
Last activity: 9 Jun 2015 22:03 EDT
No radio button for Step Configuration Dialog Box
When working in 'Defining the Process' > 'Adding Process to Stages' exercise, I do not see a radio button for the option that allows you to configure a step to start upon stage entry. Under the Start Stage header, I am supposed to be able to click a radio button indicating that I've selected either: 'Upon Stage Entry' or 'Upon Completion or Skip of Previous Step'. I do see the text for the 'Upon Stage Entry' option, however, I see no radio button. I do not see the text or the radio button for 'Upon Completion or Skip of Previous Step'. For all steps radio buttons are not displayed.I have stucked at first step.
I am using a Chrome browser, which I was told was the best browser to use. I've tried using Firefox, but I get an error message that says that the email address space is blank when it is not blank. I have also used IE and get the same results that Chrome gives me.