
Generating Rules Schema Objects Stalled (migrate.sh)
We have upgraded our application in development environment from 6.2.1 to 7.1.9 after this; we cloned the rules schema from development and created a copy in QA environment (ORACLE + TOMCAT + UNIX setup) to peform a data only upgrade. Before we could perform the dataonly upgrade we ran the migrate.sh to "Generate rules schema objects" however this script stalled with the following error...
bash-4.1$ ./migrate.sh
Buildfile: .../migrateSystem.xml
[pega:propertyparser] Reading Properties from : .../migrateSystem.properties
[mkdir] Created dir: .../MigrateTemp-25-October-YYYY-HH.MM.SS
[echo] Using temporary directory .../MigrateTemp-25-October-YYYY-HH.MM.SS
[unzip] Expanding: .../pega7/archives/pegadbinstall-classes.zip into .../pega7/migratesystem/MigrateTemp-25-October-YYYY-HH.MM.SS/load
[echo] Using logging configuration from: ./config/deploylogging.properties
[propertyfile] Creating new property file: .../pega7/migratesystem/MigrateTemp-25-October-YYYY-HH.MM.SS/prbootstrap.properties
[pega:checkforuncommittedhotfixes] Found Uncommitted hotfixes, please commit the following hotfixes before migrating:
[pega:checkforuncommittedhotfixes] HFIX-29421
.../pega7/scripts/migrateSystem.xml:501: Migration cannot proceed due to uncommitted hotfixes.
Before cloning the rules schema from development we ensured that all hotfixes were commited including HFIX-29421 however this still occured.
Kindly help with your suggestions.
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