
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 17 Feb 2020 4:40 EST
Images don't show in lessons
This is for Pega Platform 8 version of the course (https://academy.pega.com/library/8/senior-system-architect)
The images don't show in lessons -- tried with Firefox, Chrome (site whitelisted in ad blocker in both) and Internet Explorer 11 (no ad blocker).
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Pegasystems Inc.
yes, this seems to have just happened - and is widespread :(
We are working to resolve this issue ASAP.
Senior Release Support Engineer, Pega Academy COE

Infosys Ltd.
Same issue persists in CSA course version 8 as well. Please update once the issue is resolved.

Infosys Ltd.
HI Team,
is there any ETA, for this issue resolution for the broken Images?

National Australia Bank Ltd
Hi Eddie, do we have an ETR for this ? Thanks, Scott

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, this seems impacting everyone taking the course, without images, many user have no idea about the configuration tips

National Australia Bank Ltd
Look to me, to be very much like someones messed with an S3 Bucket Structure or Permissions
https://pega-academy-images.s3.amazonaws.com/te-content/choose_file.png returns
<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
https://pega-academy-images.s3.amazonaws.com/ returns
Look to me, to be very much like someones messed with an S3 Bucket Structure or Permissions
https://pega-academy-images.s3.amazonaws.com/te-content/choose_file.png returns
<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
https://pega-academy-images.s3.amazonaws.com/ returns
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
<Key>Pega Robot Manager Course PA 1.0/</Key>
Pega Robot Manager Course PA 1.0/Adding and editing runtime configuration files/
Pega Robot Manager Course PA 1.0/Adding and editing runtime configuration files/1.png
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
Not that this really helps anyone specifically, but it doesn't sit comfortably for me that things in Pega can get Broken so easily ?
Certainly doesn't hep me get my training finished.

Tech Pundits Inc
Is issue fixed. It stopping me to continue training. Requires quick fix

Navy Federal Credit Union
it's not fixed

Bank Of America
I am seeing this issue as well. can you please fix this issue and update?

Pegasystems Inc.
I am seeing this issue in the Pega Knowledge - Publishing Process in the AE course

Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.
Basically, source of Images in lessons are from Amazon S3 cloud and Pega Community.
Observation : Images from Amazon Cloud S3 are broken and Images from Pega community are showing up in lessons.
Hope to see it fixed soon :)