
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 3 Dec 2016 5:12 EST
Pega 7 CPBA Certification
I am preparing for the Pega 7 CPBA examination. I have ccomleted the Pega Accademy course for Pega 7 Business Architect Essentials. I have also gone through the exam blueprint.
I am cusrious to know if there are any additional material I need to go through before attempting this examination?
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Pegasystems Inc.
There is no additional material. You should review the vocabulary on the right hand side of the Pega Academy class room. Do not review the entire glossary as this is too large, just use the words that are defined on the right hand side of the classroom as you progress through the course.
Understand the exercises and review them so you know what was done in each exercise and what rules were used and how they behave.

Bank Of America
Hi ,
I have exam on 5th July ,please share your feedback or dump or anything to qualify that exam easily .

J.P.Morgan & Chase Co.
Could you let me know if there are any practice tests for the CPBA? If yes, where can i find that?

Pegasystems Inc.
The quizzes at the end of each unit act as a practice exam.

J2B Systems
The exam is challenging. It's not enough to "mostly know" the subject matter. They are not trying to gauge whether we "paid attention" but rather something more akin to having mastered that subject matter.
You'll want to have a 360 degree understanding of the critical stuff. Know what something is and what what it isn't, what it could be used to accomplish and what it cannot, when/not, whether it's the best approach versus alternatives or not and so on.
Advise using all legit/authorized materials - the free courses Pega offers, any other Pega courses you've paid for or have access to, PDN and perhaps most importantly, the exercises system. Spend as much time as possible in the system. Don't just rush through the exercises. Explore. Learn.
If you approach prepping for the exam with the same diligence and focus you would hopefully be applying to the job itself, you should be OK.
If you don't pass, you can take it again.
Good luck to all.

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
I am unable to run the Exercise Module that comes with Pega 7 CPBA Course. The errors I have received when running on various systems are :
a. Cannot open file "bae_716_20150318.exe" as an archive
b. Do not remember the actual error message but something like - "This VM requires 4 processors .. "
Now, is there an alternate option for completing these exercises?

Did you ever find out your score?

Pegasystems Inc.
it seems your question remains open.
regarding a.
consider downloading 7Zip, or some other archive utility. Depending on the version of Windows you are using, it's possible the default Windows archive utility is not able to read the .exe archive file.
regarding b.
Some of the VMs provided by Pega Academy are set to use 4 processors. If your host machine only has two processors you will need to change the number of processors the VM is configured to use. In VMWare Player, select the virtual machine, but do not start (Run) it. Once selected, or highlighted, go to Settings, then change the number of processors to 2.

So has the consensus been that the self-study program does not adequately prepare you for the certification exam?

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
Thanks Eddie for the inputs. Will try these out. Appears to be a local system issue.

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
Well the problem persists.. "Unable to open archive".. Is there a workaround? FYI - I am trying to run this on Win XP. Is there a compatibility issue?

Pegasystems Inc.
Is your Windows XP 32-bit or 64-bit?
The archive is 64-bit, so what you are experiencing leads me to suspect your OS is 32-bit.

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
Ok Yes! That is exactly the case. It is a 32 bit XP.. What is the solution in such case?

Pegasystems Inc.
Your version on WinXP may be 32-bit, but check if the CPU is capable of running 64-bit:
If the CPU on your pc fails this check, you will need to acquire a 64-bit pc.
If the CPU on your pc passes this check, there are some things you can do to try and get the VM to work, but it will be time consuming (and technically challenging if you are not familiar with virtual machines and associated software).
The easiest solution is to try straight away to acquire a 64-bit pc.

Hey Jonathan, congrats.
Can you please suggest what else to refer apart from the regular courses.
Ankit Malik

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
Thanks Eddie for the solution - albeit a difficult one.. Nevertheless will try the upgrade as well..

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Completed my CPBA Certification today. PDN BA essentials course and excercises have to be completed and revised once at least and the exam should not be too tough to crack.
Also while attempting the excercises, try to explore the options and links not covered in the excercise assignment as well. One would not need to master everything, but the basic idea and context have to be built in mind before attempting the exam.

Capgemini India Pvt Limited
Congrats Supriyo. Thanks for the information - That helps!

Congrats Supriyo.. Thanks for sharing the information.. It really helps

Hi Supriyo,
Congrats for your Certification.Just need information . Currently I am going through course content in Business Architect Essentials (7.1) from the Couesr Library in Pega Academy. Is this enough to clear CPBA 7.1?

I've just successfully completed the CPBA 7.1 certification exam. Would agree with Jonathan's earlier comments around that it's not enough to "mostly know" the BAE content. I could do the BAE questions with a 99% strike rate but found many of the questions a lot more difficult.
I've worked with 6.1 applications for 2.5 years unfortunately with out the use of DCO at my organisation (something I've been campaigning for our BA's to start using since doing the BAE course). Knowing what I know now, I probably should not have sat the exam.
If you've worked in DCO for PEGA 7 (and maybe 6?) for a project I'd say you'd be we'll equiped with this residual knowledge and the training material. If not (like me) Supriyo's comments around exploring the virtual environment are spot on, knowing the context of what you are doing and some exploration outside of the scope of the excercises will leave you much better equiped.
I've just successfully completed the CPBA 7.1 certification exam. Would agree with Jonathan's earlier comments around that it's not enough to "mostly know" the BAE content. I could do the BAE questions with a 99% strike rate but found many of the questions a lot more difficult.
I've worked with 6.1 applications for 2.5 years unfortunately with out the use of DCO at my organisation (something I've been campaigning for our BA's to start using since doing the BAE course). Knowing what I know now, I probably should not have sat the exam.
If you've worked in DCO for PEGA 7 (and maybe 6?) for a project I'd say you'd be we'll equiped with this residual knowledge and the training material. If not (like me) Supriyo's comments around exploring the virtual environment are spot on, knowing the context of what you are doing and some exploration outside of the scope of the excercises will leave you much better equiped.
70 odd question in 90 minutes sounds like a rush but I gaurentee this is more than enough time. I answered all my questions in the first 30 - 45 minutes and used the next half to go back to questions I'd mark to review or skipped because it required more thinking (better to do later than try and rush to the wrong answer or spend too much time at one question at the expense of getting through multiple easy ones). Basic exam advice - Answer what you can answer easily and then just go back to the ones that you need to spend more time one at the end so you're not rushing.

Inn House
Hi All,
I have decided to start working on my CPBA certification. Any one interested in forming a group to study together?
And also, do you guys think that CSA material is good enough for this exam or any additional material is needed to pass the exam?

I am in. Please PM me on this. What route are people following to get certified ?