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I have a requirement to create some reports. Some of them are formatted (Grouped in to different sections / tabs / included in tables) etc...
Is it possible to do this is Pega ?
Hi chamilaf,
Hi chamilaf,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried posting there earlier but I kept getting an error msg saying I have to select one or more groups.
the page had no option to select a group so I gave up on it.
Hi chamilaf!
Up at the top of the page you should see our header in blue that says Pega Product Support and under that Search.Ask.Share.Support.
Then under that you should have a Join Group option. You want to click on that and then you'll be able to start posting.
Sorry for the delay in response to you.
If you can't get in, please send me a private message by clicking on my avatar and sending me a message.
Thanks in advance!
Awesome !
I got in. Thank you very much for your response.
Fantastic! See you over there! :)
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