
TLC Inc.
Last activity: 12 Feb 2015 17:00 EST
Dependent page type missing from Type list.
During the Implementing a Data Model Using Data Classes exercise, after creating the Dependent data object type, it does not appear as a page list when trying to add the Dependents page list property to Employee.
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Pegasystems Inc.
you're holding it wrong ;)
I see the Dependent data object in your data explorer, so it must be available. I suspect the applies to class may be something other than SAE-blah-blah
But, I am also noticing in that smart list that SAE-HRServices-Data-Employee is not available either. Somethings wrong. Do a Search on both Employee and Dependent and confirm what their applies to class is.

TLC Inc.
You're right, Eddie. How do I change the Applies To SAE-HRServices-Data?

Pegasystems Inc.
very carefully ;)
Use the Rename Class wizard. are you familiar with that?

TLC Inc.
No, I'm not familiar with it. What New Class Name am I renaming Employee? Dependent?

Pegasystems Inc.
It seems you will have to rename both of them.
First, you need to know the current class name; the wizard will ask for that.
Then, the new names would be SAE-HRServices-Data-Employee and SAE-HRServices-Data-Dependent

Pegasystems Inc.
we can hop on a WebEx if you need some help

TLC Inc.
WebEx might be best, as the Rename wizard doesn't like the Old Class Name "Employee", causing an error because there is no "-" in the name.

Pegasystems Inc.
Dear Tom,
In my experience, if you've created any class at the "root" instead of being a child of some abstract class, you can't use the "Rename a Class" option. You will need to Delete the class and then recreate it.
There is a wizard for deleting a class as well, just below the "Rename a Class" option as shown in Eddie's screen shot above. Just enter the name of the class and accept all other default values for the wizard.
Teng Hao Chua
Pega Academy Support Team

Pegasystems Inc.
I sent you a private message for a WebEx meeting.