Exercise: Configuring reference data, wrong RELATED CONTENT
The download file for the execice is a comma csv, and pega does not understand it.
I've turned it into a csv with a semi-colon !
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The download file for the execice is a comma csv, and pega does not understand it.
I've turned it into a csv with a semi-colon !
Hi, Are you referring to the exercise Configuring reference data in SAE 8? I have downloaded the csv file in the Related Content section of this exercise, run through the exercise using the student exercise system, and been able to import the .csv file without an issue. Did you get an error when you tried importing the csv file before converting to semi-colons? If so, could you attach the error?
I attached the errors in my post. Maybe the issue is dependent on language settings. On my computer comma is the decimal sign, and then it normally is more stable/secure to use a semi-colon as a separator.
Hey Guys, I had the same problem and I realized the CSV file posted in the related content has an invalid format. I fixed it exporting some records and populating the exported file with the data posted in the related content.
At the following URL you'll find the CSV file I used to import records.
PD: On the second step, it'll display the columns of the CSV file, it's necessary to uncheck the column pyGUID. Take a look at the attached image.
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