
American Express
Last activity: 25 Jul 2017 9:31 EDT
PegaWorld 2017 Favorite Keynote and the Buzz Word "AI"
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently one of the hottest topics in the market. In the keynotes we have seen live demo's and speaker's thought process about AI, and of course Mr. Alan Trefler's vision and Pega's roadmap.
I liked Dr. Rob's key notes session the most. He started with the Rembrandt paintings which was created by AI, showed some examples of empathy bots like Pepper (Japanese robot) and Sofia (look like human) which can understand the meaning behind the questions.
He spoke about the manifesto which talks about how 3 different technologies (Bio Tech, Nano Tech and AI) are threat to human ("why the future doesn't need us"). According to a Pega’s survey about AI - 1 out of 4 human agree robot will take over the world.
He mentioned the difference between Opaque AI (high risk and liability) and Transparent AI which successfully explain itself - how it is using data to make decision or predictions. The examples on the current implementations and their success (NASA - Opaque learning) or failure stories (Microsoft - tweet bot which was built using deep learning and opaque algorithm) are great information.
Overall the session was very helpful to understand the AI, its current implementations/examples and also to understand the difference between Opaque and Transparent, and major sectors where AI is being leveraged using Pega - Marketing, Sales and Services.