Last activity: 29 Feb 2016 11:28 EST
SOAP Wizard Creation Error
When using the SOAP Service Wizard in the training lesson, I get the following error when hitting the create button at the end: Unable to load HRServices:Administrators (~Access Group~): from database
I think the wizard is trying to update the Access Group with the new production rule set and is failing, but I'm not too sure what to do to overcome this. Has anyone else seen this?
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Never seen this issue but:
- Could you send a screenshot of the issue?
- Can you be precise on which button (label) and at what point in the wizard you are clicking on. Create a new case button or Finish the SOAP service wizard?
- What makes you think a production rule set will be updated?
Pega Academy Support Team
This is the error screen itself, but on the previous screen the only Ruleset avalable was Production Ruleset, so I was assuming that the Wzard was trying to add the rule set to the access group
ok so you are not using a service wizard but a connector wizard.
When I use the PRPC WSDL from the SSA 7.1 PVS
I cannot reproduce the error and I can click Create.
Can you make sure you are logged with the correct user (I used admin@sae) and in the correct application?
Pega Academy Support Team
Updated: 26 Feb 2016 11:03 EST
@Damien Did you try the PVS or current cloud environment?
I'm using the SSA PVS of version 7.1.6 and ran into this very same issue. Are issues like these on the roadmap for getting fixed?
Quality assurance as well as Academy Support should be able to reproduce it easily by just following the steps of any trainee.
PS. Of course I can de-associate the runtime production ruleset I've called "HRReporting:01-01-01", but this defeats the Reporting exercise, which I could not yet finished since it also has some issue.
Can you contact: [email protected] ?
Pega Academy Support Team
Updated: 10 Feb 2016 12:20 EST
Agora Group
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Hi all,
Today i ran into the same error as Chris: Unable to load HRServices:Administrators (~Access Group~): from database.
Is there a known resolution for this?
Hi all,
Got a hint from ChrisK78, the isssue is related to a system bug. This can be overcome by removing the production rule-sets from the application.
Good luck!
Updated: 26 Feb 2016 11:06 EST
Actually, what I just did as workaround - once I read the hint from ChrisK78 posted by NielsUij - is settings the Effective Start Date for this conflicting Production RuleSet to some future date.
This way we fool the "magical" PRPC fall through algorithm used during population of the controls that are part of the Context panel of the SOAP Connector Wizard. It should no longer display the layer for Production Rulesets and so the Generate Records step can now finish creating the rules.
Updated: 26 Feb 2016 11:07 EST
Setting a future Effective Start Date seems to work for Internet Explorer, but not Firefox and Chrome. Pega 7.1.6 still needs cross-browser fixing... Meanwhile disassociated your runtime Production rulesets from your current Access Group.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello, I'm sorry I'm a late response to this posting. Hopefully the following information will help future students with this exercise. The full research replicating the issue steps can be found here on the Mesh: https://mesh.pega.com/docs/DOC-98963
Abbreviated response here:
The assumption is that the students added the production ruleset to the Admin@SAE access group instead of the Managers access group. The expectation for that reporting exercise was that the Managers would be able to create reports in Production. Not the administrator… Depending on how the student approached the Reporting exercises they will run into issues in the soap connector exercise.
I added the production reporting ruleset to the Admin access group. And I was able to replicate the issue/screenshots in this posting.
The learning to take away from this exercise is the objective is to create a soap connector at the appropriate reuse layer. Production ruleset is not the appropriate layer. Typically the sysadmin will not be creating rules in production either. And definitely not integrations. An operator with the wrong access group settings ran this wizard. Recommend a “Do Over”. Remove the reporting production ruleset from the Administrator Access Group. Log out. Log in. Run the connector wizard again.
Hello, I'm sorry I'm a late response to this posting. Hopefully the following information will help future students with this exercise. The full research replicating the issue steps can be found here on the Mesh: https://mesh.pega.com/docs/DOC-98963
Abbreviated response here:
The assumption is that the students added the production ruleset to the Admin@SAE access group instead of the Managers access group. The expectation for that reporting exercise was that the Managers would be able to create reports in Production. Not the administrator… Depending on how the student approached the Reporting exercises they will run into issues in the soap connector exercise.
I added the production reporting ruleset to the Admin access group. And I was able to replicate the issue/screenshots in this posting.
The learning to take away from this exercise is the objective is to create a soap connector at the appropriate reuse layer. Production ruleset is not the appropriate layer. Typically the sysadmin will not be creating rules in production either. And definitely not integrations. An operator with the wrong access group settings ran this wizard. Recommend a “Do Over”. Remove the reporting production ruleset from the Administrator Access Group. Log out. Log in. Run the connector wizard again.
You will likely run into a different brainteaser to think through. At what level do you want to create the connector? Depending on which class you choose to create the soap connector in you will be presented with different options in the context below. For example, the default in the wizard is at SAE-Int. Note, the class SAE-Int is mapped to the SAEInt ruleset. And SAE-HRServices-Work is mapped to HRServices. The exercise scenario states “The employee services are used by several applications within the organization.” As such, the right course of action is to map the connector to the SAEInt ruleset. There is a wizard bug here, I needed to unlock the SAEInt ruleset 01-01-01 to get this screen to show properly. Password is “rules”.
I hope this information helps those attempting this exercise in the future.
Tara, Pega Academy Support Team
Updated: 29 Feb 2016 11:28 EST
Thanks for your help, Tara.
As you can see in my "New SOAP Integration" screenshot (above) of the 7.1.6 PVS, I don't have this Reuse Layer dropdown menu at all :-o
Is this some new feature recently introduced or just caused by the wizard bug that you mention?
At times, the course description seems out of sync with the machine image provided.
Hi Niels,
Thanks for the post!