
Last activity: 20 Jan 2017 2:02 EST
Practical Applications of Report Definition and Data Pages
Hello Pega Team
I am really confused while doing the exercises of SAE-II. I am not able to know the difference between Data Page and Report Definition. Like when I am doing the exercise of SAE Dental Plans step, what exactly is Report Definition doing here ? Please can you explain me the use of report Definition and Data Page with some suitable real life example. I am currently in the exercise of "Managing Data for Selectable List Controls". and I have no idea of why this report definition is used here. Please help me out.
Sidharth Goutam
Pega Virtual Trainee
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Pegasystems Inc.
A data page is simply cache. A report definition is simply a SQL query used to retrieve records from a database - that we then store in our data page (cache).
In the exercise scenario, the available healthcare plans are stored in a database. We want to display the list of available plans on a web form. So, the first question we have to answer is: how do we typically get those records from the database? use a SQL query. How do we execute a SQL query in Pega 7? use a report definition.
Now, if we use a report definition (SQL query) to populate a drop-down list on a web form, everytime someone accesses that web form the same query is run, over and again. If the data is mostly static we are essentially fetching the same results, over and again. So, what can we do to fetch the data once, then use it until it needs to be refreshed? store it in memory (cache). How do we store stuff in memory in Pega 7? use a data page.
Now, everytime someone accessses the web form, the list is populated from cache - saving a trip to the database.
A data page is simply cache. A report definition is simply a SQL query used to retrieve records from a database - that we then store in our data page (cache).
In the exercise scenario, the available healthcare plans are stored in a database. We want to display the list of available plans on a web form. So, the first question we have to answer is: how do we typically get those records from the database? use a SQL query. How do we execute a SQL query in Pega 7? use a report definition.
Now, if we use a report definition (SQL query) to populate a drop-down list on a web form, everytime someone accesses that web form the same query is run, over and again. If the data is mostly static we are essentially fetching the same results, over and again. So, what can we do to fetch the data once, then use it until it needs to be refreshed? store it in memory (cache). How do we store stuff in memory in Pega 7? use a data page.
Now, everytime someone accessses the web form, the list is populated from cache - saving a trip to the database.
To be clear, if the data is subject to more frequent changes, you could configure the web form so the list is fetched directly from the report definition. But, in the use case for this exercise, we wanted to prove how to fetch records from a database and store them in memory - and then access that memory for use elsewhere in the application.
Hope this helps clear it up.
Shaik Mohamed Sameer

hei eddie
i want ask, is there another way to retrieve value in data page not in drop down list?
thanks before :)

Thanks Eddie...Really it makes sense.

Thanks a lot Eddie. It worked for me and I am able to clarify my confusion.

Pegasystems Inc.
Glad I could help. I may clean that picture up a bit and add the alternative option of fetching directly via the report definition.

Booz Allen Hamilton
In the same excercise, when the option is selected, the id is not passed to the create the data page HRPlan Lookup and hence the description and the employee cost is not appearing. Why could this happen. The .MedicalPlan page is cerated and the id is updated in that page, but the other fields or not pulling the values. Please help.

Pegasystems Inc.
For context, you may want to also include your forum post link here as well: https://pdn.pega.com/forums/pega-academy/prpc-system-architect-essentials-ii/concerns-about-hr-plan-lookup-data-page-in-managing-data-for-selectable-

Hi eddie,
i am creating a report definition but in my case the data source is not a Tradiotional style DB but a REST api, how should i configure a data source of such a type for my report definition?? i have configured a data page with the REST api connector and data is coming up on it... bt i need to query and carry out some operations on that data, report definition is what i need. but i am stuck with this issue..
Help will be grateful.....
Updated: 11 Apr 2016 11:31 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
For Report Definition to work, the data needs to be in a Database Pega can read from. Does the data get placed into the Pega Database or a database PEGA has access to?
Bill Rathert