
Last activity: 4 Oct 2018 13:54 EDT
Performance Issue with My Reports
Hi All,
We are using Pega 7.2 with SQL Server, when ever we are clicking "My Reports" it is taking close to 100 seconds to load the reports harness. Upon doing performance analysis, found that the OOTB reports pzRBCategoryShortcuts and pzRBAllCategories taking more than 80 seconds. I believe the Filter by rule resolution check box in these reports might be causing this issue.
Did any one of you faced similar issue?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Your analysis is correct. This performance issue is not new to Pega 7.2, and bugs have been opened.

Did you try to run the same queries in SQL Server studio?
If yes, Did you observe same time or is it faster?

I got the same performance issue with My Reports on Pega 7.2.1 with SQL Server 2014. Is it bugs of Pega 7.2.1? And how about the patch to fix this issue?

Typically gathering the stats on the tables involved in the query (usually done by the DBA) does the trick. Would it be possible to try that?
Please refer to this article.

Pegasystems Inc.
We are having the same issue, in Pega 7.2.1.
DBA has run update_statistics, it hasn't fixed the issue. Apparently it ran fast the first time, but now back to normal.
If anyone wants, I can send the DB trace files. Can someone please provide some bug reference so we can track this?

If updating the statistics has worked and subsequently the issue re-appears, it means that the statistics are not up to date causing this slowness. You should try and work with your DBA to see how this can be done at regular intervals to keep better performance.

Pegasystems Inc.
Surely there is something wrong in the design if 26 complex queries need to be run to list the reports in a category which has one report (see attachment)?

I feel the Reports which Pega product provides looks beautiful but they lack performance target.... no one will wait several minutes to see. I am not sure why Pega product team is not focusing much about improving Reporting performance relates issues. Even there OOB reports performs poor in production when records count grow in million's. Ideally for OOB report what ever indexes they need for OOB columns should have come with Product itself ??

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi There,
I understand that you face a issue with performance, but we just generate the query with best possible explain plan and then its the DB on which everything depends upon.
If records increases then it becomes essential to practice house keeping activities like rebuilding indexes, DB stats etc.
If you still face the issue, please open a SR we would definitely help you.