Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a formatted complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | |
SR-C49664 | 435310 | Updates made for usage validation utility Run report checkbox and buttons | The 'Review mode only' checkbox wasn't working for any browser, and the 'Run Report' button wasn't working in IE. This has been resolved by updating the javascript used to invoke the Run Report button to be better integrated with IE, and by adding additional handling to set the ID for the checkbox. | |
SR-C74650 | 422909 | Grid alignment and headers corrected for Opportunities screen in RTL locale | When using the RTL locale, the Opportunity detail screen and search screen had grid alignment and header issues. This has been resolved by updating the py-portal-stages CSS attached to the enduser skin. | |
SR-C74677 | 418339 | ADM pulse timing changed to inprove performance on very large clusters | ADM uses a pulse that checks if any models need to be updated. This uses a Cassandra query which has no "where" clause, causing poor performance for very large clusters. For immediate relief of this issue, the pulse configuration has been updated to increase the timing from 30 to 300 seconds so it fires less often. Model updates typically happen every x hours and often the pulse will not detect any models that would need to be updated. Further improvements in this process will be available in a future release. | |
SR-C77730 | 437101 | Resolved case lock release improved | Cases created through the create work object were unnecessarily holding onto locks for up to two hours. This was traced to a defer-write scenario for mobile devices which did not return the correct status needed for "no further assignments". In order to resolve this issue, a new parameter "returnNextActionInfo" of type boolean has been added to svcPerformFlowAction. This parameter will be always set as false when calling this activity from sync up so all locks will be closed and released. | |
SR-C80622 | 424876 | GenerateContainer updated to prefer icon given in skin over hardcoded icons | When trying to change the Expand/Collapse icon for dynamic layout by defining a custom format in the app skin, changes made in the Expand icon image and Collapse icon image were not reflected. This was due to the CSS selector being overriden with a hardcoded arrow icon instead of automatically taking the icon from the skin rule. To resolve this, the selector and conditions used in have been modified such that the icon added in the skin should be picked automatically instead of any hardcoded icon available. | |
SR-C81185 | 427995 | Accessibility enabled Layout group tabs browsing corrected | When using Layout group (Tab) or a Tabbed Layout for viewing client information in Tabs with Accessibility enabled, the system was reading each tab and its content but then focus was returning to the browser and tracing through all elements before moving on to the next tab. This was traced to an incorrect tabindex setting in the pzpega_ui_template_layout_header file, and has been fixed. | |
SR-C83805 | 422760 | Logic fixed for displaying Multi-Select control values | The Multi-Select control loadResults method has been updated to resolve an issue where If two results started with the same phrase, on selecting one of the results the other one was not displayed in the dropdown. In addition, cache handling has been updated to resolve an issue where a Multi-Select control loading on cascading drop-down was loading the previous values. | |
SR-C84033 | 422746 | Added handling for legacy page adaptors to get all messages | If a validation message was present on the Clipboard, the front-end screen was turning blue and displaying the error "There has been an issue, please consult with administrator". This happened when getMessagesAll was called for pyWorkPage and an auto-populate property was present in the embedded pages/properties. To resolve this, cast has been removed when getting all messages and a new API has been added for legacy page adapters to get all messages. | |
SR-C84361 | 437601 | Added handling for better recovery and reset when using 'When' conditional row deletion | Given a 'When' condition configured so that a specific row could be deleted, trying to delete another row resulted in the expected error indicating it was not possible to delete that particular row. However, attempting to then delete the row with the 'When' condition caused the same failure error to appear which could not be cleared through clicking on the Refresh button for the section. In order to resolve this, handling has been added for a scenario where Obj-Delete fails and the record is marked for deferred commit. In this situation, the system will revert Obj-Delete by way of Obj-Save-Cancel in @baseclass.pzDeleteRecord so that a subsequent Obj-Delete does not pick up the previous record and fail again. | |
SR-C84981 | 437816 | Setting added to compensate for data volume removed during Cassandra restart | The DSM/service/replace option was not working correctly for DDS Service if the data volume was not present, causing an issue with being able to perform a rolling restart of DDS nodes when a data volume was removed as part of restart. This has been resolved by Introducing a dnode/cassandra_replace_ip setting that results in adding the cassandra.replace_address_first_boot environment setting to the Cassandra process. The setting is taken into account only if the data volume (cassandra_data) is not present. | |
SR-C86589 | 436267 | Added explicit thread cleanup to resolve case worker portal UI rendering problem | Creating a case in the case worker portal was resulting in the respective screen being rendered with a distorted UI. This was traced to an issue in topnavigation where the thread was being changed to a base thread and skipping the FlowModalProcess thread removal when the new DC action was triggered. To resolve this, the system has been modified to append "$FlowModalProcess" in harnessOnBeforeUnload if it is missing to make sure the FlowModalProcess thread is removed. | |
SR-C86607 | 436442 | getProperty API updated to use the pega.ctx.dom API for get element by name | When multiple tasks (S- Cases) were added from an interaction (I- Case) and the Service Cases had three auto complete controls which were sourced by parameterized data pages, it was expected that upon selection of the first auto complete, the second and third auto complete values would be populated. However, parameters passed to the Data Pages from the second and third S- Cases, had the same value as the first S- Case even though the clipboard was correct. Investigation showed that with MDC, the pega.util.dom API was failing to get the correct dom element and the needed data pages were not called. This has been corrected by updating the getProperty API to use the pega.ctx.dom API instead of the ega.util.dom API to get element byname. | |
SR-C89040 | 438829 | Calling flow correctly resumed after sub-process completes | If a case was processed via Operator1 and passed as an assignment to a workbasket where Operator2 picked it up and performed a Reject case on it, the process in Flow1 correctly called Flow2, but once Flow2 was processed Flow1 was not resumed. If Operator2 only performed the Reject processing, Flow1 was resumed. To to ensure the correct flow resumption, the location of the pyFirstRun setting in flowMethodBody FUA has been updated. | |
SR-C89135 | 434748 | Formatting tag updated to ensure skin rule styles are correctly applied | After a style was configured in the skin rule for TABS laouts -> Repeating Formats, the configured style was not being correctly applied to the skin. This was related to the anchor tag not picking up the changes, and has been resolved by replacing that with a span tag. | |
SR-C89463 | 433822 | Corrected tab name handling in Report Browser | When using the report browser, refreshing the page after subscribing and unsubscribing to a report changed the tab name to the task id (eg. "PX-ST-123") and an extra tab appeared. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C89482 | 427891 | ReportBrowser export to Excel or PDF retains chart | Clicking on "Export to PDF" or "Export to Excel" caused the chart image in the report browser to become blank on the screen and the image was not included in the exported file. Hitting refresh or reruning the report displayed the chart again. This was caused by the chart being unloaded whenever any form was submitted due to the way caching was handled, and has been corrected with the addition of a check that will ensure included charts are preserved. | |
SR-C89504 | 435567 | Multi-Select values visible in read-only | The Selected Multi-Select values were not seen on the read-only review screen. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C89628 | 430886 | Correct values are selected in auto-complete in list configuration after scrolling | When a value from the second page of the source list in the auto-complete was selected, the prior value was getting selected and posted. As an example, if the (n)th value was selected by scrolling down the results in the list, the (n-1) value was getting selected and posted to clipboard. Investigation showed this occurred if autocomplete was configured with allow free form input ' no', and that results were not getting selected properly after first scroll when using list configuration. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C89985 | 435725 | pzEmailActions button colors correctly reflect styling | The default Styling for the buttons defined in pzEmailActions was not taking effect as expected to show an "APPROVE" button as green and a "REJECT" button as red in an email body with attachments. This was traced to the 'if' condition not being satisfied for the color change due to the UIkit handling the evaluation via the pyApproveInternal flow action instead of pzApproveInternal. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C90358 | 433297 | Updated Attach Content Control for use in repeat grid | When using Attach Content Control in a repeat grid, selecting a file via attachcontent control and submitting the page resulted in the message "The operation completed successfully, but returned no content". This was traced to the newassignPage being removed after closing the modal, causing finishassignment to fail. To resolve this, the Attach Content Control function has been modified to set the needed grid attributes for desktop implementation to ensure newAssignPage will be available to the attach content modal action. | |
SR-C90418 | 436018 | Exception handling improved for pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions | If the SLA Deadline days were updated from 0 to 1, the SLA agent did not trigger the deadline escalation activity and the error " Instance of class Queue not found: SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL.SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL" was generated. This has been resolved with the addition of better failure handling to the pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions for cases where an exception is generated. | |
SR-C91220 | 430364 | Modified pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer to resolve issue with editing the Operator rule form when using IE | The Operator rule form was not opening a second time after being updated in IE. The form worked as expected with other browsers. This has been resolved by modifying the openRuleByKeys function in pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer to pass a new cloned object to the JSON.stringify function instead of the embedded object. | |
SR-C91264 | 433440 | Localization fixed for dropdown sourced with pystate | When pystate was used to source a dropdown, the options were all uppercase but in the review harness used lower case for IN and OR. This difference caused a failure in localization. This was caused by the Field value instance being defined in lowercase in PyCaption while the UI was treating the active value as an instance of pyCaption, leading to instances of both "in" and "IN" being present. This has been resolved by consolidating the field value to use a single case in the pega-eventprocessing ruleset. | |
SR-C91898 | 435424 | Resolved Rich Text Editor display in popup windows | The Rich Text Editor was not displaying in popup windows although it did display otherwise. Investigation traced this to the harness context APIs used in "pega.contro.IRTE.init" (pzpega_control_richtexteditor.js rule) returning rteTextArea as null, leading to the RTE scripts failing to bind the ckeditor dom. This has been fixed by replacing the harness context APIs with ones better suited to this use. | |
SR-C91930 | 439847 | Corrected focus issue after form submit for SPA portal | When a form was submitted in the SPA portal and the next form appeared after launching the case, if the second form's height was more than the screen size the vertical scroll bar was automatically moving to the bottom and the focus was given to the submit button. This has been corrected to the expected behavior of the focus staying on the first editable field. | |
SR-C92000 | 437303 | Updated date time format used pyPostEmailContent section to resolve exception | When a pyPostEmailContent section in the Pega-Social ruleset was being referenced, the error messages "pub.util.PRDateFormat) ERROR - Cannot create format "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm A", default format is used; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern character 'A'" was logged.This has been resolved by modifying the date time format used for the pyPostEmailContent section. | |
SR-C92171 | 446290 | Updated unique ID hashing to account for extended class names | Multiple history classes were pointing to one database table because the historical hash method only used the the first 32 characters of a class name to create a unique identifier. This created duplicates if the class extended past this limit. To correct this, the unique ID hashing has updated in SQLGenerator to account for long identifier names: if the supplied name is greater than 32 chars, the system will hash the entire name to create a unique identifier. | |
SR-C92863 | 436152 | Catch added to handle invalid locale exceptions related to localized rulesets | If an InvalidLocaleException was encountered while parsing through the localized rulesets in the runtime ruleset list, the system was setting the step status to fail. Localized rulesets are identified as having an underscore followed by a 2 character locale code(s). Some rulesets have an underscore in them causing them to get validated, which ends up failing as the locale is invalid. To resolve this, a catch has been added that will back out the failed step status and recover gracefully if the exception is encountered. | |
SR-C92901 | 436503 | Check added to maintain date entry error state rather than default to current date | When both Calendar and Text Input was enabled, typing special characters or an invalid date into the Date Time control generated an error on submit while the system silently overwrote the incorrect value with the current date. On refresh/save, no further error was thrown and the current date was submitted without warning. To resolve this, a check has been added that will not reformat if the date has error attribute. | |
SR-C93726 | 435287 | Work status icons work correctly when using localization | The pyWorkAssignmentStatus control was not displaying the status flags/icons for localized work status values due to a match failure caused by the system using the localized text for the pyAssignmentStatus to perform a string comparison against the hard-coded English values. To correct this, the control pyWorkAssignmentStatus has been modified to run the comparisons with the new string "assignmentStatus" instead of with the localized text. | |
SR-C93802 | 436138 | Rounding added to avoid exception for ADM number too small to save to Oracle | An exception was thrown when trying to save ADMSnapshot agent predictor bin data that was too small (below 1 x 10-130) for the Oracle Number column it was written into. This blocked up-to-date reporting on adaptive models. To resolve this issue, the code has been modified to round the double type numbers to an acceptable scale before writing to the database. | |
SR-C94042 | 432440 | Resolved JSON exception with refreshrow used for navigation | After upgrade, a custom implementation of a grid that had a menu configured on right click of the row for the category/description in the uploaded case attachments was not working. This was traced to the RefreshRow(non-list) action generating quotes that made the JSON invalid for a navigation rule, and has been fixed by modifying pzProcessRefreshRowItem to remove quotes from navigation refreshrow action generation. | |
SR-C94047 | 432969 | Updated Static Progress Bar Control to resolve parse error | When configured in a section with no parameters, the Static Progress Bar control was refreshing every second. After 5-10 seconds, a parse error appeared. This has been resolved by updating the value of bUseProcess to check for both string and boolean. | |
SR-C95187 | 433825 | IO exception logging enhanced | In order to improve diagnosing problems such as DDS nodes not joining a cluster despite Cassandra nodes being run successfully, logging enhancements have been added that include details about IO exceptions. | |
SR-C95253 | 435788 | Custom datetime controls correctly appended to Excel export | The timezone was not being appended to datetime when exporting to Excel if a custom control was used. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C95532 | 435981 | Improved handling for deleting dedicated index instances | If the dedicated index instance was deleted from the ‘Custom search properties’ tab rather than from the dedicated tab of the search tab, then that instance was unexpectedly deleted from the instances of custom search properties and resulted in a blank row with the re-index button disabled and delete button enabled. This was a missed usecase related to handling the deletion of a dedicated index created from D-CP-S on a class whose immediate parent class is an abstract class or class that doesn't have a dedicated index, and has been resolved by setting the pySaveFromUI Flag when delete is invoked from the Data-CustomProperties-Search instance. | |
SR-C95667 | 438855 | Corrected UI distortion for the errors container format | After upgrade, using pydisplay to case stages in a harness resulted in misalignment issues in the UI. Investigation showed that this issue was due to an incorrect margin value for the errors container format following recent redesign work in the UI Kit, and has been resolved by correcting the value. | |
SR-C95840 SR-C96001 |
434791 436369 |
Independent query logic inserted for non-resolved rules to avoid non-applicable columns | Nothing was displayed under "Revalidate and save" for Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version. In Tracer there was an error message saying that "There was a problem getting a list: code: 207 SQLState: S0001 Message: Invalid column name 'pyRuleAvailable'. " Investigation showed that because the system was using the same logic for resolved and non-resolved rules, Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version were looking for the column pyRuleAvailable which was not applicable because non-resolved rules don't have this column. To resolve this issue, a separate query executor has been added for non-resolved rules as there are a few columns related to resolved rules that are not applicable for those that are not resolved. | |
SR-C96035 | 434732 | Write and Delete restrictions added to the RoboticAdministrator role | The security configuration for the PegaRULES:RoboticAdministrator role has been updated with the 'when' rule condition pzModifyAllowed for Write and Delete access. | |
SR-C96230 | 434679 | Opening WO from another workpool maintains the original access group and pool | Opening work objects from another workpool permanently switched the pool of the requestor to the other access and work group if the requestor had permissions for it. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C96291 | 435844 | ADM initialization modified to eliminate unnecessary keyspace creation triggers | On startup, ADM issues a Cassandra query to create one of its keyspaces if it doesn't already exist. To do this, it was set to require creation level permissions whether it created the keyspace or not, but those permissions may be considered a potential security violation if the Cassandra instance is shared with other teams. If permissions were restricted to only below key spaces used by Pega, then the ADM node would not start up. To resolve this, the way ADM initializes its keyspaces and tables has been modified so that queries requiring 'create keyspace' permissions are not triggered if the keyspace already exists. These changes also include code that ensures that keyspace and table creation can only happen on one node in the cluster at a time. | |
SR-C96406 | 434637 | Corrected default parameter passing to fetch childcases audit details | After upgrade, Child case audit details in a Parent Case were not visible even after checking the Show Subcases option. This was traced to refactoring work done in an earlier version; in earlier releases, the parameter ShowSubCases defaulted to true if it was not already present. Later during refactoring, a call to pzFetchCaseStatusUpdate was added but did not include support for passing the parameter page if the parameter had been set by default instead of explicitly being included. Since the parameter was missed, the subcase audit details would not be fetched. This has been corrected so the parameter needed will be passed and fetch the subcases. | |
SR-C96547 | 436159 | Check added to format simplified Chinese date generation to match system expectations | When the browser language was set to Chinese (simplified) and a template was used for an application, an invalid date exception was generated. This was caused by a difference in handling between the moment.js function used to format the datetime, and Pega. The moment javascript formats dates with the below 6 meridiem for Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw): 凌晨 - Early morning 早上 - morning 上午 - morning (AM) 中午 - noon 下午 - in the afternoon (PM) 晚上 - at night But the Pega server only accepts two standard meridiem i.e. 上午 - morning (AM) and 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Due to this, using an unsupported setting resulted in an error. To resolve this, a check has been added for the Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw) that will adjust the non-supported formats to be either 上午 - morning (AM) or 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Additional support has also been added to handle this function for iPad. |
SR-C96571 | 435176 | Added check for visible SmartInfo so focus is maintained | After setting up a harness that displayed page-level messages at the top and bottom with "info" icons in a grid that displayed SmartInfo, hovering on one of the "info" icons when a page-level message was displayed caused the page to scroll up to the page-level message at the top of the harness instead of displaying the SmartInfo popup. This has been resolved with the addition of a check for visible SmartInfo in pzpega_ui_doc_errors.js so the focus is properly set. | |
SR-C96703 SR-D1441 |
435743 438907 |
CMIS Timestamp function updated to support more timezones | When trying to edit any attachment , a null pointer exception was generated from the out of the box activity pygetobjectfromAPPCMISConnector by the pzFormatCMISTimestamp function in the class This was traced to CMIS using a library that did not support all the possible timezones for a timestamp. To resolve this, the RUF pzFormatCMISTimestamp has been updated to use java.text.SimpleDateFormat as it currently supports the highest number of timezones and permutations in the CMIS timestamp format. A check has also been added so that if a timezone cannot be found, the date is simply not converted and a warning is logged. | |
SR-C96786 | 438851 | Controls updated to handle hidden values in finishassignment submission | A SECU0001 alert was thrown from the out-of-the-box function finishassignment upon the submit of assignments. This was traced to an alert generated while attempting to post the feed even though there was no Pulse gadget used in the work object, and was due to the handling of hidden fields as read-only. Since the read-only values were not editable, they should not be submitted with the request body; this has been corrected by modifying the hidden control entry handle such that hidden property is considered as editable-filled. Controls have also been added to pxHidden to prevent potential misuse. | |
SR-C97207 | 435773 | ModalCancelAction activity clipboard removal updated | Clicking on the jump/when button on the activity step and then trying to expand any step in the Rule-Obj-Activity.pyModalCancelAction activity was resulting in the error "The property RH_1.pyTempModalPage was of mode String while adoptDictionaryDefinition(ImmutablePropertyInfo, boolean, boolean) was expecting Page mode. Details: the mode has been reset to match the property's definition." This has been corrected by modifying the code to use property-remove instead of property-set to remove the clipboard page. | |
SR-C97479 | 439535 | Database indexes added for better performance | In order to improve performance, database indexes have been added to pegarules-master.xml. | |
SR-C97610 | 435224 | Enhanced backwards compatibility for Attachment Gadget | After upgrade, information was missing from Attachments. This included the case number being absent from between the parentheses on the Attachment name; the time stamp was missing on the attachment; and checking the 'Show Subcase Attachments' checkbox did not provide the expected information for the attachment. This was traced to a reworking of the attachment gadget in Pega 7.1.5, and logic modifications have now been added to enhance backwards compatibility with the 6.x versions of Pega. | |
SR-C97772 | 435631 | Fixed Export to PDF page formatting | A formatting issue was seen when using export to PDF; the first page contained only the title of the report as well as the filter, the generated date, and the number of records, and the exported data was included only from the 2nd page onwards. This has been corrected. | |
SR-C97873 | 437282 | Added check to maintain key value when using collapseAllMenu in child navigation menu | After a navigation menu had a child added as reference navigation menu that used the function collapseAllMenus, the screen was freezing if a link was clicked in the added child navigation and a javascript error appeared on the console screen. This was traced to an improper key being set in sessionStorage object in setItem due to the nesting, and has been corrected by adding a check in sessionstorage setitem to maintain the proper key value. | |
SR-C98177 | 437225 | Explicit modal close added to MSOFileTransferButtons control | When using a MSOFileTransferButtons control that included buttons for Download Template and Import, clicking Import caused a popup for File Upload to appear with two options - Upload and Cancel. On clicking 'cancel', an Invalid Static Content error was thrown. This was traced to legacy code interaction issues with newer features, and has been resolved with the addition of a custom script to close the modal on click of the cancel button. | |
SR-C98214 | 435685 | Decision Table keeps proper values when a column is deleted | When the first column in a Decision Table was deleted and the rule saved, the value that was in the second column was replaced in the first row. This has been corrected. | |
SR-D114 | 435314 | Grid menu dropdown properly hidden while editing filter | After opening the filter options as if to change the filter, summarizing any of the available columns without closing the filter resulted in a screen showing a broken filter. This was traced to the implementation of the navigation menu for auto-generated grids, which was not allowing other functions while any of the "inline modals" are being used, such as editing a filter. To correct this, the grid menu dropdown will not be shown while editing a filter. This is consistent with the rest of the UI actions which are hidden while editing a filter. | |
SR-D13 | 434983 | Memory leak repaired | A server side memory leak was traced to heap utilization increasing due to a Stream control assembly problem where the CleanForReuse() function was not cleaning up pzAuto. The cleanForReuse method in generated HTML properties is used to either initialize local fields, in which case aContext will be non-null, or to clear the object for pooling, in which case aContext will be null. Because the pzAuto variable was not being properly nullified, pooled controls were retaining stale references to StreamTools, LayoutRuntime, PRThread, and others. This has been resolved by adding code to ensure the pzAuto variable is correctly nullified. | |
SR-D1386 | 444281 | Warning message visibility conditions updated for Records Editor | The Report Definition Result screen was showing the message "Warning : We were unable to create columns to match the new properties added. This will cause performance problems when using this data type. Please click here to fix this." Along with the RD results screen, this particular warning message was also shown in the Records tab of the respective Datatype. Initially, the Records Editor was developed for Designer Studio and Express usage. When the delegation functionality was later given to portals, the 'when' condition for the warning message was not updated to restrict displaying it to portal users. This has been fixed by updating the pzManageRecords section to properly manage the visibility condition of the warning message. | |
SR-D1716 | 438109 | Fixed expand when issue on dymanic layout with custom header | After upgrade, a Dynamic layout with collapsible type Container setting which included a custom section to show the text and image in place of text had an 'expand when' condition applied that caused the entire dynamic layout to be malformed and show the raw HTML code if there was an error. This was traced to the system rendering the dynamic layout in non-template form if the header has a JSP section include, leading to the expandable layout header div HTML elements getting mixed up with the custom header sections HTML code due to the aria-label attributes. This has been resolved by removing the section stream from aria-label in RUF - GridHeaderElements. | |
SR-D190 | 436868 | Job Scheduler History correctly displays pyPerformer | After upgrade, the pxcreate operator value for work objects was blank when the objects were created via job schedulers, leading to the History not displaying the pyPerformer. Investigation showed that the user details in the requestor page were not being set correctly by the agent used to populate the details due to a lack of agent parity. This has been resolved by ensuring the userName and userIdentitfier properties are populated in the requestor page. | |
SR-D2229 | 437547 | Repository Delete API updated for better use with cloud storage | Previously, the Repository Delete API immediately checked if a file existed after attempting to delete it. When deleting files in S3, the file may not be immediately removed: due to S3's eventual consistency policy, the file could still exist at the time Pega was attempting to verify the deletion but be "deleted" according to Amazon. This caused a false alert that the file deletion was unsuccessful, leading to alert emails being sent and the Manifest file not being created, and in some cases generating an exception. To resolve this issue, the logic in Repository Delete that checked if file existed after attempting to delete it has been removed. | |
SR-D2286 | 439252 | UIKit 12 updated to ensure data pages are cleared when switching applications | When using UIKit 12, switching applications without logging off resulted in the 'Recent reports' list and Public Category containing reports and folders that belonged to the previous application. Investigation showed that the pyCMReportBrowserHeader function in UIKit 12 did not include the custom control "pzRBIncludes7", which clears the data pages. This has now been added to ensure that report browser data pages are now automatically cleared on app switch. | |
SR-D2296 | 436878 | Enhancement added to support multiple security certificates | When importing IDP metadata, the only the last verification certificate was imported if there were multiple certificates. This caused SAML SSO signing failures in some cases. Support has now been added for importing multiple certificates to enhance encryption security. | |
SR-D2788 | 438262 | Stale transaction error resolved for Robot Manager deletions | The UI was hanging and displaying a stale transaction error after multiple entities were deleted from the Robot Manager UI. This has been resolved by adding clientFrame handling for SPA cases separately in the pega_ui_modaldialog js file. | |
SR-D2796 | 438394 | Corrected Recents list resize issue in IE | When using IE, opening the Pega Developer Studio to the landing page correctly resized the Recents list unless another tab was open. If there is another tab, the the resizing did not work and the scroll bar only allowed movement to the left. This has been corrected by setting the position to absolute for iframe(designer studio tabs) for IE. | |
SR-D3036 | 438139 | Password change error message clarified for invalid characters | When an operator updated their password and and included special characters other than those specified in the security policies, an error appeared that was not easy to understand. This message has been updated to clearly indicate that the password attempt includes invalid characters and needs correction. | |
SR-D3405 | 439260 | URL construction logic updated for Tracer | When trying to trace a requestor from the requestor management landing page, a 400 bad request error was generated. Investigation showed that when forming the tracer URL, the pxRequestor.pxRequestorPathInfoInReal property was being appended to it. Because the property contained unencoded characters([), the request was not being processed. To resolve this, the URL construction logic has been changed to use pxThread.pxReqBaseURI. | |
SR-D342 | 435714 | TaskName length expanded to 128 characters | TaskName was getting truncated in the History Table if the content had more than 32 characters. This was due to the AddHistory RUF which truncated the pyTaskname to 32 characters when pxTaskLabel was more than 32 characters. This has been resolved by expanding the task name length to 128 characters. | |
SR-D3494 | 439417 | Enhanced REST acceleration wizard handling of existing properties during rule generation | A resolution provided in an earlier release addressed the REST accelerator wizard failing when there was a property present in the @baseclass and that property was also present in the JSON input for data model generation. The error generated was "Cancelling rule generation. Definition required to conform to @baseclass.Name instance". This update further enhances that Rest wizard resolution to address case sensitivity issues in the naming, and adds additional support for scenarios where the property does not exist in the integration class or parent class by checking if the property exists in pyIntContextClass. | |
SR-D3598 | 439126 | CSS updated to correct Microsoft Internet Explorer issues with Flexbox | After launching a user portal from Dev Studio in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, the screen appeared blank. Each table column was stretched out, and a horizontal scroll bar appeared at the bottom of the screen that scrolled infinitely. Investigation revealed that this issue was caused by Internet Explorer not completely supporting FLEX containers. To resolve this, the CSS code for the screen layout region content has been updated to compensate and properly display in Microsoft Internet Explorer . | |
SR-D3604 | 439097 | Parameter support added for openAssignment | An enhancement has been added that will allow leveraging the Associate Requestor for Chat interactions through parameter support for the openAssignment action. This will allow an activity to be called to create the interaction and pass back the assignment and open it using the openAssignment API. | |
SR-D3767 | 438201 | Enhancement added to track list based report definitions for statistics | In order to expand the use of pyDefaultReport for Log-ReportStatistics, an enhancement has been added to pzPopulateListReport to call the pzPopulateStatisticsInfo activity with the required parameters to enable tracking of list based report definitions so they can be included in the report statistics table. | |
SR-D3788 | 437780 | Corrected temp page reference for save-as in CreateAndManageWorkFromEmail | Attempting to save-as pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail was failing due to a missing reference to TempCurrentPage in Pages and Classes. This has been corrected. | |
SR-D392 | 438873 | Behavior reset for using getLocalizedValue with an input string containing parentheses | After upgrade, the getLocalizedValue function was not returning any value if the input string contained parentheses. This was a difference in behavior caused by a missed use case when correcting another issue, and has been resolved by resetting the system to the previous behavior of getLocalizedValue returning a localized string in cases where a Field value/Rule message is present, or otherwise returning the exact input string. | |
SR-D4025 | 439630 | Check added to ensure interactions show ID | After creating many interactions, navigating to the interactions not visible on the screen using the "Currently open" menu displayed the interactions as New instead of the interaction ID. This has been resolved with the addition of a check for customer headers. | |
SR-D4027 | 439899 | Explicit property evaluation added to correct visibility in Proposition Management sorting | After navigating to the Decisioning: Proposition Management landing page (Configure->Decisioning->Decisions-> Proposition management -> Hierarchy), opening any Decision data and then switching to the Form tab to perform any sorting on the Form fields grid caused the UI to become unresponsive and generate the error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at pega.ui.Doc.evaluateVisibleWhens". This issue was traced to a 'when' condition which demanded explicit mention of whether the property value had been evaluated as true or false, and that result has now been added. | |
SR-D4829 | 439801 | Corrected ADP sections rendering twice | ADP sections were being rendered twice due to the inclusion of lazyloadinfo in pzModalAction which loaded multiple divs during the initial expand onload configuration of expand pane. This has been corrected. | |
SR-D4829 | 439802 | Focus issue corrected for multiselect lists navigation | Keyboard navigation (arrow keys UP and DOWN) were not working in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome after selecting the value by using a mouse click in a multiselect control. After selecting the value using ENTER, keyboard navigation began working again. This was an issue where clicking an element from multiselect list caused the focus to shift to the body, and has been resolved by shifting the focus to the input element when the multiselect lists are clicked. | |
SR-D5079 | 438383 | Handling added for empty UILabel in grid fields | When using a Datetime property with a default format, opening the filter popup and clicking on the 'select all' check box caused the format of the values to break. This was traced to ".pyUILabel" being passed as empty, and handling has been added for that in "pzUniqueValuesGridFields". | |
SR-D520 | 435487 | Wait corrected for sub case after reopening | A re-opened parent case was not waiting for the sub case when a sub case was reopened, but it did wait if there was no sub case on the reopened parent case. This has been resolved by enhancing the system to better handle the reopen of activator and dependent work objects by checking the reopen time: - pzGetAllStatusforDepClass activity: added step 2 to consider activator reopen time - pzGetMessageKeysForFlowDependencies list view: added criteria to filter on reopen time |
SR-D5309 | 438880 | Merge multiple branches tool updated to resolve selection error | When an application was configured to not allow branches to be merged without being reviewed, the "Merge multiple branches" tool did not allow any branches to be selected even if they had been reviewed. This was traced to the pzLoadBranches activity using local.reviewStatus even though the local variable was not required in this case. To resolve this, the activity has been modified to use Param.reviewStatus to pass the parameter page to pzSetBranchReviewStatus activity. If the 'when' rule pyAllowMergeWhenNotReviewed is set to false, the checkbox will be enabled for branches which are reviewed. For branches which are not reviewed, the checkbox will be disabled and the message "Please review the branch before merge" will appear. | |
SR-D564 | 438147 | Removed job for column population when it is not needed | While optimizing the data type class properties, the column population job failed with the exception "ERROR - Exception in column population ... column pc1.pzinskey does not exist". Although there was no impact from this error, the SQL exceptions in logs could cause confusion. This has been resolved by updating the system so that if the table has no pzinskey or stream columns, no job will be queued for column population. | |
SR-D898 | 435998 | Pega0069 alert accuracy resolved for UHC FinishAssignment | Pega0069 alerts were not raised for the CS commit and confirm harnesses, and the reported total duration was not always accurate. This has been resolved by capturing document busy/idle for CS harnesses. |