Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
For information on downloading this patch, see Pega 8.7.3 - Patch Release Available.
Low-code Application Development
Case Management
There were no Resolved Issues for Case Management in 8.7.3
Cloud Services
There were no Resolved Issues for Cloud Services in 8.7.3
Conversational Channels
There were no Resolved Issues for Conversational Channels in 8.7.3
Data Integration
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Data Integration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-203040 | 721056 | Null value handling added for CBU | After update, changes made to the Operator record were not reflected and the Actions menu in Operator record did not show all available actions after the Operator was saved. This has been resolved by adding handling for null values passed as String for arguments from cbu.xml for the PegaCBU utility. | Data Integration |
INC-214451 | 721971 | Rest connector passes RequestAttachmentPage to child requestor | While invoking the Rest Connect from a data page, the error "InboundMappingException: Exception occurred while mapping incoming response" was generated. Requests with "Content-type:multipart/form-data" require "pyRequestAttachmentPage" or "pyResponseAttachmentPage" to be populated with correct values. When Rest-Connector was executed in parallel, those pages were not copied to the child requestor and the rest call executed from the child requestor did not have correct header and body. To resolve this, has been updated to correctly pass pyRequestAttachmentPage to the child requestor. | Data Integration |
INC-224268 | 724022 | Cleaned up outdated prprivcommon class references | After update, an exception was generated related to FirstUseAssembler. This was a missed use case for the WriteEFormToFile activity from previous work which restricted loading classes from prprivcommon.jar, and has been resolved by removing references to the following classes which were made inaccessible by the changes to prprivcommon: |
Data Integration |
INC-226830 | 727153 | Case Archival hierarchy updated for multiple occurrences of a child case | Case Archival did not correctly discover hierarchy when child case appeared multiple times in the hierarchy. This was due to the CaseAssociationsProvider class having a check to skip performing the discovery when the case type had already been processed, and has been resolved by updating the handling for this scenario. | Data Integration |
Decision Management
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Decision Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-202111 | 710106 | Logging extended for PRPCPropertyInfoProvider | In order to assist with diagnosing issues with Kafka and JSON, additional logging has been added for PRPCPropertyInfoProvider. | Decision Management |
INC-208976 | 719165 | Enhanced SSA metrics made available | In order to better diagnose delays related to the time when a Campaign is scheduled to start and the time when the Dataflow actually starts to run, an update has been made which will generate detailed metrics to cover some of the strategy execution key performance intensive areas. Additional lower level internal metrics related to SSA engine execution have also been made available by way of a DSS to collect more runtime insight for diagnosis. To enable the collection of these Level 2 SSA internal metrics, set the dataflow/shape/strategy/detailed_metrics/level2 DSS in the Pega-DecisionEngine rule set to 'true'. A comprehensive set of enhanced metrics will be available in Pega 8.8. | Decision Management |
INC-217290 | 721375 | Added support for creating predictive models in Production | While creating a new predictive model rule in Prediction studio, the case was going into broken process after selecting the template with the error message "Error loading D_ProjectList , Reason : No databases defined in properties file:/". This was an unexpected use case for creating models in Production level, and has been resolved by updating the flows to turn off the draft mode in this scenario. | Decision Management |
INC-218145 | 715678 | DSS introduced to control DSM clipboard page serialization | When using a Kafka dataset to consume a message from an external topic that had an attribute name with a special character contained in a page list structure, using a JSON data transform for the mapping in a realtime dataflow resulted in the error "Exception in stage: KafkaDS; LegacyModelAspectInvokableRuleContainer.invoke-Exception encountered a :java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException." To resolve this, a new DSS dataset/CLASS_NAME/DATASET_NAME/JSONDataTransform/deserialization/useDSMPage has been introduced. When the value is set to true, the process will follow the previous behavior of DSM clipboard pages being generated when Kafka records are deserialized using JSON data transform. When the value is set to false, the JSON data transform will generate regular clipboard pages and convert them later to DSM clipboard pages. This would avoid errors when a JSON data transform calls methods from the Clipboard API that are not implemented by DSM pages. This DSS is set per data set instance. CLASS_NAME and DATASET_NAME are placeholders which should be replaced by data set's pyClassName and pyPurpose property values. In addition, a similar DSS, dataset/CLASS_NAME/DATASET_NAME/JSONDataTransform/serialization/useDSMPage, has been introduced for serialization. | Decision Management |
INC-218172 | 716398 | Text analytics character limit set to avoid memory issues | Utility nodes were unstable related to searching, and email listener threads became stuck during Rule-based Text Annotation (RUTA) and natural language processing (NLP) work on incoming emails. This happened when the system experienced high memory consumption or exceeded memory usage when using text analytics. This has been resolved by setting the default maximum character limit for NLP analysis to 25,000 characters to avoid RUTA memory issues. If text is provided > 25,000 characters, the system will consider only the top 25,000 characters and a flag will appear on NLPOutcome to indicate text has been limited. This character limit is configurable, but if the configuration is set in excess of 25,000 a warning will be shown prior to saving the change. | Decision Management |
INC-223376 | 723575 | JMX authentication enabled by default for embedded Kafka and Cassandra | For on-premises clients, a potential vulnerability for a Remote Code Execution using the JMX interface on Cassandra and Kafka using exposed network ports has been mitigated by enabling JMX authentication by default for embedded Kafka and Cassandra. | Decision Management |
INC-229717 | 730667 | Cassandra startup calls reordered to avoid deadlock | Nodes received a service request but it became stuck. This was traced to a deadlock related to CassandraSessionCache.getSession, and has been resolved by reordering the method calls used to initialize the Cassandra session to delay adding the session change listener and avoid a deadlock scenario. | Decision Management |
Low-code Application Development
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Low-code App Development
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-215785 | 722554 | Corrected logic for parsing imported Excel formula cells | Integers specified as cells with formulas in Excel were getting an additional ".0" in them due to them being parsed internally as doubles during the floating point arithmetic of the Apache POI library. This has been resolved by modifying the logic in to apply DataFormatter to get the string value instead of an integer by default for a formula cell. | Low-code app development |
INC-220770 | 718028 | Null check added to getBaseRef | When using a customized Cosmos portal that included tabs, some of the Pega APIs were not available in the child frame and javascript errors were generated when calculating the clipboard path for live UI elements. This was traced to invalid references to "pega.api.ui.util.getBaseRef", and has been resolved by adding null checks to the getBaseRef API call to make sure javascript errors are not thrown. | Low-code app development |
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Mobile
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-205683 | 702562 | Data transform actions supported in offline app | Support has been added for pre- and post-processing data transform functionality and validation in the local actions of the offline app. | Mobile |
Project Delivery
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Project Delivery
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-223851 | 722731 | Property encryption documentation updated | Documentation on encryption has been updated to clarify that Property Encrypt policies can only be created in Work- Data- , and Index class descendents. | Project Delivery |
There were no Resolved Issues for Reporting in 8.7.3
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for Security
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-227878 | 727855 | UPDATE IMPACT FOR PEGA CALL | Log4j-1.2.14.jar and Log4j-1.2.17.jar have been removed to address the security concerns with these versions, and logger jars have been upgraded to 12.7.2 version (from 12.7.1 version) to make Pega Call compatible. This change will impact Pega Call customer environments due to Avaya or Genesys, which are part of Pega Call, having an internal dependency on Log4j1.x version jars. As a result, the SDK logging for Avaya or Genesys will not be available in the 8.7.3 release unless the Log4j-1.x jar files are reimported locally. | Security |
INC-173596 | 673089 | Apache Commons HttpClient dependency removed | As part of moving from the Apache Commons HttpClient project (which is at end of life and no longer being developed) to the Apache HttpComponents project, openws dependencies on the commons-httpclient jar have been removed. | Security |
INC-228169 | 729187 | Login error messages updated | Exception response messages have been updated in order to improve security around attempts to bypass operator authentication. | Security |
System Administration
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for System Administration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-220622 | 711374 | Updated Libraries | The following libraries have been updated to the most recent version: - commons-collections - cxf-rt-rs-security-oauth2 - derby - dom4j - google-oauth-client - groovy - jackson-databind - postgres - snakeyaml - spring-core - xmlsec |
System Administration |
INC-220622 | 726028 | Deprecated Libraries | The following library dependencies have been deprecated, excluded, and/or removed: - ant - bsh - commons-compress - gson - io.netty - jackson-mapper-asl - jdom - jdom2 - jdom-legacy - jetty-http - jetty-io - jetty-server - jetty-util - junrar - netty-handler - plexus - plexus-utils - xercesImpl - xstream |
System Administration |
INC-221019 | 725147 | Modified timestamp query used by ClusterAndDBCleaner | The job pyClusterAndDBCleaner was failing with the error "ORA-01861: literal does not match format string". This was traced to the sub-activity pzClearOldQueueProcessorBrokenMessages which was not able to remove broken items with encryption in an upgraded environment due to an incorrect timestamp format passed to the Oracle database. This has been resolved by modifying the query to use a timestamp built using INativeSqlBuilder which will include only the information necessary for the deletion of the item. | System Administration |
INC-224954 | 727043 | Enabled turning off general metrics when queue processing metrics are disabled | A memory leak related to QPGeneralMetrics was consuming heap and causing performance issues. Investigation showed queue processor metrics were gathered even when disabled. To resolve this, turning off "General Metrics Handler" while turning off the QPGeneralMetrics has been enabled. Queue processors should now skip the process of collecting general metrics while running activities. This will prevent storing unused (and uncleared) metrics in memory and prevent heap exhaustion. | System Administration |
INC-225519 | 724397 | Improved handling for thread resolution issues | Queue Processor/Dataflow was moving to STOPPED state due to failed records in its execution. Investigation showed there was a minor logic issue in the queue processor activity which allowed the Page-Remove step to be called even before the pages were actually created, and this has been resolved by improving the recovery from a cleared ThreadContainer which might cause thread resolution issues. | System Administration |
User Experience
8.7.3 Patch Resolved Issues for User Experience
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-217655 | 723565 | Resolved validation check freeze for Dynamic Layout Group | After creating a multi-step form where step 1 had a Dynamic Layout Group(tabbed) that used form fields configured with validations, clicking next with empty/invalid values in the form intermittently caused the screen to freeze and a javascript exception was logged. This was traced to a missed use case related to templates in the childNode, and has been resolved by adding the necessary safe checks in lgtemplate and lgcelltemplate. | User Experience |
INC-218855 | 718834 | DSS added to control section collapse on refresh | After update from 8.5, using dynamic layouts that included certain controls (autocomplete/text/dropdown) configured with Refresh-Other Section -> Parent / Top Level Section such as a pyCaseActionArea with Event 'On Change' showed a different behavior: entering a value in the configured text/auto-complete field that leads to the refresh of the top level section will collapse all expanded sections if there is a refresh trigger within the embedded section or dynamic layout of the collapsible layouts. In order to control this behavior, a new DSS has been introduced. By default HonourExpandWhenOnRefresh (owning ruleset Pega-UIEngine) will be set to false to maintain the current behavior of collapse on refresh, while setting it to true will use the older behavior of maintaining expanded sections. | User Experience |
INC-223222 | 723634 | Corrected apiContext when using bulkActions | Row selections in the multi-selection table were intermittently not working after opening a table with bulk actions enabled. Investigation showed that opening a table with bulkActions enabled and then navigating to a table where bulk actions are not available but multi-select is enabled led to functions like setSelectedRows and getSelectedRows still being available in apiContext. This has been resolved by correcting apiContext when bulkActions is enabled. | User Experience |
INC-225236 | 725703 | Corrected LiveDesignViewDisplay error handling | When all rulesets were locked and a section was opened from Live UI in a portal, a "rule deleted" message appeared and it was confirmed the rule was deleted even though the rule was in locked ruleset. Investigation traced this to a pzLiveDesignViewDisplay call to pxChooseBestRuleSet which jumped to failure logic when "allow check out" was disabled, and this has been resolved by correcting the error handling in pzLiveDesignViewDisplay. | User Experience |