
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 30 May 2021 1:25 EDT
Encapsulation: Should a separate Data type be used for the Case type data model? [LSA Data Excellence]
Should case type data be a separate data type that the case type is composed of?
If there are business needs to report on parts of case data outside of the context of the case it materialized from, or if that data needs to be stored external to the case, then a distinct data type may be of value.
Properties of the case type that drive case lifecycle which have no benefit outside of the case (for example, values captured or calculated that only exist to influence the path taken by a decision shape) yield no benefit by being defined in their own data type.
Discussion on this topic was sought from the LSA Data Excellence (Pega 8.4) webinar conducted in July 2020. The webinar and its full set of discussions that arose from it are available at LSA Data Excellence: Webinar, Questions & Answers.