
Masking Technology
Last activity: 10 Mar 2024 13:21 EDT
Improvements for (unit) tests
Pega has the ability to build unit tests and scenario tests. For both of these items I run into issues I would like to have resolved, but I wonder if I'm the only one who is running into these issues. If I'm not the only one, then we can propose these changes to Pega to implement them in the newer versions of the platform.
Scenario tests
I still have to find a customer that actually uses the scenario tests from Pega. Most customers use UI testing frameworks they already use. And since Pega is just another web application for them, they stick to their existing tools and frameworks.
But in Pega I keep getting warnings about untested case types. Simply because there is no test defined. I don’t like justifying these warnings, I simply don’t want to see them when they are tested using an external test framework.
So, I’d like to have a toggle so we can indicate if the scenario tests are performed using an external framework.
Test suites
In Pega it’s possible to define test suites, but they take a lot of maintenance in my opinion. Each and every test that is created needs to be manually added to the test suite. This is a tedious job, especially when there are multiple branches that have new tests which need to be added to the same suite.
So, I would like to have the option to auto include all tests under the same class of the test suite to minimize the maintenance I need to do.
Please let me know if you have the same experience, and if these features would help you.