
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 30 May 2018 4:16 EDT
Known Issue: Upcoming iOS 11.3 release
As a Pega Mobile Client user, if you upgrade to the iOS 11.3 or iOS 11.3.1, you will discover that you cannot log in the application.
This impacts all Pega Offline, and Pega Online applications that use cache manifest.
This will be an inconvenience until Apple releases iOS 11.4. Apple has confirmed that the bug is fixed in iOS 11.4.
If possible, do not upgrade until iOS 11.4 is released.
Official Release Note Article: Known Issue: Upcoming iOS 11.3 release
***22/05/2018: Updated by moderator: Lochan to edit message content to remove information that states that you will be able to log in to iOS 11.3 application on subsequent attempts***
<30/05/2018 edit> iOS 11.4 is now LIVE