.dll with the program you want to use and it will run anywhere with a tiny few file footprint.

For quite a few months I've been enjoying the Xmarks tool .
If I add a bookmark to my IE browser, the Xmarks tool makes the bookmark magically appear on my Chrome as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
Fiddler, SOAP UI, SQL Developer and I realise this isn't a tool but I find it very useful when writing Edit Validates (http://www.regexr.com/)

Pegasystems Inc.
While your first free favorites are documented in the PDN Article, Favorite free (or cheap) developer tools, your last one -- RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx -- is not. This utility seems to be a truly free alternative to RegexBuddy: Learn, Create, Understand, Test, Use and Save Regular Expression, which is listed in the PDN Article. Nice.
Many thanks for sharing your favorites and giving us a new one to explore!

I like the Luke tool look into the Lucene indices of PRPC for debugging issues - https://code.google.com/p/luke/

Pegasystems Inc.
Irfanview for Screen caps - IrfanView - Official Homepage - one of the most popular viewers worldwide. Can capture whole desktop or active window. Can then edit image (select and crop, select and cut, etc.), add text, highlight, etc. and then save in a variety of picture formats.

Pegasystems Inc.
draw.io for any sort of diagrams and flowcharts
Fernando Diaz Luque
Updated: 5 Aug 2015 16:01 EDT

WinDirStat shows the file sizes on my PCs drive as rectangles proportional to file size and laid out following the file path structure. There is also a structured file path tree with sizes at all levels in the hierarchy, and by clicking on either, highlights the other. There is also space usage by file type. This tool makes it easy to find space hogs when you need to get some space back on your drive.
Nice screen print and Free at https://windirstat.info/
And for file searching, I love Agent Ransack. Search by name or part of name, and/or file content on your PC drive. And you can limit the search to a specified path.
Also free at Agent Ransack - Free File Searching Utility
There is a note that there is a corporate banded version, but it is otherwise the same as the one above.