
Accenture Services Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
upgrade PRPC6.3 SP1 to PRPC 7.1.8 general query
We are upgading from PRPC6.3 SP1 to PRPC 7.1.8 single schema to split schema and have few queries regarding this.
1. what the dataOnly upgrade process does? What changes it used to do in the schema?
2. We have seen, in dataOnly upgrade process doesnot make any changes in the custom application specific tables. Why is so?
3. Few columns has ben added in PRPC7.1.8 which was not there in PRPC 6.3. Do we need to manually add those columns (like PXCOMMITDATETIME/PXSAVEDATETIME)? Any other steps we need to follow for custom application tables apart of columns addition? Will there be any impact if we don't add those columns?
Kindly suggest.
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NIIT Technologies Limited
1. what the dataOnly upgrade process does? What changes it used to do in the schema?
DataOnly upgrade is used to upgrade only data schema. It ignores the ant targets related to rules schema upgrade. For example - Load engine, Rules Upgrade, etc.
2. We have seen, in dataOnly upgrade process doesnot make any changes in the custom application specific tables. Why is so?
Because Pega doesn't want to touch customer created objects. Also, Pega will not have any information related to custom database objects, so upgrade process cannot generate DB scripts to update application specific tables. After upgrade process is done, run Optimize schema wizard which shows the list of missing indexes, columns and tables to create them.
3. Few columns has ben added in PRPC7.1.8 which was not there in PRPC 6.3. Do we need to manually add those columns (like PXCOMMITDATETIME/PXSAVEDATETIME)? Any other steps we need to follow for custom application tables apart of columns addition? Will there be any impact if we don't add those columns?
Missing columns must be added for the application to run properly. If columns are missing in Pega shipped tables, Pega upgrade process will take care of it. For custom tables, run Optimize schema wizard post upgrade.

Accenture Services Pvt Ltd
Thanks a lot Ravi for your response.
1. As you suggested, to add missing columns for custom tables we need to use Optimize Schema Wizard (Designer Studio > System > Database > Optimize Schema). Once we select the DB, it's showing option to find out unused tables/columns on that schema. But not getting option to add missing columns in custom tables. Could you please mention the steps from where we can find option to add Pega7 specific missing columns in custom tables?
View the index suggestions
View the unused tables
View the unused column
Invalid Class Mappings
2. Also when upgrade process adds new columns specific to pega7, will it also inserts data or only creates columns with out any data? Hope we don't need to insert any data to the columns that we will create for custom tables in step1.
Please suggest.

NIIT Technologies Limited
1. Apologies!! You have to run Pega ==> System ==> Upgrade ==> PRPC Schema Report landing page. It will give the list of missing columns. I guess to populate data in these columns we have to run expose column utility. Dhevendra?
2. Upgrade process will take care of inserting data into newly created Pega7 shipped columns.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Animesh,
Please follow the below steps .
1. Pega -> System -> Release -> Upgrade -> PRPC Schema Report landing page for identifying the missing columns.
2. The Optimize schema wizard is used for removing the unused tables from Rules and Data schema which doesn't have any class reference post split schema upgrade.
Thank you,

Pegasystems Inc.
Mising PRPC Shipped Schema in PRPC Schema Reprot Landing page will not give the missing columns for the custom work and history tables.This will only checks if any OOTB tables, views etc are missing in the system.
You need to manually add these columns to customer application specific work and history tables by reviewing PC_WORK and PC_HISTROY_WORK tables. You no need populate these columns data and your existing work objects will work as it is.

NIIT Technologies Limited
Thank you Dhevendra.
But 'Upgrade rules tables' and 'Upgrade data tables' sections on PRPC schema report landing page can give the information regarding missing columns, right?
I can see non-pega shipped tables under these sections in my instance.

Pegasystems Inc.
That will only gives for customer Rule- and Data- custom tables not work- and History- tables.

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
We are facing issue in upgrade of pega 6.2 to 7.1.8 ...Could you please clarify the below queries? Appreciate your quick response
1. Is it not advisable to use resume.sh whenever upgrade.sh execution fails?
2. Does executing Upgrade.Sh do the rule movement from PR4_RULE to PR4_RULE_RULESET? and migrate.sh script does not do it?( I mean the project related rules in project rule sets and the PEGA rule sets including both or pega only? )
3. What are the other movements does upgrade.sh script do?
4. Does migrate.sh move project related code and rulesets from pr4_rule to pr4_rule_ruleset, pr4_rule_declarepages etc?

Pegasystems Inc.
This question is already answerd on the below thread.