Last activity: 22 Mar 2017 11:32 EDT
Is there any Pega rule which will return multiple results based on multiple conditions true?
Dear Pegaites,
I have a requirement to evaluate data for multiple valid combinations and return different results. Any decision rule like decision table/tree only return the result where particular row data is matched. But I want to evaluate all the rows till the end and return all true results. I know in Pega 7 we have Cascading approval rule which does the similar thing and the decision table called there does evaluate all the rows and return the result set but its more designed for multiple approvals. I want to achieve the similar functionality but for different use case.
The options I thought
1. Was to call the decision table/tree multiple times in a loop and keep a flag as a column in decision table for previous valid combination to not to check it again if the combination was returned true earlier.
2. Instead of calling decision tree/table check the preconditions in activity for each valid combination of data and set mutiple flags true.
Your suggestion are welcome.