
Last activity: 11 Apr 2016 10:13 EDT
Process flow vs screen flow
What are the differences between the process flow and screen flow. What are the similarities and when to use them?
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HI Akila,
Basically a screenflow is used when you have a user to fill multiple pages,forms or screens. Like filling a credit card application with Personal details as one assignment, Work details as the next assignment etc etc
Rest all situations use the normal process flow when you need routing to different users in one flow, when there are multiple paths, parallel assignments etc
Thailambigai Panchanathan Isuru Dananjaya Pramir Gandhi srilatha madasu ARCHANA G

Process flow is the main flow for which you can create a case route to respective operators WL or WB, this can be persisted to DB,anything can be performed here. For ex: use integrator shape to call Websevices, call any smart shapes or what all shapes available can be used in this process flow.
Screen flow can be used by a single operator and completed by single operator here we can use limited shapes no routing of next screen to another operator based on their expertise.
Isuru Dananjaya Nayomi Christina Kuraku Mrinal Pradhan

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is the glossary definition of a screen flow: https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v72/procomhelpmain.htm
A screen flow presents a sequence of assignments to one user. You can use a screen flow to supplement the workflow in a case by calling it from the Subprocess shape in another flow.
The following features distinguish screen flows from other types of flows:
- The ability to jump ahead or go back to different entry points in the flow at run time.
- Routing options that are configured in the Start shape instead of in individual assignments.
- Because one user processes all assignments in a screen flow, you cannot route assignments to different users or to a work queue.
- User actions that are configured in the Assignment shape instead of in a connector.
- A single harness that defines the presentation, such as tabs or nodes in a tree, for every step in the screen flow.
- The ability to branch or call only screen flows that use the same harness.
When considering a screen flow in your application, keep in mind that not all shapes are supported and that a screen flow cannot be designated as a starter flow.
Ravi Ramineni Nithin Bharadwaj Korukonda
Updated: 8 Apr 2016 15:06 EDT

In short, a screen flow has flow action associated with an assignment, rather than a connector. While in normal flows we have flow action associated with the connector.
Nayomi Christina Kuraku

Bernving Associated
You typically use a screenflow when you have one assignment(ie.e one operator) and it makes sense to split up tha task in multiple screens: For a job application you:
1. Enter your personal information
2. If you have apply for a Java position you should load up some sample code
3. Enter Educations
4. Work History
5. Upload your CV
6 Your skills and so on
It makes sense to have this as 6 different flow actions/sections and it makes sense to be able to go back and forth between the screens and some screens are skipped if they are not relevant. All this is easier if you regard this as ONE assignment and solve it with a screen flow that with 6 different assignments. You will still need to create 6 flow actions and 6 sections but they are tied together in a screenflow instead.