Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
Low-code Application Development
Case Management
23.1.1 Patch Resolved Issues for Case Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-229623 | 763200 | App Studio case type creation chooses correct ruleset | When the application ruleset had versions such as 01-01-01 and 01-99-01 and 01-99-01 was unlocked, during the case type creation App Studio was always selecting the 01-99-01 version to create the rules even though the application rule had restricted the version to 01-01. Analysis showed the activity PZCREATECASETYPEWRAPPER step 8 was using the GetRuleSetVersion function to get the ruleset version to save all the rules and was always returning the highest unlocked ruleset present for a ruleset. This has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-A10602 | 823169 | Corrected security error on HTML sections | Flows that call the activity ShowNewFlow with HTML stream 'NewFlow' were generating a 403 Forbidden error. This was a missed use case for BAC implementation, and was caused by the ShowNewFlowHtml and StartNewFlow activity missing the necessary encryption in the NewFlow HTML rule. This has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-A14336 | 827368 | Updated radio button control used in TransferCaseOwnership | After update, radio buttons disappeared on click in a section using pyTransferCaseOwnership. This was due to an incomplete cleanup for a deprecated radio button control used in the section rule and has been resolved by removing the deprecated control and adding the current pxRadiobuttons control to replace it. | Case Management |
INC-A15636 | 830790 | Survey questions validated when questions are hidden | After update, Survey Question Page validation was not triggering for Q-1 if the visibility condition for the last question on the page, Q-3, evaluated as false. If the visibility condition for Q-3 was true, validation for Q-1 was triggered. This was traced to the 'when' rule configuration in pzSurveyProcessing which skipped the validation on the question page if the visibility condition was hidden for the last question on question page, and has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-A15741 | 833065 | Resolved case date/time shown correctly after actions menu | After returning to a resolved case, clicking on Actions for the available case showed the case update date/time as "A minute ago" even though no action was taken. Opening the case again restored the correct value. This has been resolved by updating the handling for the "pxUpdateDataTime" property in the pzPrepareInternalAssigmentForResolvedCase activity. | Case Management |
INC-A15836 | 832095 | ShowAllOperators and WorkBasketGadget controls deprecated | The ShowAllOperators and WorkBasketGadget controls were calling the showView activity, which called the deprecated ListView rules and triggered a BAC registration error. As these controls are no longer used directly in the portals and have been replaced with alternatives, the ShowAllOperators and WorkBasketGadget controls have now been deprecated. | Case Management |
INC-A1709 | 810935 | Added handling for Section Presentation read-only | A 'when' rule to make a property read-only in the presentation tab was not working. Because this is an optimized table, row level expression is not supported. To resolve this, an embedded section will be used for pyCategory instead of a property to satisfy the read-only conditions. | Case Management |
INC-A4335 | 822964 | Handling updated for security alert on case submission | A section included on a data page which was flushed and recreated on click of a button reloaded correctly in the UI, but the PDC registered a SECU0001 alert. This has been resolved by modifying the newAssignPage.pyCurrentActionLabel property from hidden control to Text input to mitigate these alerts. | Case Management |
INC-A4692 | 813314 | Custom guardrail warnings made available for Rule-PegaQ-Question and Rule-PegaQ-QuestionCollection | Support has been added for customizing the CheckForCustomWarnings activity in Rule-PegaQ-Question and Rule-PegaQ-QuestionCollection classes by making the activity available. | Case Management |
INC-A7014 | 813879 | Updated handling for Mashup with iFrames | After upgrade, Mashup code was not working for multiple app names in Pega version 8.8. This was traced was a missed edge use case caused by the window.parent function returning null when iFrames are used, and has been resolved with an update to use the getDesktopWindow api instead of accessing window.parent directly in webwb_pxcasemgrheader_js file. | Case Management |
INC-A8610 | 834035 | Added missing property for Access control policy | Adding Access control policy on Assig-WorkBasket class caused an issue with visibility of flow actions and the "GO" button was hidden. Investigation showed the AssignPage, which is passed as the argument to the have haveAccess method, did not have the needed pxApplication property which is used in Access control policy condition. This has been resolved by adding the pxApplication property to assignPage in the pxCreateAssignmentFromFlowPage function along with updating the pyPopulateAssignmentContents and pyPopulateCaseContentsWrapper activities to add the pxApplication property onto the D_CaseAssignments page. | Case Management |
INC-A9603 | 834732 | Performance improvements for bulk processing | Performance issues were seen when using additional filters during bulk processing. This was traced to non-optimized properties for the LookUpList activity in the pzGetPropertiesToUpdateInBP activity, and has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-A9617 | 822062 | Handling added for double quotes in survey questions | When a page with a question that contained a double quote ( " ") was displayed, the message "Exception occurred in Rule-HTML-Section for Question" appeared and the question was not rendered correctly in the Rich Text Editor. This has been resolved by adding logic to escape double quotes in survey questions. | Case Management |
INC-A9870 | 822963 | Switch application gadget reloads correctly after UI refresh | After a refresh occurred on the main user portal thread, the Switch App Launcher only loaded the search bar and required a page refresh in order to get the gadget to function correctly. This was a missed use case and has been resolved by moving the style bundle outside the onlyonce tag to load the CSS for switching the application gadget. | Case Management |
Cloud Services
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Cloud Services
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A15258 | 833033 | Logging added to assist in diagnosing import issues | Additional diagnostic logging has been added to assist with tracing issues related to serialization during the import of RAP or third party jar using a client-specific application other than the PegaRULES application. | Cloud Services |
INC-A16382 | 831070 | Added handling for non-fatal rollback errors | After initiating a rollback, trying to use getStatus for the rollback failed with an error. Reviewing the logs showed that there were issues with the rollback itself, and investigation traced this to the operator who was doing the rollback also being part of the rollback. This has been resolved with an update which will clear the processing status when a non-fatal error occurs opening the instance. | Cloud Services |
INC-A20851 | 835151 | Code loader updated to avoid Windows password issue | Running the command line upgrade process with WebSphere/DB2 was failing if the password contained the special characters ‘^’ and ‘#’ . This was an edge case related to Windows CLI handling and specific to the install/upgrade script and the code loader task. To resolve this, an update has been made to invoke the code-loader with a java task instead of on Windows to avoid issues with special characters. | Cloud Services |
INC-A4542 | 816772 | Corrected Rulebase Compare logic | Using the Rulebase Compare tool to compare rulesets from two different environments was not working as expected, with results being returned from non-specified rulesets. This has been resolved by updating the logic used to compare the rules. | Cloud Services |
Conversational Channels
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Conversational Channels
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-270877 | 819161 | GetAvailableEmailAccounts and GetAllEmailAccounts use current application stack | When using two implementation applications, the pzGetAvailableEmailAccounts activity was fetching all the instances of the Data-EmailAccount objclass irrespective of the application. However, for some of the email accounts the incorrect ruleset was picked, causing errors in the logs. To resolve this, the GetAvailableEmailAccounts and GetAllEmailAccounts activities have been updated to pick only email accounts which belong to the current application stack. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A1210 | 831397 | Updated handling for missing file type extension on email processing | A java.lang.IllegalArgumentException error was logged with the message "FileExtension may not be null or blank for filename ../datacontent/Image/social/pulse_123456-0". Investigation showed the pyGetHtmlMessage activity was iterating through the email attachments/inline images during the processing of an email triage case and then creating the Data-Content-Image entry for it as part of the pySaveFileToImageContent activity. Because the file did not have any extension, pyAttachMimeType and file extension were null for the attachment /inline image. To resolve this, an update has been made to the pzAttachUploadedFile, pzCreateInteractionReply, and pzCreateExternalPostFromMail activities which will extract the mime-type information in the attachment encoding property and save it with an attachment file. If that also fails, the system will proceed and save the attachment as is. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A15747 | 835724 | Support added for special characters in email address | An email address was detected as invalid if it included special characters in it such as "+" or "-". This has been resolved by modifying the Reply / Reply All logic to allow special characters in a customer email address. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A21364 | 834221 | Mandarin added for messaging widget | The Digital Messaging widget now supports replies in Mandarin. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A2589 | 814440 | Empty and not empty validation added to pyValidate | After update, cases were not getting created for some case types when using the ServiceHub email channel. This was traced to a configuration issue. The configuration could not be changed because channel save was failing with the error ".pzRouting.pyRouteTo(2).pyConditions(1).pyCompareTo:Invalid topic", which was occurring because routing condition "Topic -- Is empty" was selected, which is not supported. To resolve this, empty and not empty validation has been added for Topics in the pyValidate rule. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A4292 | 819620 | Corrected highlight markup for entity | The entity word was not highlighted when it was the last word of the subject and the first word of the body. This was an issue is with MarkJS and has been resolved by adding a space between <br> tags. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A8248 | 819616 | Corrected HTML tags shown in email | After update, incoming correspondence showed the full HTML code instead of a readable text without the HTML tags. This has been resolved by updating the pyTreatIncomingText activity to force creating an email html attachment regardless of the "As Html attachment" setting on the listener, and by adding a new rule pyCheckAndCreateEmailContent to create email-content file in cases where the body has <html>. | Conversational Channels |
Data Integration
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Data Integration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-230002 | 820150 | Updated handling for incorrect chat agent availability | An intermittent issue was seen where an agent was not getting chats even when active and marked as Available in the queues. The chat routing engine makes a decision on the correct agent based on their presence status. Under some conditions such as a network interruption this status could be set incorrectly and no more chats would be delivered even when the network connection resumed until the agent logged off and on again. To resolve this, an update has been made to modify the push-notification message system by sending back a client acknowledgment which confirms that the message has reached to the subscriber. Success and failure handler activities have been added which will be invoked based on whether message has reached subscriber or not. For this function, the DSS "prconfig/server-push/message/clientacknowledgementenable/default " must be set to true. The flag "Enable acknowledgements for Notifications" has been added on the channel rule form and needs to be enabled for the channel which needs client acknowledgement messages in order for the message to be published on the channel. Please note that different channels having same Applies To class should either enable or disable this flag. This flag needs to be the same on those type of channels. | Data Integration |
INC-258450 | 831956 | Corrected intermittent compilation error | An intermittent component compilation error was generated if a specific When condition was called. This has been resolved by adding a missing import statement in When rule compilation unit builder. | Data Integration |
INC-261780 | 815388 | NodeID max length increased | After update, attempting to sort the list of nodes resulted in the error ".pxResults(4).pySysNodeID: "pega-selektionen-background-pu-app-0" is too long, maximum length allowed is 32". This has been resolved by updating the System-Status-Nodes property pySysNodeId size to 64 to handle node names that exceeded the 32 character length. | Data Integration |
INC-262203 INC-A16665 |
831653 831600 |
Corrected SQL generation for purge/archive | When the PegaArchival job scheduler was run, the error "Type pegarules. pub. PRRuntimeException" was generated. This was traced to incorrect SQL being generated due to the same type of child case being present at leaf node and elsewhere in the hierarchy, and has been resolved. | Data Integration |
INC-262866 | 825613 | Connect-REST wizard data page handling updated | When using the Connect-REST wizard and choosing the data page label and data page ID, setting the data page ID at the final step was ignored and instead the connector ID name was used for the data page ID. This has been resolved with an update to properly consider the editable data page name and to use the data source name as fallback if the configured data page name is not proper. | Data Integration |
INC-264088 | 818246 | Support added for PEC-signed emails | When a certified email using PEC (posta elettronica certificata) was received, the original message of the email was not displayed. In order to support this use, the class "", which handles content extraction when using IMAP, has been updated to handle email of content type "application/pkcs7-mime". | Data Integration |
INC-264237 INC-A5045 INC-A15993 |
830752 833813 832067 |
Calendar Object found after recycle | The Calendar entry was not getting picked properly in production environment after JVM recycle. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-264689 | 819562 | Custom repository documentation updated | The documentation for custom repositories has been updated to clarify that using custom repositories for case archival purposes is not currently supported. | Data Integration |
INC-265376 | 821732 | Corrected duplicate emails being forwarded upon error | Emails were randomly getting struck in the inbox and the same message was being repeatedly processed until manually removed from the inbox. This caused the system to send multiple emails to the forwarded email ID. This initial issue was traced to a third-party JSoup parser library which was throwing an exception on an unexpected empty value, and handling has been added for that exception. In order to prevent sending multiple copies of a failed email, a check for an existing DuplicateKeyException has been added so only one email will be forwarded per failure. | Data Integration |
INC-269067 | 824703 | Updated file closure for static content server | The static content server was holding files open, eventually leading to the error "Log4j2-AsyncAppenderEventDispatcher-1-ALERT-ASYNCAES ERROR Cause: Too many open files". This has been resolved with an update to close the InputStream properly to avoid leakages. | Data Integration |
INC-269469 | 818598 | Added handling for WrongModeException | When a case was passivated and reactivated, the case/portal was hanging and the error "" was logged. This occurred when the case referred to a page property in a report definition which was sourced by a data page, and has been resolved by adding handling for a WrongModeException when a page is being activated. | Data Integration |
INC-270119 | 817201 | API added to clear archival CSV files from tmp directory | High disk utilization on utility nodes caused them to frequently recycle. This was traced to extremely large archival CSV files taking up most of the disk space in the tmp directory, pulled in by a job that opens hundreds of service cases at a rate which exceeded the capacity of the normal purge process. To resolve this, a new API has been added, removeArchivedTempFile(String aInstanceHandle). This can be used in a java step such as pega.removeArchivedTempFile(pzInsKey) and will remove the temporary archival CSV file for a given handle [pzInsKey]. It returns true if the file has been found & removed; otherwise it will return false. | Data Integration |
INC-271722 | 805709 | Updated JSON logic for embedded arrays of same name | An incorrect JSON string was created when an embedded Pagelist Clipboard Page was serialized. This was traced to a nested array structure with the same attribute name in child and parent which caused pre-popping of the JSON Element from mapping context.This has been resolved by updating the logic to not pop until execution is completed. | Data Integration |
INC-272293 | 833698 | populateActivity method updated for PATCH | After setting up Service SLA with fallback activity in REST service, the response body did not appear at all for PATCH method. This has been resolved by updating the populateActivity method to populate for PATCH method as well. | Data Integration |
INC-273213 | 822179 | Corrected nested data transform execution | After update, calling a data transform inside another data transform was not working as expected. This has been resolved with an update to enable declare processing when needed for DataTransform execution. | Data Integration |
INC-A1049 | 815397 | Additional stack trace logging added to ConvertPageToString | A function used in multiple places to convert clipboard page to JSON format was generating an exception due to invalid inputs while performing ConvertPageToString, but logging was not able to help identify where the problem was originating. To resolve this, a new exception has been added to the ConvertPageToString function which will print the stack trace to help identify the source of the null Clipboard page. | Data Integration |
INC-A11245 | 822833 | Added database type check for VacuumFreeze | After upgrade, the the job scheduler "pyPegaArchivalVacuumFreeze" was failing with the error "There was a problem getting a list: DatabaseException caused by prior exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement". This was caused by the PostgreSQL command VacuumFreeze encountering an Oracle database, and has been resolved by adding conditional handling on execution of connect-SQL to run the command for PostgresSQL databases while skipping other database types. | Data Integration |
INC-A12390 | 830699 | Report definition modified for deleted LowerCase function | After update, the actions list in the schema tool did not populate for a table in the pzDBDetailsInner section rule sourced from the report definition pzFetchDBTableHistoryLog. Investigation traced this to the @@pxLowerCase function being referenced in the pzFetchDBTableHistoryLog report definition even though that function was removed during previous refinements to the code. This has been resolved by adding a column without the function alias in the pzFetchDBTableHistoryLog report definition so it will work in alignment with sections. | Data Integration |
INC-A13061 | 828673 | Check added for custom associations history class | After adding associations for the standard classes Link-Tags, Link-Association-Follow, and Link-Association-WorkBookMark, the casetype archival fails. This was due to the custom associations missing properties, and has been resolved by adding a validation condition to check whether the history class for a given class is present, and if not it will not be added to Data-Archival-Batch (DAB). | Data Integration |
INC-A14416 | 828040 | Updated handling for email meta tags | The email listener was not processing some specific set of emails and throwing an exception. This was traced to the messages containing a meta tag charset with a varying number of attributes and different meta tag combinations and has been resolved with updated handling. | Data Integration |
INC-A17907 | 831935 | Null check added to temp file deletion | A null pointer exception was generated from the MultipartRequest.deleteFilesFromTempDirectory call after submitting a page with uploaded files. This has been resolved by adding a null check condition. | Data Integration |
INC-A19576 | 835371 | References to pzGetLocaleListSeperator updated to pyGetLocaleListSeparator | After update, extracting data for 3rd party stopped working. This was traced to the comma having been replaced with a semicolon in the locale list separator, and has been resolved by changing the outdated references to pzGetLocaleListSeperator to the new pyGetLocaleListSeparator. The old pz rule has been removed, and references to it updated. | Data Integration |
INC-A3080 INC-A7375 INC-A13372 |
826984 829122 829706 |
Updated handling for throttled websocket connections | After idling, issues were seen with refreshes happening when no action was performed, the portal notification count badge had an incorrect count, or the error "Unable to find presence agent with Application" intermittently appeared when a call was coming in. This was traced to some browsers throttling connections when idle, causing websocket timeouts. To resolve this, updates have been made to the PresenceSessionStateTrackerDaemon to handle websocket throttling. | Data Integration |
INC-A4594 | 822069 | Support added for custom S3 endpoint | In order to support the use of a custom S3 endpoint, updates have been made to enable a Path style request based on DSS, enable endpoint configuration based on the Service Endpoint URL, and honor the custom service endpoint URL from the DSS to create a system repository. | Data Integration |
INC-A5354 | 837307 | Email format retained for auto generated request | After updating Microsoft Office 365, the previous structured format for auto-generated email requests was changed to plain text email. This was traced to HTML handling relating to MS Graph: HTML new line characters and spaces are expected to use < >, but for the auto generated emails \n was present instead, and part of the processing was to remove the new line characters (\n). This has been resolved with an update to address the email message HTML formatting issues by retaining the original data. | Data Integration |
INC-A5522 | 817418 | Corrected localized RuleSet List Name and LocalePattern name | After updating from Pega Platform version 8.5 to Pega Platform version 8.8, attempting to import a RAP file failed with the error message "Found exception running import: com.pega.pegarules.priv.deploy.DeploymentException: PegaArchiveException RuleArchiveLoader.importContents(PegaArchive) Unable to import file: rules.jar because a problem occurred during import: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException". This was traced to the localized RuleSet List Name and LocalePattern name starting with "de", and has been resolved by adding an underscore (_) as a prefix to the localePattern variable name. | Data Integration |
INC-A7067 | 822144 | ABAThinDebugLogger made available | The present ABA loggers generate an excessive number of messages, rendering it challenging to keep them enabled for extended periods to determine the root of the issue. To assist in debugging issues such as an incorrect rule from a different class being rendered during runtime, a new ABA logger "ABAThinDebugLogger" has been introduced which is very thin and can be turned on for longer period on production environments. | Data Integration |
INC-A7133 INC-A13072 |
817432 823834 |
Corrected en_SG locale datetime | After update, the datetime calculations in the SGT locale were incorrectly displaying as GMT + 8. This has been resolved with the correct format for the en_SG locale. | Data Integration |
INC-A7781 | 819137 | Error message security udpated | In order to prevent potential security issues, an update has been made to limit the amount of information publicly disclosed in detailed error messages related to available libraries. | Data Integration |
INC-A7878 | 818312 | Data page creation documentation updated for endpoint URLs | Documentation for the endpoint URL configuration in a Data Page has been updated to clarify that only string literals are accepted and parameterized Data Page references are not supported. | Data Integration |
INC-A9085 | 820213 | Corrected PDC illegal argument exception | An Illegal Argument Exception in was seen in the PDC when starting the Listener in the Staging environment. This was traced to a missed use case and has been resolved. | Data Integration |
INC-A9983 | 822276 | Connect MQ charset handling updated | When processing response messages, the character set specified by the MQ header in the message (UTF-8) appeared to be decoded incorrectly. Characters within the ASCII range were unaffected. UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding, where characters can be represented by one to four bytes depending on the character code point. Characters like "Å" (a Welsh character) in UTF-8 can be represented by two bytes, but reading them one byte at a time might lead to the "Å" character being split into two separate characters and lead to an incorrect interpretation. This has been resolved by adding support for the MQ connector to read response messages using charset along with byte length. | Data Integration |
Decision Management
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Decision Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A4585 |
817817 | Updated label handling in proposition filter | If the value for any condition in the proposition filter was same as the criteria label, compilation failed for the proposition filter rule. This has been resolved with an addition which will wrap all labels with ## to ensure the system is not substituting a value with a label. | Decision Management |
INC-259934 | 827209 | Improved query performance | A performance issue was seen with database queries. Investigation showed a slowdown related to binding the recipient IDs and notifications IDs caused by the system making database query calls for each bound value, and this has been resolved by replacing the connect SQL call with Native SQL which creates prepared statements so one SQL call is sufficient. | Decision Management |
INC-266893 | 832205 | Updated stack handling for strategy execution engine | During execution of a strategy the exception " Specified stack frame 'null' does not match top of stack: 'doActivity Rule-Decision-Strategy' at pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.Executable.popStackFrame" was generated. The exception did not occur when the strategy execution engine (SSAVM) was turned off. This was traced to the stack size per thread being bigger when when using SSAVM. To resolve this, an update has been made to ensure the stack is updated even if there is a problem in evaluate method. | Decision Management |
INC-269322 | 825700 | Validation added to check for Strategy pagelist class | While triggering a batch data flow, the exception "decision.compute.ssa.exception.DecisionRuntimeException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class". This was caused by the mapping involved in the strategy shape in the Data flow attempting to map a page list property of the customer class when only page lists of a class type that inherits from Data-pxStrategyResult class should be mapped here. To resolve this, extra validation has been added on the UI to check if the selected pagelist property is of SR class. | Decision Management |
INC-270817 | 823214 | Updated aggregation partition handling | Real Time Data Grid (RTDG) nodes were continuously restarting. Investigation showed that when handling very big simulation data, the partition of records being inserted became older than current partition, i.e. after an hour the system was still inserting records from the previous hour, causing the aggregation to fail while the collection buffer continued to build up. When the buffer hit the limits related with arrays (due either to current JVM settings or JVM limit) then the JVM crashed and the restart occurred. To resolve this, an update has been made to use a proper limit for the array size and modify the aggregation to aggregate all partitions and not just the current one. | Decision Management |
INC-A10575 | 827416 | Corrected Visual Business Director time group logic for aggregates | Visual Business Director aggregates by month were incorrect. Investigation showed that when a query groups by time (monthly, quarterly, etc), the records for the last minute of the last month/quarter were missing. A similar query with the 'group by' removed, did include records from the last minute. This was traced to logic which rounded the end timestamp for the bucket to 11:59:00 instead of using 11:59:59, and has been resolved by updating the time binning to use inclusive logic to correctly calculate the end timestamp for the last bucket as passed in the API. | Decision Management |
INC-A11748 | 822084 | Updated handling for duplicate predictions | Multiple versions of each prediction were shown on the Prediction landing page in Prediction studio. Investigation showed these were created in two different classes due to application context, and this has been resolved with an update to ensure if there are two predictions with the same name in different classes then selection will be based on rule resolution. | Decision Management |
INC-A12371 | 824274 | Handling added for node stuck in queue processor initialization | The real-time data flow was getting stuck in the initialization state. This was due to it waiting for an in-progress partition to finalize, but before it was allowed to fail the data flow was run and it was skipped in the new partition assignment because it was shutting down and was never detected as an unhealthy partition. To resolve this, an update has been made to reset a dead partition when a run is in pending pick up state and has fail intent. | Decision Management |
INC-A12661 | 823394 | BigInt values handled by File Data sets | When using Data flows and File Data sets where one of the fields (AccountID) was configured as bigInt in the source system, the created JSON did not have quotes around it and executing the data flow generated a "Completed with Error" status. To resolve this, support has been added for bigInt values in the parsing logic. | Decision Management |
INC-A13515 | 824179 | Resolved ADM Node rebooting due to Invalid Factory keys check | An ADM Node was rebooting continuously. At ADM service startup, a database check is run for any factories whose keys have become invalid because they do not contain all of the Context Keys that have been configured on the model rule (e.g. when Context Keys have been added to the rule while there are already existing models which do not have this key). The service will be in a Pending-Joining state until this process finishes. In this scenario, the node was being restarted before the startup had finished, leading to a loop. To resolve this, the invalid factory key check no longer generates empty factories. The ADM node will start immediately even when there are invalid factory keys, and the invalid or empty value keys will be logged. | Decision Management |
INC-A14125 | 826046 | Corrected Decision Strategy Manager (DSM) API delegation | Obj-sort in activity and Sort in Datatransform were failing with the error "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at decision.dsm.strategy. clipboard.DSMClipboardPageAbstract" Investigation showed that when using a batch data flow with a data transform which called another data transform performing the sort action, a new method introduced to execute data transforms for optimized pages in Decision Strategy Manager (DSM) did not delegate to the correct API. This has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-A15306 | 836068 | Removed javascript files for deprecated Visual Business Director (VBD) planner | A cleanup has been performed for legacy Visual Business Director (VBD) planner files which are not in use, including outdated versions of moment.js. | Decision Management |
INC-A15641 | 827126 | Updated handling for multiple real-time dataflow runs | When using a set of queue processors given very similar names such as CreateCases, CreateCases1, CreateCases2, CreateCases3, CreateCases4, etc, which all used the same queue processor activity CreateCases, stopping the queue processor CreateCases in production stopped all of the other queue processors of the set which then reinitialized, and when any one of the queue processors was started, all of the queue processors were started. This behavior was only seen when the set of queue processors CreateCases{1 .. N} were created by "Save As" of the original rule queue processor without the suffix. Investigation showed that whenever a real-time data flow went to an end state (stopped or failed), wrong assignments were invalidated in a few cases. This was happening because of a deletion query removing a few too many entries due to an incorrectly configured 'like' query, and has been resolved with an update that will only delete accepted assignments for the data flow that is stopping so the other queue processors will be unaffected. | Decision Management |
INC-A17949 | 831648 | DSS added to allow Backfill to skip errors | The error "Positions out of order" appeared in the Backfill (BF_Interaction History) dataflow, and the Aggregate dataflow became stuck with failures. This was traced to duplicate Interaction History records in the S3 location. Backfill is configured to fail if there is an error on a record, as errors in records most commonly reflect errors in configuration (e.g. two separate environments pointing at the same S3 repository), but two new DSS setting have been introduced for ruleset Pega-DecisionEngine to allow configuring Backfill to skip errors if desired. - cep/aggregation_service/error_on_backfill_duplicate Values: True/False (default: True). When running Backfill by default the dataflow will register errors if records are out of order/duplicates. Changing this value to false will disable this behavior and ignore these duplicate records. - cep/aggregation_service/max_backfill_errors Values: 0-MAX_INT (default: 0). By default the Backfill run will fail on the first error. This is currently done out of concern for storage errors (e.g. Cassandra read/write problems). This DSS allows this configuration to be changed, for example to handle a small number of invalid records in S3. |
Decision Management |
INC-A19109 | 831794 | Conflicting validation dependencies in ADM resolved | After update, the d-node could not be started. This was due to conflicting validation dependencies in the Adaptive Learning core library and the WebLogic internal module, and has been resolved by updating the version of the Adaptive Learning core library. | Decision Management |
INC-A19934 | 833083 | DecisionTable made consistent after eligibility column removed from optimized strategy | After an entire column of a decision table referenced in an eligibility condition was removed because the validation was no longer required, the globally optimized strategy was not returning offers and behaved inconsistently. Investigation showed that Trigger_NBA_TopLevel had the correct results, however GOS_TOP_Level had results only in Normal execution results and not in Optimized execution. While there was a workaround of restoring the deleted column, an update has been made for the DecisionTable to take "Primary" from the calling Strategy to correct this issue. | Decision Management |
INC-A20145 | 837291 | Correct null pointer error for nested decision strategies | Decision Funnel simulation was failing in the Strategy execution when the source was a data flow that included another decision strategy as part of its logic. This was traced to a null pointer error when building decision strategy parameter page, and has been resolved. | Decision Management |
INC-A21243 | 835121 | Handling updated for DDS service shutdown | If a node scale down happened while a resumable batch dataflow run was in progress, the DDS save operation failed with the error "dsm.dnode.api.ExceptionWithInputRecord: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: DdsPrpcConversionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in progress". This was traced to an explicit check for shutdown in progress in the DDS save operation, and has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-A21605 | 833185 | Updated handling for node partitions check | When performing a batch run, records could be processed multiple times if a scaledown happened during the process. In a batch run, the system will periodically go through all partitions assigned to a node and verify if they are still alive. Partitions assigned to dead nodes are unassigned so that another node can pick them up. However, if a node is STOPPING or LEAVING, it was be considered dead even though it might still be processing, and might therefore be considered unassigned. If another node picked up this partition before the first node finished, duplicate processing could occur. To address this, an update has been made to properly consider all node states that can still be doing the processing as alive, i.e. consider LEAVING and STOPPING states as alive. | Decision Management |
INC-A24131 | 839586 | Top-up can be turned off for browse operation | The browse operation for the Interaction History data set did not work when the Top-up DSS was enabled. When using the interaction history database as a source, the Summary dataset browse operation will get the list of IDs from either the _ih_customer_v2 table or by executing distinct(pysubjectid) on the fact table and then iterating over each key. This implementation was designed to support Top-up, but even when Top-up was turned off the behavior was the same. This is incorrect behavior: when Top-up is turned off it should just browse the summary dataset storage. This has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-A2548 | 817814 | Able to set pyOutputClassName on simulation reports | After previously creating a database output destination, it could not be selected because it was not visible in the add Existing output screen. This was due to pzGetDataSets being designed to get all data sets in the system without a good filter condition. To support this use, the report definition pzGetDataSets has been updated to only return results for data sets with applies to class starting with "Data-". | Decision Management |
INC-A3322 | 812066 | Corrected document inline view handling | When using the pyAttachmentFeedDescription control to display attached documents with just minimum details such as type (PDF) and file name but not upload date, operator, etc, the 'when' condition in pxHaveAttachmentInlineViewAccess that evaluates if the document can be previewed was not checking the correct file which was clicked. Investigation showed this function was taking the Inskey of the work object and trying to pull all the attachments linked to the case, then retrieving the attachment(1) from the results that were sorted by pzInsKey. For example, given 10 attachments uploaded into 10 different file categories, trying to open/display the document caused the system to get all documents and take the oldest document (based on pzinskey sorting order) for checking the category access. This has been resolved with an added check in the DisplayAttachFile activity to use the correct page value to check if inlinepreview is allowed for the attachment. The activity will exit if not allowed. | Decision Management |
INC-A3416 | 824959 | Handling updated for proposition cache refresh | After update, TopLevelNBO was not providing results. Results were given on individual nodes only after running application validation or accessing proposition hierarchy landing page. This was traced to the proposition cache being refreshed from the PegaRules application context. The RAP import which has Actions, Prop filters and other rule types triggered the system pulse which queued the activity pyReloadPropositionCache activity. This queue item was picked up in PegaRules application context when the master agent woke up to process the pending queue items, and the execution caused the system to replace the proposition cache with empty results as there were no issue/groups defined in the PegaRules application context. To resolve this, a 'when' condition has been added which will exit the activity when invoked in the PegaRules application context. | Decision Management |
INC-A4475 | 824778 | Corrected condition check for Pulse messages | After update, attempting to post Pulse messages from assignment tasks generated the message "Error in commit:BadTableMappingException: Database-BadTableMapping-TooManyProperties PegaSocial-Message pegadata.pc_work_social PegaDATA". This was traced to the PropertyHasValue method adding a property to the page instead of returning the boolean value, and has been resolved by revising the condition for checking the .pyReference value. | Decision Management |
INC-A5718 | 815041 | JAWS correctly announces New Task error message | When using Microsoft Edge and JAWS 2022, JAWS did not announce the error message when any field was missing a value on the create task screen on the Home tab. This has been resolved by updating the accessibility of the section to 'component/widget'. | Decision Management |
INC-A5936 | 819060 | Visual Business Director security update | HTML injection protections have been updated for Visual Business Director. | Decision Management |
INC-A7802 INC-257644 |
823008 779304 |
All relevant records appear on the landing page | If more than 50 strategies were marked as relevant, the Relevant record landing page only showed the first 50 strategies. This was traced to the 'pxLoadRelevantRecords' of class Rule-Decision-Strategy having the checkbox 'Enable Paging' checked, and has been resolved by removing pagination from Rule-Decision-Strategy pxLoadRelevantRecords. | Decision Management |
INC-A8654 | 816239 | Support added for NBA Explainability and Eligibility Extract | An update has been made to support extracting a customer's list of eligible actions for all interactions in production with details that would explain why an action would not be prioritized against other actions. This is handled by adding a section to the property panel of the Strategy shape in a data flow which allows persisting only a subset of the strategy results to pxDecisionResults for Delayed Learning by choosing a result component in the strategy rule. | Decision Management |
Low-Code Application Development
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Low-Code Application Development
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-267156 | 834520 | Improved security for signatureData parameter | Handling for the signatureData parameter has been updated for improved security. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A14890 | 830447 | Resolved DX API v1 security check issue | The DX API v1 security check for first use assembly (FUA) was not working when checking "create stage" (New) harness. This was traced to a missing "creation_page", and has been resolved by adding a wrapper creation_page to the pzSecurityCheck call. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A16711 | 829762 | Enabled Constellation back button for Alternate stages | The checkbox provided for allowing users to go back to the previous step in Constellation was not working in Alternate stages. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A3161 | 812309 | Data modeling and survey respect property optimization DSS and privilege | After update, leveraging the Questionnaire creation to non-developers failed as they lacked access to Column creation in the database. This was due to a change in the handling for questionnaire creation: in Pega Platform version 8.3, questionnaire answers are mapped to a field and data stored in Blob. In Pega Platform version 8.7 and higher, the property is exposed by default and thus the creation failed due to permissions. To resolve this, a check has been added to evaluate if pxIsPropertyOptimizationAllowed is true in places from data model so the Data modeling and survey will respect property optimization DSS and privilege settings. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A7629 | 816783 | Branch Quality limited to test cases for Rules in branch | Branch Quality was showing test cases for Rules not in the branch. Investigation showed it was pulling the test cases based on the rule name only and ignoring the type of rule. This was due to the activity rule that populates the pyBranchAUTs property list for the Unit Test Cases under the Branch quality dashboard referencing the Data page and passing a null parameter. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A8032 | 818946 | Post-upgrade decision table correctly shows horizontal scrollbar | After upgrading from Pega Platform Version 7 to Pega Platform version 8, the horizontal scrollbar was not visible for a decision table with a large number of columns and rows unless the page was scrolled all the way to the bottom. This has been corrected by adding grid CSS to the pZDecisionTable section. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A8821 | 822389 | Corrected guardrail warning for for Onchange Activity | Calling the Onchange Activity type from the onchange rule caused the activity to throw a severe guardrails warning. This has been resolved by updating Rule-Obj-Activity!checkForWarnings to distinguish between trigger and onchange type activities so it will only show the guardrail message when appropriate. | Low-Code App Development |
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Mobile
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A14019 INC-A11637 |
829535 830302 |
Mobile splash screen background reflects custom branding | The splash screen background color was not reflecting the branding asset in the file and instead defaulted to the Pega background color. This was traced to pySplashUploadType being set to "Upload" if it was empty during mobile channel open, but when custom branding assets are uploaded it should be empty. This has been resolved by adding a condition to not set the pySplashUploadType when pyLabel is "Custom". | Mobile |
INC-A17974 | 833241 | Mobile check added for autopopulate control | After update, a screen using an autopopulate dropdown control worked on the desktop application but did not work on mobile. This has been resolved by adding a check for !isMobile before calling the setXY function. | Mobile |
Project Delivery
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Project Delivery
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-250457 | 770095 | Email server integration clarification | The documentation for integrating the application with an email provider has been updated to clarify that Pega Platform does not modify any incoming messages. It receives the messages after the external email server runs all relevant checks. | Project Delivery |
INC-259495 | 787441 | Access Controlled policy documentation updated | The policy documentation for Access Controlled Properties has been updated to clarify that users cannot use filters on columns where ABAC PropertyRead policies are applied on the property. | Project Delivery |
INC-267487 | 802273 | S3 repository documentation updated | The documentation for adding an S3 repository has been updated to clarify that connecting to Amazon S3 with VPC endpoints is not supported. | Project Delivery |
INC-272149 | 808363 | Localization documentation corrected | The documentation for localizing an application using Constellation has been updated to correct a missing line in the JSON example. |
Project Delivery |
INC-A644 | 813127 | Parent/Child case interaction documentation added | Documentation has been added explaining the expected behaviors when parent and child cases are worked in multiple tabs in the same user session. Please refer to "Best practices for managing interactions between parent and child cases". | Project Delivery |
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Reporting
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-180408 | 833105 | Handling improved for BIX 'Use last updated time as start' filter | A runtime error was seen when processing BIX extract rules if the BIX filter "Use last updated time as start" was selected. Investigation showed that this was caused by a socket timeout error related to the filter's use of pxCommitDateTime causing a full scan of the interaction table which contained more than 10 million records. This has been resolved by updating the extraction rule to use pxSaveDateTime instead of pxCommitDateTime for the incremental extraction. | Reporting |
INC-251114 | 773847 | Corrected DateTime report filtering | The DateTime filter was not working for a report on the user portal. Investigation showed there was a case mismatch which caused the datatype to not satisfy the filter conditions for pzpopulateselectedvalues. This has been resolved by setting the filter value to Range. | Reporting |
INC-255371 | 823122 | Updated search handling when ForSpecifiedProperties is used | When using global search, selecting "All content" instead of "Name" caused almost all searches to return 0 results. This occurred when the "For specified properties" option was checked and dedicated data instances were used, and has been resolved with an update which will always append to the content for rule reindexing even if ForSpecifiedProperties is selected. | Reporting |
INC-267671 | 830167 | Show results in new window working in Case Worker portal | After update, searching for a work object in the Case Worker portal and clicking "Show results in new window" incorrectly displayed 1000+ records. Investigation showed the pySearchString was incorrectly passed to D_pyWorkSearch as pyDisplayHarness.pySearchText instead of pyPortalHarness.pySearchText, and this has been resolved by updating the parameter configuration in the section pyShowResultsInWindowWrapper to send SearchString param as D_pyWorkSearchPreferences.pySearchString. | Reporting |
INC-A11826 | 825229 | Corrected datatype for Report Definition datetime | It was not working to specify a symbolic condition such as [Today] for a datetime property in a report definition [Date and Time] interval. This was caused by the datatype being saved as "DATE TIME" instead of "Date Time" when created from UserPortal, and has been resolved by updating the pzGetSelectedValues Activity to correct the datatype. | Reporting |
INC-A13181 | 833689 | Custom header/footer DSS added for Export to Excel | Support has been added for custom Header/Footer text in Excel files using the ExportToExcelStaticText DSS. The Static Text appears on the top and bottom of each exported page if the DSS Setting is not empty. | Reporting |
INC-A14123 | 826116 | Select values time period modal made accessible | The <select> element within a report used to display the Time periods tab was missing an accessible name. This has been resolved by adding an aria-label to the select tag for the two custom controls used in the Report browser. | Reporting |
INC-A14124 | 826121 | Added accessibility to My Reports data tables | Data tables within My Reports were missing an accessible name. This has been corrected. | Reporting |
INC-A4889 INC-A7495 |
828718 818074 |
Improved query time for reindexing internal class | A socket and statement timeout occurred while reindexing a dedicated internal index class. This has been resolve dby updating the query to remove the sorting condition while indexing internal classes to avoid timeouts. | Reporting |
INC-A6794 | 819278 | Accessibility improved for My Reports - Select values | On the Select Value modal, the search text field, search button, and checkboxes were missing an accessible name. This has been corrected. | Reporting |
INC-A6961 | 832582 | Updated BIX creation in branch | When BIX was created in a branch with filters added, merging the same rule to the base application and trying to Check out and save generated the error "Filter Name—This is not a valid property, or this is a property that cannot be used here.". This was traced to an issue with ruleset context. Internally, BIX makes use of a report definition. When the BIX rule is created in a branch, then the ruleset is a branch ruleset for the report definition as well. Merging a BIX rule to the base application moved the BIX ruleset but not the hidden report definition ruleset. To resolve this, the ruleset of the report definition will be updated in alignment with BIX to ensure the proper context. | Reporting |
INC-A9602 INC-A12976 INC-A11974 INC-A11469 INC-A12028 INC-A14590 INC-A12194 INC-A12029 |
820967 823266 824919 822230 822160 828308 822933 822164 |
Support added for Postgres MATERIALIZED/NOT MATERIALIZED | Performance impacts were seen after upgrading Postgres. Beginning with Postgres 12 there has been a change in query plan allowing common table expressions (CTEs) to be inlined into the outer query. CTEs were not inlined in Postgres 11 and were always evaluated before the rest of the query. With Postgres 12 and higher, they are automatically inlined if they have no side-effects, are not recursive, and are referenced only once in the query. Inlining can be prevented by specifying MATERIALIZED, or force multiply-referenced CTEs by specifying NOT MATERIALIZED. In order to improve performance, this update adds support for the materialized keyword to improve the performance of the descendant classes native SQL query for Postgres 12 and above. | Reporting |
INC-A9770 | 822467 | Sort works in portal reports | Sorting alphabetically did not work in portal reports when a specific category was selected. This was an inadvertent side effect of previous work done to allow sorting when using a data page, and has been resolved. | Reporting |
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for Security
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-268552 | 822239 | Corrected authentication handling for Proof Key of Code Exchange (PKCE) | When using SSO for Google Angular via OAuth2.0 (PKCE) and SAML (for IDP), the Angular dashboard had intermittent loading issues after successful authentication from IDP. Investigation showed this was caused by a token request failure due to the matching pair of code verifier / code challenge not being correctly validated, and this has been resolved. | Security |
INC-A13971 | 835383 | Improved customization for “discoverable results” message | It is possible to customize the displayed message generated by the pxDiscoverableItemsCount section rule by overriding the pydiscoverableItems and pydiscoverableItemsnocount field value rules, which are marked ‘Available’, but it was not possible to remove the hyperlink (which displays a secondary list view with the case IDs of any suppressed items) because the pxDiscoverableItemsCount section was marked as ‘Final’. This has been resolved with an update to make discoverable messages within the report customizable. | Security |
INC-A19870 | 832240 | Signature algorithm made case-insensitive | The error "Signature algorithm is null" was seen in the engine class . This was traced to the signature algorithm being identified as 'SHA256WITHRSA,' while in the signature map, the key is maintained as 'SHA256withRSA.' Due to this case mismatch, the signature algorithm was recognized as NULL, resulting in a failure of the SAML login. This has been resolved by modifying the map to accept case-insensitive keys. | Security |
INC-A20585 | 834411 | DevStudio Resources help query updated | The file rule pxJsAPI, used for opening the help document "Javascript API" from DevStudio Resources menu, has been updated to use pzpega_jquery_latest. | Security |
System Administration
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for System Administration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-271349 | 818387 | Corrected queue processor delay factor increasing when localized to Italian | When the locale was set to English, the "delay factor" parameter of the queue processor remained constant. If the locale was set to Italian, the delay factor increased by a magnitude of 10 each time the queue processor settings were saved and the page refreshed. If the value increased and the locale was set back to English, it did not continue to increase. This has been resolved by enabling the displayUsingReadOnlyFormatting checkbox in the final section pzDefinition in Rule-Async-QueueProcessor for the delayFactor field which will format and show the correct values in the decimal field. | System Administration |
INC-A12381 | 832387 | Improved job scheduler rescheduling | A job scheduler configured to run every day except Sunday at 19:00 hours displayed unexpected behaviors such as not scheduling a job for a specific Saturday, or missing a run which then had to be manually triggered. Investigation showed the job scheduler which was run on all associated nodes (no locking) multiple times a day had an activity which was processed really quickly (e.g. empty activity). This caused other jobs to start running a couple of milliseconds before schedule. After the mechanism detected that the job scheduler execution was triggered too early (ex 18:59:59,994) it decided to recalculate the execution launch time again and reschedule. Usually it gets rescheduled to couple of milliseconds later, but in this case rescheduling took place at 19:00:00,005, which generated next runtime for the next day. This has been resolved by adding verification before job execution. | System Administration |
INC-A14326 | 827100 | Stale queue processor partitions cleaned during initialization | After scaling down the queue processor partition count from 6 to 3 using the pxAlterStreamPartitions activity, scaling the partition count up later resulted in the queue processor only processing records from a few partitions and an error was generated regarding partition IDs. Investigation showed that the records for a specific queue processor were not deleted from the pr_data_qp_run_partition table while scaling down, resulting in a mismatch in offset when the partition count was scaled up later. To resolve this, after changing the number of partitions, the queue processor partition will be cleaned during data flow reinitialization. The cleanup is based on data flow partitions: all queue processor partitions which are not available in the data flow partition table or are in "Marked for deletion" state will be removed. | System Administration |
INC-A5765 | 811823 | Added handling for default value in job scheduler date calculation | The configuration to pass certain parameters to be used in the Date calculation in Job Scheduler activity was not working as expected, leading to incorrect calculations. This was traced to an issue with using a Default value in the activity and expecting the background job to pick it up as a parameter, and has been corrected by explicitly setting a parameter on the javascript ruleform activity parameter section. | System Administration |
User Experience
23.1.1 Resolved Issues for User Experience
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-258073 | 828541 | Group popover accessibility improvements | When using JAWS and activating “Group” from a repeating grid, a pop-up appears and “Add a field to group” receives visible focus. Selecting enter brings up a combobox to make a selection while focus remains on the “Add a field to group” link to allow users to add up to three combobox variations. However, when the focus remained on the link there was no accessible announcement that the combobox had appeared. Once the user has selected three comboboxes, the announcement from JAWS simply said “My Work”. This has been resolved with several accessibility improvements, including announcements that the combobox has been added. | User Experience |
INC-258134 | 808745 | Keyboard access added for portal tab close icon | An issue with the tab close icon in the portal not being accessible by keyboard navigation has been resolved with the addition of the necessary CSS styling. | User Experience |
INC-263486 | 790927 | Updated handling for saving embedded data on refresh | Field data populated in the UI using a pyRefreshData data transform was not getting saved with the case. This occurred when using a Repeating Page list (pyWorkPage.Directors(1), pyWorkPage.Directors(2)) etc. Investigation showed the response of the refresh-api call was not generating any page instruction so the value coming from the server was not captured. This usecase has been handled by registering a call on serverChanges so the callback will contain context and the property reference and its value for use on submit. | User Experience |
INC-263891 | 825615 | Corrected focus going to negative positioned elements | When selecting the values from a multiselect, the scroll bar was not auto-adjusting properly and focus was moving to the top. This was traced to the text area in multiselect being hidden using negative positioning, and has been resolved with an update which will not focus Negative positioned elements. | User Experience |
INC-264149 | 828586 | Resolved incorrect deletion refresh on field group row | If the last / only remaining row was deleted from a field group and a refresh API call was triggered (for example if there was a visibility when condition configured somewhere on the view) then the deleted data was returned to the screen. Additionally, this returned data was not actually saved or submitted when clicking save for later or submit. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-264149 | 825609 | Delete Row works in Field Group | When using Constellation, the Delete icon in the Field group template was keeping the row and just deleting the data from the list instead of deleting the entire row. If the view was expanded before Delete then the entire row was deleted as expected. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-264720 | 810895 | Added support for PD4ML document view parameter | After upgrading from Pega Platform version 7 to Pega Platform version 8, a generated PDF did not have Fit to Width scrolling as expected. This was due to an issue with PD4ML, and has been resolved by updating to the latest version and adding support for the parameter pd4ml.document.view.mode. This parameter defines the default view mode for generated document, with the accepted values being "SinglePage", "OneColumn", "TwoColumnLeft", "TwoColumnRight", "TwoPageLeft", and "TwoPageRight". | User Experience |
INC-266527 | 810798 | Offline mobile app error message localized | Localization has been added for the error message "Please correct the errors indicated and try again" in the offline-enabled mobile app. | User Experience |
INC-266708 | 797606 | Corrected aria attributes for MultiSelect Lists | The aria attributes for MultiSelect lists have been updated so JAWS will announce "combobox" instead of "listbox". The "listbox" role is appropriate for the drop-down list container (e.g., <ul>), and the options (e.g., <li>) within the list with role of "listbox" container have the role = "option". | User Experience |
INC-267956 | 827145 | Revised dirty alert handling for table search box | Dirty Alerts were generated when using the Search option on table layouts. This has been resolved by using the table search box class and skipping the dirty validation for search text input which is part of the table toolbar. | User Experience |
INC-268234 | 815028 | Corrected Navigation Tree node name handling | After creating a Navigation Tree in UI Gallery and selecting the Width Component as Pixels(fit) in the presentation tab of the element, double-clicking on the node and then single/double clicking on any other node showed a duplicate node name and replaced the other node name. Investigation showed the node element was being replaced in the table whereas the description field still held on to the original element name, and this has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-268876 | 829830 | Corrected lock release for child case | When completing a child case, the system returned to the parent case but then threw the error "You have lost the ability to make this change". This was traced to DoClose causing the lock to be released, which was an inadvertent side effect of previous work done on the context for the doClose activity. This has been resolved by adding a condition to check if a parent/child relationship is there between the cases, and if so skip the code that adds pzPrimaryPageName to safeURL so the lock will not be released. | User Experience |
INC-269073 | 815986 | Parameter added to handle Base64 encoding | While generating a PDF with image from a case, the image was not visible if it was sourced from Base64 encoding. The same encoding worked as expected in browser and in the standalone PDF generation utility. Investigation showed the image's base64 content was causing an exception when decoded via MimeUtility from Java Mail. To resolve this, a new parameter "pyUseBase64Decode" has been added to support the use of base64 encoding. By default it will be set to false. | User Experience |
INC-269105 | 798870 | Corrected dynamic UI date conversion | A date chosen based on timezones was being converted to the operator time zone on submit of the flow when using dynamic UI fields. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-269951 | 818737 | Null check added for datarepeater layout | Multiple Dynatrace errors indicated an issue with pzpega_ui_datarepeateractions js where layoutInfo was undefined. This has been resolved with the addition of a null check which will return from the method if the layout information is null or not defined. | User Experience |
INC-270615 | 816149 | Corrected missing GroupByOrder registration value | Intermittent 403 BAC errors were seen when an authorized user attempted to move a report from one category to another category. This issue was due to the parameter "GroupByOrder" which requires the default value of "asc" for the pzGetDropdownOptions activity, but which was being set as empty or no value by the generated java of the section pzMoveShortcut7. To resolve this, an update has been made to set GroupByOrder parameter to "asc" when the value is empty or null. | User Experience |
INC-270887 | 827910 | Text contrast updated for placeholders and controls | Updates have been made to placeholder color values and link disabled styles to meet the IT Accessibility Standards of a color contrast ratio of 4.5:1. | User Experience |
INC-270958 | 800025 | Pin to Space-Keyboard focus moves to revealed content | There were accessibility focus issues with the pencil icons in the section rule of the Pin to Space modal dialog. This has been resolved with an update to set focus on the edit icon. | User Experience |
INC-271915 | 836053 | Updated handling for text area resize | After choosing size to content for textarea and adding more rows than the specified minimum row height, the text area expanded as expected, but the last few rows were not visible when coming back to the screen in the screen flow until the down arrow was pressed. In addition, when the end user screen resolution was around 1344 * 840 or less, the text area was not resized when minimizing or maximizing. This has been resolved by adding a resize observer for textarea. | User Experience |
INC-272052 | 822563 | Corrected filter application after report column sort | After referring a embedded section in a column and adding a reference property in filtering, sorting and then filtering the column showed an empty result. Filtering without sorting first worked as expected. This has been resolved by updating pzpega_ui_templatizedgridcomponent_js. | User Experience |
INC-273017 | 827025 | Corrected HTML for readonly with helpertext | The layout was distorted when displaying text input fields when DynamicLayout's Skin: Label settings were set to Label Position: Left and the Helper text was present (specified as "Help icon with overlay on focus"). Investigation showed this was caused by one closed span tag not getting generated as part of the HTML if the field was readonly and helpertext on focus was configured. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-273644 | 818167 | Corrected soft keyboard layout for NumberInput and CurrencyInput on iOS | On some iOS mobile devices the browser presented a numerical keyboard without "." (decimal). This has been resolved by updating the CurrencyInput and NumberInput components to set the inputmode attribute to "decimal" in cases where the showDecimal property is set to true. | User Experience |
INC-A10466 | 835776 | JAWS correctly announces OperatorImage icon | When the work object was assigned to a work basket / work queue and not a specific operator, JAWS did not narrate the operator icon correctly. This has been corrected by updating the tags. | User Experience |
INC-A10776 | 825278 | Dirty popup triggered for date control | When a date control was used with the configuration of "allow text entry" set to no, dirty popup was not getting triggered when a value was entered by choosing a date from the control. Picking the Yes option for "allow text entry" triggered the popup as expected when a value was entered. This was a missed use case for isContainerDirty in pzpega_ui_doc_dirtyhandling and has been added. | User Experience |
INC-A10839 | 823619 | Navigation menu focus reset | Navigation menu focus was not getting reset to the current active navigation. This was traced to an issue with the styling and has been corrected so the blue styling is set on current menu item on the left navigation focusout. | User Experience |
INC-A10991 | 823283 | Text area honors max characters for pasted contents | When using a data transform or activity to copy contents from one text area with no max character limit to another text area which had a max number of characters, the character-limited field accepted more characters than the limit and showed the remaining character count as a negative number. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A11040 | 823900 | Corrected Helper and tooltip text | Dropdowns using both Helper text and per-item tooltips were broken. Investigation showed the value in the template file for this helper text was set to the property reference instead of the static helper text kept at design time. This was caused by referencing the property in the incorrect path if there were any tooltips associated with the options, and has been resolved. |
User Experience |
INC-A11944 | 828490 | Added 'when' rule to handle text as datetime | After upgrading from Pega Platform version 7.4 to Pega Platform version 8.8, dates entered were off by a day when saved. For example, selecting the date August 10th, 2023, was saved as August 9th, 2023. This was traced to the data type of the property being Text instead of DateTime, which caused it to use the local timezone. In order to facilitate using the large number of Text type properties already present in the applications, the 'when' rule pyConvertTextAsDate has been added. Setting this to true will convert the date value in the text property to GMT and not the user timezone. | User Experience |
INC-A1195 | 814286 | Corrected mobile sort and filter for embedded section | When pyIsMobile || IsMobileResponsive is added as a visibility condition for layout, it is not possible to sort or filter the columns. This was traced to the property name starting with '.' when the embedded section gives the section name without '.' . This was a missed use case for sort and filter of an embedded section in mobile, and which has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A12035 | 822993 | Regex filtering updated for autocomplete | Autocomplete was throwing a console error for the '+' character when "Results display" was list in the Presentation Tab and the "Highlight match" checkbox was selected in the General Tab. This has been resolved by updating the regex filtering. | User Experience |
INC-A12509 | 824630 | Script HTML tags blocked from personalization view name | When using a table or grid in the UI with Optimize code and Personalize table checked, filtering on a column and trying to save that view using PersonalizationName caused the system to freeze. This was traced to an issue in the parsing logic of parseAndGetMetaDataTree when the value of pyPersonalizationName had script tags, and has been resolved by blocking the invalid strings (<script>, </script>, <SCRIPT>, </SCRIPT>, ....) in the personalization view name of template grid. | User Experience |
INC-A13846 | 835736 | JAWS correctly announces null read-only fields | When using arrow keys to navigate read-only fields with JAWS 2022, JAWS was reading "ndash ndash" for read-only fields which had null values. This has been resolved by adding accessibility support for no value so JAWS will announce the field is blank. | User Experience |
INC-A13962 | 827487 | Text input security updated | Security protections around sanitizing input text have been updated. | User Experience |
INC-A14040 | 829883 | Improved accessibility for opening dynamic grid work items | My Reports table rows are interactive and when clicked with a mouse open a new tab, but the rows were not keyboard accessible. This has been corrected by adding a VirtualRD attribute with added role="link" and tabIndex=0 on first cell. | User Experience |
INC-A14075 | 827049 | Configuring an Autocomplete control documentation updated | The documentation for configuring an autocomplete control has been updated to clarify that "Property for value" and "Property for display text" configured on the property definition will not work for Autocomplete. | User Experience |
INC-A14082 | 826124 | Accessibility improvements for My Reports table menu options | My Reports table menu options, Summarize and Appearance, displayed modal dialogs which contained controls which did not have accessible names. This has been resolved with an update to use dynamic layout and correctly set the labelFor. Grouping has also been added for some of the checkboxes. | User Experience |
INC-A14098 | 831404 | Corrected accessible labels on controls when using autocomplete | Using an autocomplete with "additional field set" configuration was preventing other controls such as text input or dropdowns from getting accessibility names. This was caused by hidden fields that were generated from the autocomplete control based on the "additional field" configuration. Since ID generation is based on the property name, these hidden fields had the same ID as the manually-added other control for the same property and resulted in an empty accessible name. This has been resolved by removing the ID for hidden fields. | User Experience |
INC-A14274 | 829241 | View Less button translation corrected | Localization has been added for the View Less button translation in repeating dynamic layouts. | User Experience |
INC-A14339 | 827406 | Corrected layout for sort and table filter icons | The table filter and sort icons were overlapping when used together. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A14548 | 831348 | Corrected section assembly error | Loading sections was generating the message buildWhitelist_1();pzSectionBody_1() on UI. This was traced to pzAssemblepreprocessor becoming corrupted, causing an issue with stream assembly. This has been resolved by adding a check to the section generation and log a warning while also correcting the generation code to run down the auto-generated path. | User Experience |
INC-A14647 | 831391 | UI accessibility improvements | To improve accessibility, the “Preview” button in the Notifications panel has been enhanced with a soft light border to make it more visible on a dark background. Universal focus styling which works well with both light and dark backgrounds has been added to Theme Cosmos to improve contrast in the left navigation panel. Additional tuning was done on the focused bookmark icon button color and the “Preview” button opacity in Notifications when the link is focused. | User Experience |
INC-A15272 | 830866 | Defer load inside Dynamic layout group updated | After upgrade from Pega Platform version 7 to Pega Platform version 8, defer load inside a dynamic layout group was not working, and the contents were loaded at the time loading the screen itself. This has been corrected by updating the logic for isDeferloadDLG from | User Experience |
INC-A15284 | 831588 | Support added for Checkbox control for property with declare expression | The checkbox control was not displaying the true/false text configured for the control in section when using a property with declare expression. This has been resolved by adding the logic necessary for this use case. | User Experience |
INC-A15996 | 830230 | Display details read only made consistent | The integer control was not removing dot(.) immediately on entering when "Display details read only" was unchecked for integer control. Investigation showed there was a difference between text and integer handling in the pega.c.ITextInput.prototype.keyup method: it removed the dot character immediately for type=text but for type=number control it removed the dot after one more character was entered. This has been resolved by adding code to restrict the entry of dot for integer control with integer property if the input type is number so the behavior is consistent between text and integer. | User Experience |
INC-A16652 | 829403 | Run time content reflected in Rich Text Editor | As part of a local action which sends email from a case, an email template is selected from a dropdown list. The view uses a property "Body" of type Text (Paragraph) with RichTextEditor as "Display As" option, then the data is dynamically populated using a pyRefreshData data transform. The Body property was properly set with the email source stream on the Content Page, but while all simple properties were displayed, the template was not. This has been resolved with an update which automates Rich Text Editor content assertion on assignment refresh. | User Experience |
INC-A16885 | 829207 | Document library generation library updated | Running the wizard through the localization landing page was failing. This has been resolved by updating the document library generation version. | User Experience |
INC-A17145 | 832671 | Modified check-in for Helper Text configuration in Sections | Checking out any section which has Helper Text Configuration as 'Help icon with overlay on focus' and then checking it in without making any changes to the Helper Text configuration caused the Helper Text configuration to change to 'Tooltip (not recommended)'. This was traced to pyModes() being in an unexpected state which caused the pzUpgradeOnOpenHelperText activity to reset the pyHelperTextType property incorrectly. This issue was limited to Pega Platform patch version 8.8.3, and has been resolved. To ensure the issue does not occur on higher release versions, the pzUpgradeOnOpenHelperText activity has been modified to prevent this issue. | User Experience |
INC-A17186 | 832156 | Corrected modal dialog focus order | After adding the pxAttachContent control to a section, opening the modal dialog and tabbing through to the action buttons caused the focus to go to the button on the right before the button on the left. This was an issue with pzModalTemplate and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A17190 | 833507 | Corrected table focus issue for primary column | When tabbing into a table with select all checkboxes, the focus was not on the intended checkbox element and the table was able to be navigated via the tab key. If a column was marked as primary and one of the cells contained an item that could receive focus, it was possible to tab to that as an element. This has been resolved by correcting the focus issue when a column is marked as primary. | User Experience |
INC-A17474 | 831674 | Home screen correctly loads when skipDocsRecreation is true | When pega.u.d.skipDocsRecreation was set to true, the harness only displayed a white screen. This has been resolved by adding code to load the home screen when skipDocsRecreation is true. | User Experience |
INC-A18916 | 833530 | Added Iframe registration to support upgrade | After upgrading from Pega Platform version 7 to Pega Platform version 8, the flow action was submitting instead of only saving when using a save button or control in the flow action. Investigation showed that when trying to click on Save in the perform harness, the case is moving to the review harness and the background Finish assignment was getting triggered from Work- .ActionHTML of Pega-EndUserUI. This occurred due to the use of the deprecated Iframe-based action area, and has been resolved by registering the activity. Note Iframes is a deprecated functionality, and it is recommended to update to use pyActionArea. | User Experience |
INC-A19409 | 831468 | Added handling for locales with multiple underscores in the name | Singapore-based users were unable to use Google Chrome to access an EMEA-hosted Pega Cloud Constellation application when the locale in the profile was left blank so the locale was taken from the browser. Investigation showed that when Google Chrome is set to "English (United Kingdom, Oxford English Dictionary spelling)", the locale code sent from server is "en_GB_oxendict". In environment-info > setLocale function, only the first underscore (_) was replaced with dash (-) so the locale value became "en-GB_oxendict", which is invalid. There is a workaround of setting the locale, for example "en_SG", or changing the Chrome browser language to English (United Kingdom), but this has been resolved by adding handling for a locale which contains multiple underscores. | User Experience |
INC-A1964 | 814768 | Updated helper text for date property | Helper texts added to text properties were working as expected, but a helper text created for date property was not reflecting the correct values. This was due to the 'when' condition for the date/time control helper text not bringing up the proper control name in the pyName attribute, returning the value as "pxVisible" instead of the expected "pxDateTime". This has been resolved with an update which will take pyName from the nested "node.pyTemplates[0].pyTemplates[0].pyName" instead of the top level if the visibility is based on a 'when' condition. | User Experience |
INC-A19993 | 835414 | Conditional check added for validation | Client-side validation failed to trigger for an autocomplete field after selecting from the list. This occurred when the autocomplete option was selected using keyboard, and was due to calling the "gridmousedownhandler" two times (onkeydown, onKeyup). This caused the second time to add tempvalidation as "null", leading to validationtype being null. This has been resolved by adding a conditional check for validation. | User Experience |
INC-A20684 | 868917 | Lists option correctly displayed in UI Gallery | After upgrade, the list option was not visible in the Rich Text Editor UI Gallery. This was an unintended side effect of security work, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A21119 INC-A10334 |
833927 838078 |
Display harness updated for Advanced attachment view | A 403 error was generated when accessing the Advanced attachment view if the case was launched by clicking on a link from an email. The error did not occur when logging in, navigating to the case, and then clicking on the Advanced attachment link. This was caused by a security authorization event, and has been resolved by adding the portal name to the display harness action with target as popup. | User Experience |
INC-A21269 | 833270 | Corrected validation message display in two column layout | The validation message generated from the date control was overlapping the other controls the Theme Cosmos when the date control was embedded in a dynamic layout designed as two columns or 2 columns layout. This has been resolved by adding a separate "white-space" styling to the error div so it can wrap as expected. | User Experience |
INC-A22746 | 836158 | Corrected duplicate field labels | After update, duplicate field labels were showing up for embedded data pagelists. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A2822 | 811777 | Validation message for hidden input of datetime cleared | When Datetime was configured as dropdowns, the client side validation 'incorrect date format' error message was not cleared when a value is selected in any dropdown. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A3539 | 823990 | Corrected post-resize context handling for navigation arrows | After lowering the resolution for a tab layout, the arrows used to toggle between the tabs were not visible until there was a click on a different tab. This was traced to a context issue caused by the global resizeaction removing the resizeCall of setimeout, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A3599 | 820462 | Corrected portal focus issue | Focus was getting lost from the portal text boxes and autocomplete dropdowns and preventing data entry. This has been corrected. |
User Experience |
INC-A4113 | 811959 | View focus moves to top of new view | On a view where a user was required to scroll down to view all the relevant information and then click continue, clicking continue loaded the next step but the focus on the screen remained at the bottom of the next view and not at the top as expected. This has been resolved with an update which focuses on the first focusable element in the assignment region upon render. | User Experience |
INC-A4239 | 814021 | Updated parameter registration for Flow in Modal Dialog | A SECU0019 error indicating "Unauthorized request detected : Unregistered request encountered" was generated when using 'Flow in Modal Dialog'. Investigation showed this was caused by the modalflowParams string being generated differently during registration and in the AJAX request payload due to the randomized order of parameters being returned while iterating over the clipboard. As the individual parameters and values are already registered, the registration of modalFlowParams is unnecessary and has been removed. |
User Experience |
INC-A426 | 812898 | Required field error message persists on UI | When a text input field was set with a required condition with Number as the presentation option and the property was configured as decimal, after entering a value and tabbing out and then going back to clear the field the error message flickered and was not persisting. This has been resolved by adding an empty condition check for DecimalPrecision. | User Experience |
INC-A4741 | 825159 | Added handling for Spellcheck exception in Rich Text Editor UI | Using the spellcheck in the Rich Text Editor UI component was causing the browser to hang after pressing the spellchecker button. Investigation showed this was caused by a call to the activity SuspectWords_V2 from pzspellchecker_v2.js which returned HTML to the JSON parsing and crashed the spellchecker. This has been resolved by adding a check for spellChecker returning HTML and exception handling will generate a warning. | User Experience |
INC-A4746 | 810633 | Corrected accessibility focus on dynamic layout expand/collapse | When using JAWS2022 it was possible to get focus on the expand/collapse icon on dynamic layouts while navigating a section with the virtual cursor (arrow keys). This expand/collapse icon should not be present in the Accessibility focus order as the expand/collapse functionality is triggered from header, and this has been resolved by making aria-hidden="true" for the <i class="icon icon-openClose" />. | User Experience |
INC-A4890 | 820205 | Restored previous confirmation dialog for case reopening | In previous versions, the text on the confirmation dialogue for opening a case was "Case_Name (Case_Id) is already open." After update, this was changed to "Case_Id (Case_Id) is already open." To address this, the label condition has been updated in the showConflictDialog function of dynamiccontainer.js for the Confirmation dialog shown in the browser alert box for reopening a case. | User Experience |
INC-A4955 | 814066 | Corrected autofocus on Text Area on validation error | Auto focus was not working on a text area after a validation error. This has been resolved by updating focus for the textArea element in focusFirstElement() in pzpega_ui_doc_focus.js file. | User Experience |
INC-A5074 | 829285 | Updated parameter handling for dashboard filtering | Clicking on the filter option in one section of the Pega dashboard generated the error "There has been an issue, please consult your system administrator." This was traced to an invalid parameter exception related to nested tables where a section ID was used as the grid metadata page with the combination of grid source. To resolve this, the section pxreportwidgetgridandchartsection has been updated to use the custom result page pyResultReference. The grid activity has also been updated to use the primary page while fetching the unique record and use the pxreportwidgetsetreference activity to populate the unique results page. | User Experience |
INC-A5235 | 818031 | Step name localized | Localization was not working for the step name which comes as a header in the task when using the Constellation interface. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A5528 | 818688 | Updated row selection implementation for optimized tables | Enabling checkboxes within an optimized table with select all functionality did not persist to all pages within the table. This has been resolved, and support has also been added for being able to check a row checkbox and enable the row header checkbox. | User Experience |
INC-A5924 | 821457 | Corrected Unicode characters present in radio button aria label | Some radio button labels were being read to JAWS users with Unicode characters not decoded. This has been resolved by adding decodeCrossScriptingFilter. | User Experience |
INC-A6248 | 820115 | Removed duplicate guardrail warnings | The section rule pzAssemblePreProcess logic was adding duplicate guardrail warnings. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A6303 | 819498 | Corrected AM/PM localization issue | The Native Calendar control was not populating P.M. time (12-23 hours) correctly in offline mobile when localized to Chinese locales zh_tw and zh_cn or Arabic locales starting with ar_ This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A6420 | 814681 | Helper text displayed when property visibility conditional | If a property was visible based on a "when" condition, the "?" icon for the property was visible but the helper text was not displayed. If the the visibility condition of the property was changed to "always", the helper text became visible. When the "Visible When" condition is configured on Property Level, the tooltip value is sourced from a different nested level and the DLCellTemplate file was trying to get the value from an unexpected place. This has been resolved by adding handling to get the value from the correct nested position. | User Experience |
INC-A6637 | 817651 | Rich Text Editor toobar accessibility improved | In order to improve accessibility, tooltips have been included for the Rich Text Editor keyboard shortcut tool bar. | User Experience |
INC-A6641 | 820907 | Accessibility improvements for report table menu controls | The menu labels and controls for the dynamic grid header of Report Viewer have been updated to improve accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-A6787 | 827062 | Improved uploaded file display for mobile | On a small mobile device there was no space for the file details once uploaded, and only a few letters were displayed. This has been resolved by removing a redundant container reference. | User Experience |
INC-A6792 | 817902 | Calculation Builder accessibility improvements | The links to return to a previous calculation in the Calculation builder modal were not keyboard accessible. This was due to the links being coded in <span> tags instead of HTML link or role link, and has been resolved by adding the necessary aria-label to non-auto Autocomplete and Text controls. The fields on the modal were missing an accessible name. This has been addressed with the new pyPinModalHeader HTML fragment which uses the h2 tag for modal header inside it. Error handling for the calculation builder modal has also been updated. | User Experience |
INC-A6846 | 823335 | Focus moves to intended element from Notifications Tab | After navigating to the Notifications tab and tabbing to one of the notifications, clicking "Enter" to open it did not correctly move the focus to the notification harness that was launched. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A7038 | 817771 | Locking error correctly appears for child case launched from local action | When parent and child cases were configured with default locking, a second user trying to add a child case from the Actions menu did not see any error or lock message and instead an empty popup appeared briefly and then closed. This has been resolved with the addition of a script to prevent the closing of local action modal when a work object has a lock. | User Experience |
INC-A7141 | 825153 | Corrected case id display in header | After update, creating a new case from the first case did not update the summary panel with the correct case details. This was traced to an incorrect case context when a tertiary container is not used to create the case, and has been resolved by fixing the empty handle error issue. | User Experience |
INC-A7718 | 823177 | Handling added for plus character in search term | When using anypicker and searching a local data source for a country code which starts with a "+" such as +966, it was not showing results. Searching with 966 did produce results. This has been resolved with an update to handle the "+" character in the search term. | User Experience |
INC-A7748 INC-A21764 |
816389 834408 |
Focus set correctly for datetime control cursor | After update, the focus was not being set correctly after a single digit month value was given in the datetime field. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A7863 | 817081 | Corrected filter handling when searchText is integer | After defining two columns of picklist type in a table view, selecting "Dropdown" as the Display mode for the columns caused the values to appear properly with sorting, but the values appeared without sorting when "Search box (Default)" was selected as the Display mode for the columns. In addition, the values selected in the picklist disappeared when switching between screens in the screenflow using the Previous and Next buttons. Investigation showed that an ignoreCase filter option for integer type of key was added when calling buildFilters in data-view, but it was not supported for integer. To resolve this, a conditional statement has been added to skip the ignoreCase filter when searchText is integer. | User Experience |
INC-A7877 | 821736 | Corrected date resetting on refresh | After generating the reports, clicking on refresh from the actions menu was resetting the date if the report was configured with column format. This has been resolved by adding pyFormatType before calling pxFormatDateTime. | User Experience |
INC-A8047 | 819263 | Corrected save for Operator rating change | After making updates to the Operator rule to change Skill and Rating under the Work Tab and saving, pyDirtyCheckConfirm unexpectedly appeared when attempting to close the tab in dev studio. Investigation showed that values entered inside the Rating input field were not being properly saved, and this has been resolved with an added condition check for number input in the operator level. | User Experience |
INC-A8340 | 818665 | Modal dialog flow releases hidden button space | After using 'Hide Default Button' in a flow action, the buttons were hidden but the space was still taken. This has been resolved by adding the condition .pyShowFAButtons != true for pyModalFlowTemplate and pzModalFlowTemplate | User Experience |
INC-A8639 | 823622 | Added handling for empty activity name on landing page | After creating a landing page and adding it to the application as the first page, logging in generated the error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException". This was traced to actionPage.getPageValue().getString("pyActivity") being empty, and has been resolved with an update which will not execute the activity if the name is null or blank. | User Experience |
INC-A8942 | 819979 | Support added to disable drag and drop in optimized tables | Drag to reorder is not available to keyboard users for optimized tables. You may ensure that your application does not include operations that users cannot perform by keyboard by turning off the ability to reshuffle columns for tables that you use in the group by overlay. In this way, you provide equal access to your applications to users with all levels of ability and reduce user frustration from not being able to fully navigate your product. To support this, the pyDragDropCategorizeColumns 'when' rule has been added. This will return true by default to enable mouse-based drag and drop for reordering columns, and setting it false will disable the rule. Disabling this rule must be combined with unchecking "Enable drag to reorder items" (in the operation tab of the repeating dynamic layouts property panel) in pyGridCategorization to fully disable drag/drop. For more information refer to Pega documentation under the subject "Disabling drag and drop in optimized tables". | User Experience |
INC-A9145 | 818587 | Accessibility added for report table sort | The sort controls in the report tables have been made accessible with a visible focus ring for table header's filter, sort and table pagination and report viewer (summary report) cells. | User Experience |
INC-A9184 | 829798 | Updated signature event handling on mobile | After a signature was made on mobile, any movement gesture was captured on the mobile screen and the signature was not recognized. This has been resolved by stopping the event propagation during the process. | User Experience |
INC-A9213 | 822821 | Pega Call widget labels updated for modal template | The Buttons on the Pega Call widget were not labelled correctly when using a modal template. This has been resolved by adding the aria-label in pzModalClose control (non-auto). | User Experience |
INC-A9867 | 829037 | Screen reader accesses Create button expand/collapse | When a screen reader placed focus on the Create menu navigation element on the left navigation element, there was no announcement to suggest the menu was expanded or collapsed or that it was possible to activate this. This has been resolved by adding the aria-expanded attribute for the Create menu. | User Experience |