@addToDate param info
Can anyone please share details on the parameters for @addToDate function? Also, is there any place where this info can be obtained for built-in functions in Designer studio?
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Can anyone please share details on the parameters for @addToDate function? Also, is there any place where this info can be obtained for built-in functions in Designer studio?
In Designer Studio, Select the PRPC 7 Help System. In the search field, type "Functions". Scroll down until you find the link for "Atlas — Standard Function rules".
PRPC contains more than 400 standard functions you can call, defined through the Function rule form.
Use a function rule to define a Java function that is accessed through rule resolution. You can reference function rules in expressions and directly in Java. Each function belongs to a library (Rule-Utility-Library rule type), indicated by the first key part.
Use the Records Explorer (Technical Category->Functions) to see a complete list of the standard and custom functions available to you.
Below is the format.
@[(RulesetName: LibraryName )].functionName([functionParameters])
On the Java Tab view the required parameters
addToDate(theDate, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
On the Parameters Tab view the parameters format.
theDate - datetime
days - string
hours - string
In Designer Studio, Select the PRPC 7 Help System. In the search field, type "Functions". Scroll down until you find the link for "Atlas — Standard Function rules".
PRPC contains more than 400 standard functions you can call, defined through the Function rule form.
Use a function rule to define a Java function that is accessed through rule resolution. You can reference function rules in expressions and directly in Java. Each function belongs to a library (Rule-Utility-Library rule type), indicated by the first key part.
Use the Records Explorer (Technical Category->Functions) to see a complete list of the standard and custom functions available to you.
Below is the format.
@[(RulesetName: LibraryName )].functionName([functionParameters])
On the Java Tab view the required parameters
addToDate(theDate, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
On the Parameters Tab view the parameters format.
theDate - datetime
days - string
hours - string
minutes - string
seconds - string
**pyDefault Data Transform example.
Set .Date Equal To @(Pega-RULES:DateTime).getCurrentDateStamp()
Set .ConfiguredDate Equal To @(Pega-RULES:DateTime).addToDate(.Date,8,15,30,10)
DATE : 2/24/2015 12:00 AM
CONFIGURED DATE : 3/4/2015 3:30 PM
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