Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
OperatorID page getting blank when opened Work user portal during SSO login only
Hello all,
When we login to our application through SSO and open a work user portal, we see that the OperatorID page is getting blank.
1. Login through SSO.
2. Opened the clipboard, selected STANDARD thread, clicked on the OperatorID page under System pages. Able to see the OperatorID page populated.
3. Launched the Work User portal. A new thread 'Open Portal' is spawned. Opened the clipboard and selected the Open Portal thread and went to see the OperatorID page under System pages again and found it to be blank.
4. When i again go back to STANDARD thread, i am able to see the OperatorID intact under System pages.
5. Ideally System pages should be common across all the threads for a requestor.
6. But when a new thread is spawned, the OperatorID page under System Pages is getting blank for that thread context.
If anyone has encountered same issue, appreciate your response on this post.
We have recently upgraded our system from v6.1 SP2 --> v7.1.7.
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