Migrating P6 to P7: Mismatching data types when updating an Auto-Complete Control with ClipboardPage as Data Source
we recntly migrated to P7 (or in the process of migrating...)
The problem we're facing now is with some controls that are not being updated automatically.
In one of the sections we used an Auto-Complete field with a ClipboardPage as a data source that needs to be updated (Figure 1)
when I click on "Update Controls" automatically it shows the following
but when we try and open the Declare_SICCodeList it throws the following error
fail The property TempOpenPage.pyLoadActivityParameters.pyDPConnectorResParam was of mode Java Object while com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.clipboard.ClipboardPropertyImpl.getStringValue() was expecting String mode.
and won't let us open the Declare Page.
this is a screenshot of how it used to be in P6
are we doing something wrong? We followed the article "Upgrading deprecated and outdated controls" but it didn't solve the problem.
Do we need to create a new Declare Page for P7?
thanks for you time
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