
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 12 Jun 2020 14:38 EDT
Roadmap Tech Talk with Live Q&A
Hi all! I am so excited to share the news that I am a part of PegaWorld iNspire this year! I will be joining Kerim Akgonul, SVP Products, for an exclusive look into the vision and roadmap for Pega’s industry-leading customer service, customer engagement, and intelligent automation platforms. Kerim and I will discuss the enhancements that are coming in AI, robotics, low-code, and more.
We want to hear from YOU! Do you have questions about our roadmap or overall vision? Do you have questions about best practices? Let us know! Please respond to this Collaboration Center post by replying with questions you would like me to ask Kerim! How this will work:
- Either reply to this post with your specific question OR click the I found this helpful button on someone else's reply that you want to hear answered in the live session.
- The quality questions with the most amount of “I found this helpful” clicks will be asked in the live session with Kerim.
- Suggestions for your post:
- Ask something that will benefit the entire Pega Community, not something in the weeds about a specific configuration on your project 😊.
- If your Pega Community username is not your full name, feel free to put your name in your post so we can give you a shout out if we use your question live!
- Promote it! You will likely get more “I found this helpful” clicks on your question if you tweet it or post it on LinkedIn asking for support!
- Unfortunately, due to the limited live session time, we likely will not be able to answer all the questions live. After the event, we will find a way to circle back on the unanswered questions.
I can’t wait to hear from you! See you (virtually) at PegaWorld iNspire!
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Ankur Misra Jennifer Gill Vicky Lirantonakis NUPUR ROY John Sullivan and 1 More -
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Updated: 10 Apr 2020 13:16 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I heard about this new Platform for your Platforms vision from Pega. Can you explain what this is? Also, how do you think this could be provided as a service?
Ankur Misra
Maryrita Cobb Ankur Misra Isla Pageau Aparajita kumari

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ankur,
Alan Trefler will actually be covering that in his keynote: https://www.pega.com/events/pegaworld/agenda/platform-your-platforms! I hope you can because then you can hear of of these details directly from him!

What is the road map of Project fnx and what's been achieved so far?
Venkata Suman Palukuru Jennifer Gill Imranullah DawoodBasha Shiva S Naveen Guthi and 3 More

Pegasystems Inc.
I hope you were able to attend our session and hear your question answered live with Kerim! Also, keep an eye on the Community page (https://community.pega.com/knowledgebase/products/platform/project-fnx) for continued content!
Updated: 17 Apr 2020 5:04 EDT

Virtusa UK Ltd
PEGA is a software which writes software. But does the new introduction of react/redux based component development deviates from this principle? Will that force companies to cross skill or hire people in React or other javascript frameworks? Not all companies which use PEGA have front end experts to create these components.
Pradeep Yarlagadda Murali Kakarla Vyshnav Reddy John Sullivan S MANOJ KUMAR REDDY and 1 More

EPAM Canada
Pega has been always adopting the greatest and latest UI Frameworks ,but that does not mean pega customers has to hire those UI Developers.
Mostly those will be under the cover pega uses and gives developers and pega customers a more easier way of development and ready for the responsive UI and support all kids of devices and browsers.
You may have to just know the same logic and expressions that you already do.
If a company chose to go headless bpm side, offcourse pega supports various APIs and you can do as well
One can build a completely custom UI and use pega process APIs to navigate the cases and data and build your own FORMS etc.
The concept of HeadLess BPM has been there , but not much in the pega side.
Most use opensource bpms and then add this UI layer
Hope this helps

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ganesh,
I hope you were able to attend our PegaWorld session and hear your question answered live! We have also posted a new DX API page (https://community.pega.com/digital-experience-api) on Community and will keep it updated with new content and information.
Updated: 18 Apr 2020 6:15 EDT
Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE
I would be interested to know the vision to extend Pega Call (CTI) enhancement for User-Friendly experience. As per current product offering, it has multiple UI lagging along with measure performance obstacles. (Specially for full telephony).
Vitali Graf

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shiv,
I hope you were able to attend our PegaWorld session and hear your question answered live! If you have additional questions, please continue to utilize Collaboration Center to keep the conversation going!

Automation is becoming more important than ever in our Post-COVID19 world. How does the situation change the roadmap and how we position pega projects to clients? - Do you foresee Pega Robotics for example, becoming more in demand.
Ankesh Kumar H John Sullivan

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Anna,
I hope you were able to attend our session and hear your question answered live! Continue to keep an eye on our RPA content (https://community.pega.com/knowledgebase/products/robotic-process-automation) to stay up to date and if you have any other questions, please keep the conversation going here on Collaboration Center!
Updated: 23 Apr 2020 11:10 EDT

What is your vision for
1. No Code workflows
2. Low Code workflows
3. Pro-Code workflows.
A lot of our customers are interested in the first option, where they want to create workflows on their own, the only issue we find is with integration. Which we believe still requires a System Architects help. Do you have any plans to implement patterns or components to make it available in self-service mode?

Pegasystems Inc.
I hope you were able to attend our session at PegaWorld and hear your question answered live! If you have additional questions, please keep the conversation going here on Collaboration Center!

The organizations which have started their journey towards microservices are benchmarking applications against the 12-factor app. It would be great if Pega can set up a session on how to develop Pega apps which are 12-Factor compliant and get it evaluated by an independent analysts firm?
Adam Guediri

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Imranullah,
Thanks for attending PegaWorld and for your question.
As Pega continues to evolve the underlying architecture via Project Fnx, answers below will also evolve. If you haven't done so already, I highly encourage you to check out the Project Fnx page to learn more.
Here are some or my thoughts on how each of the 12 factors, which were originally defined by Heroku developers, currently apply to Pega.
1. Codebase
One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
Pega includes built-in version control via both ruleset and application versions. Deployment Manager enables you to deploy many times through your CI/CD pipeline.
- More about Deployment Manager:
- More about rulesets:
2. Dependencies
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
Hi Imranullah,
Thanks for attending PegaWorld and for your question.
As Pega continues to evolve the underlying architecture via Project Fnx, answers below will also evolve. If you haven't done so already, I highly encourage you to check out the Project Fnx page to learn more.
Here are some or my thoughts on how each of the 12 factors, which were originally defined by Heroku developers, currently apply to Pega.
1. Codebase
One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
Pega includes built-in version control via both ruleset and application versions. Deployment Manager enables you to deploy many times through your CI/CD pipeline.
- More about Deployment Manager:
- More about rulesets:
2. Dependencies
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
Pega applications and rulesets both declare explicit dependencies. Application definitions include both a list of the rulesets that comprise the logical application as well as a list of both application and component dependencies. Rulesets have the option to either be a logical part of an application using application-based validation or to be shared between applications using explicit ruleset pre-requisite lists.
3. Configuration
Store config in the environment
Pega has built-in capabilities via Application Settings to store environment values by production level. Pega also supports global resource settings that enables applications to dynamically look up values from external sources like a vault or configuration management service.
- More about application settings:
- More about global resource settings:
4. Backing Services
Treat backing services as attached resources
As part of Project Fnx, Pega is separating backing services such as search and stream services as attached resources with independent release cycles.
- Learn more about Project Fnx:
5. Build, release, run
Strictly separate build and run stages
Pega’s unique architecture and rule resolution enables developers to instantly preview their application at any point in time while building an application based on the latest model definition. The model is dynamically assembled into executable code as the application is executed. Efficient caching is built-in to enable to to scale effectively.
Deployment Manager handles the process of publishing changes through a pipeline into production for end-users to access. Test automation, governance policies, and approvals dictate which changes can be successfully published.
One published, end users can seamlessly access and “run” an application to which they have access without any intervention.
6. Processes
Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
While most state is maintained in the Pega data layer, user session data is also managed in the Pega application tier. That said, user sessions can be moved between application servers, or nodes, to support important quality attributes such as high availability and resiliency. Pega also supports stateless process execution through Pega’s REST-based Digital Experience (DX) APIs.
7. Port Binding
Export services via port binding
Pega applications are all accessible via URL and API. Pega provides enormous flexibility for clients with a Cloud Choice guarantee.
- Check out the platform support guide:
- Learn more about Pega’s cloud choice guarantee:
8. Concurrency
Scale out via the process model
Pega isolates each process in a logical container called a Thread to support independent and concurrent execution at scale.
9. Disposability
Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
Pega allows new application changes to be deployed to production with zero disruption or down-time for users.
10. Dev/prod parity
Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
Pega Cloud provisioning standardize environments which vary by production level. Client cloud can leverage standard Pega-provided Docker images. Deployment Manager promotes application changes between environments through your CI/CD pipelines.
- Learn more about Pega-provided docker images.
11. Logs
Treat logs as event streams
Pega Predictive Diagnostic Cloud manages real-time events from Pega applications to help keep your applications running at peak performance and diagnose any issues.
Pega also lets clients access and view logs through Kibana.
- Learn more about PDC:
- Learn more about viewing service logs:
12. Admin Processes
Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
Pega provides job scheduling and queue processing capabilities to handle scheduled and ad-hoc administrative tasks. Pega also provides a full set of system management REST APIs as well as the Admin Studio to support system administration and management.
- Learn more about job schedulers and queue processors:
- Learn more about systems management APIs:
- Learn more about Admin Studio:

American Express
With functional programming paradigm coupled with Event Drivern Architecture growing in ecosystem, is Pega thinking of choreography as against to current monolith orchestration engine?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi there!
I hope you were able to not only attend the live Q&A with Kerim and my at PegaWorld, but also Kerim and Alan's keynote as I think all of those addressed your question. If you have additional questions, please start a new discussion or Q&A on Collaboration Center to keep this discussion going!
Updated: 26 May 2020 7:45 EDT

It was the first time that i am joining in an event like page world iNspire.can you tell me the what exactly does this event conveys to the people.@stephaniel louis

Pegasystems Inc.
I hope you were able to attend the live event and were able to see what each keynote was able to highlight with new announcements and details on our differentiators. The iNnovation Hub was also incredible with live demos, and now demos that are available to replay. Check out pega.com to check out all the content still available if you weren't able to attend!
Updated: 26 May 2020 0:20 EDT

Where do you see case type wrt micro service architecture ? The reason I have asked is, Pega platform is built on a relational database. If my application has 100 of case types. One bad code for one case type can shut down my whole application where DB could a one point of failure.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Niranjan,
I hope you were able to attend all of the PegaWorld keynotes as well as the live Q&A session with Kerim and myself as I feel like our conversations around Process Fabric and Project fnx addresses this. If you still have additional questions, please start a new post here on Collaboration Center to keep the discussion going!

Accenture GmbH
Are there any considerations to move away from the browser-based approach in working with Pega? Or are there ways to improve the way Pega works in browsers like Chrome, IE, etc so that there is less room for errors and it becomes a more stable UX?
Best, Vitali Graf
Shiv Ranjan Vitali Graf John Sullivan Zach Karpinski

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vitali Graf,
I was able to connect with Steve Bixby after PegaWorld and he was able to provide this great insight:
"It sounds like perhaps you have experienced some stability issues in Pega design environment. We are constantly working to improve the stability of the environments with each release and would be happy to address any specific issues you may have encountered. We feel strongly that a browser-based IDE provides the best experience for our users in terms of ease of access, especially for users that are not professional developers. We are currently investing in new front-end technology and in 8.5 you may notice that some of the UI authoring capability in App Studio is a bit more responsive as it has been implemented using some of this new technology. You will continue to see improvements as we roll this out more broadly in upcoming releases."
If you have additional questions, please start new threads here on the Collaboration Center to keep the conversation going!
Updated: 1 Jun 2020 13:55 EDT

BT Capital
Whilst many in the Pega Community are cognizant of the technical merits of your software solutions, how will you be repositioning your marketing roadmap during this time of urgent digital transformation, as companies suddenly realize the importance of change, but may simply default to more "famous" service providers with brand names (often plastered everywhere) that come immediately to the minds of CTO's and CEO's. After all, CTO's and CEO's are humans, and in times of stress, many may not go through a systematic vendor selection process to choose the best solution.
Benjamin Tan Vitali Graf

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you all for submitting questions for Steph and Kerim! As you can imagine, things have been pretty busy after PegaWorld and the response has been amazing from the community. We are currently working with Steph and others to reply to your specific questions in this thread very soon.
Thanks for your patience and if you haven’t already, be sure to check out the PW replays.