My Support Portal home page has been revamped to provide you with a personalized view of your current interactions with the Pega Support team.
The Homepage is made up of a number of tiles. Each tile contains information about Support ticket's which you have raised or are otherwise associated with.
My Support Portal (MSP) Buddy is placed front and center at the top of the home page. This provides you with the opportunity to utilize MSP Buddy before, raising a support ticket.
MSP Buddy is a tool that brings the power of Generative AI to Pega specific content. MSP Buddy utilizes data from the following sources:
- Pega.com,
- Pega Documentation,
- Pega Academy and
- Support Center.
This tool works best with specific questions and instructions. You can request a specific format or language for the answer for example type your question in your preferred language for an answer in that language. Don't be afraid to rephrase your question, if you are not getting a helpful answer.
You can return to the traditional home page view at any time by selecting the 'View all...' link displayed at the bottom of each tile. From this traditional view you can access all support tickets for your account as well as those you've raised personally.
Clients not affiliated to any account
Those not affiliated to a Pega Support account will have access to My Support Portal (MSP) by virtue of the registering for a My Pega account.
Once registered to My Pega, you are able to login to MSP, however you will not be able to raise any Support tickets.
The Home page displays the MSP Buddy tile, giving you full access to our GenAI tool.
Below the MSP Buddy tile is the Welcome to My Support Portal tile. This makes it clear that you must be affiliated to a client or partner account before you can raise a support ticket.
The following message is displayed:
'In order to create a support ticket, you must be added as a contact to a client or partner account. Please reach out to your support administrator to be added.'
MSP Buddy
Those affiliated to an account are also displayed the MSP Buddy tile first, at the top of the screen.
This makes it clear that you use the Buddy to answer your questions before raising a Support ticket.
To use MSP Buddy, type in your question and press enter or click on right arrow button. Whilst MSP Buddy is searching for your answer, a loading icon is displayed with the following message:
Thank you for your question. I'm going to need a brief moment to gather the information. Please bear with me.
Getting the best out of MSP Buddy
The following guidelines will help you get the best responses from MSP Buddy:
- Don’t put specific client or contact information in your question.
- This buddy is for development related questions. It does not support queries regarding ongoing Support tickets.
- Ask a question rather than enter a keyword search for example:
- Instead of entering ‘Filtered records in a page list in constellation’ type your query in the form of a question for example: ‘How can I display only filtered records from a page list in constellation?’
- Instead of entering ‘Docker API Key Replacement’ type your query in the form of a question such as ‘When will Docker API Keys be replaced by tokens?’ or 'How can I request a Docker API token?'
- Instead of entering ‘Pega Platform ‘24.2’ ask a question such as ‘When will Pega Platform ’24.2 be released?’
- You can then refine your question to tease out further information e.g. ‘Where can I find information on the new features released with Pega Platform ‘24.2?’
Once MSP buddy has processed your question, you will be provided with a response.
You question will be displayed at the top of the response, below that the answer will be displayed. Then the sources, which the answer is based on, will also be displayed.
At the bottom of the tile, feedback icons are available for you to rate the response provided. That is, thumps up and thumps down icons capture your feedback.
Adjacent to the feedback icons, there is a handy link to the Pega Support Center.
Once you've reviewed the answer, you can click on the cross icon to close the answer screen.
If MSP Buddy is not able to provide an answer to your questions it will provide you with the following response:
I'm sorry, I'm unable to answer this question. Please try to reframe your question or ask your question on Pega Support Center community forum.
If, for some reason, MSP buddy is unavailable it will advise you as follows:
I'm sorry, I'm unable to answer this question. Could you try again later or ask your question on Pega Support Center community forum.
Support Cases
This section is spilt into a series of tiles, to enable you to focus on what really matters to you. The tiles available are dependent on your deployment type. For example: if you are an on-premises client you will see Support Cases, Drafts and Pega advisories. Whilst if you are a Pega cloud client you will also see Cloud Change & Cloud Maintenance.
If you are affiliated to more than one account you will see an Account drop-down in the top right of the section. This displays all accounts by default. You can use this to filter on the account you want to view. If you are only affiliated to one account the account name is displayed next to an Account label instead of a dropdown box.
Adjacent to the Account drop-down is the refresh link. This refreshes the entire Support cases section.
Search all tickets and the Create a ticket button are displayed immediately below the Account drop-down / label.
Entering a complete ticket ID in the Search all tickets text box will open the support ticket in a new tab for you. Entering a partial ticket ID will take you to the All tickets tab. Here all the tickets meeting your search criteria are displayed.
The Support Cases section is divided up into Open major incidents and Open tickets.
Open Major Incidents
This section displays all Severity 1 and 2 support tickets created by all users on the account(s) that you are affiliated with.
Where a ticket has been opened proactively by Pega, due to an alert, a Pega logo is displayed next to the ticket.
The tickets are sorted by severity and then by last update date/time.
5 cases are displayed in the list with pagination in place for additional cases.
If there are no major incidents, the following text is displayed:
"There are no open major incidents"
Open tickets
The open tickets section focusses on tickets which you have raised. It is further divided into sections showing Tickets pending my action, Tickets pending Pega action or Tickets I'm following.
If you do not have any open tickets the following text is displayed:
'You do not have any open tickets'
Tickets Pending my action
Displays a list of open tickets, that you are the primary contact on, which are your action e.g. 'Pending-Client-Action' / 'Pending-Client-Confirmation (INC, HF, RCA, SR). A Maximum of 5 cases are displayed in the list with pagination in place for additional cases.
Tickets are displayed in Severity order followed by last updated time. This list is refreshed based on the account selected.
If there are no tickets needing your attention the following text is displayed:
'There are no tickets pending your action'
Tickets Pending Pega action
This section displays open tickets, that you are the primary contact on, that that require some action from Pega. (INC, HF, RCA, SR). A Maximum of 5 cases are displayed in the list with pagination in place for additional cases.
Tickets are displayed in Severity order followed by last updated time. This list is refreshed based on the account selected.
If there are no tickets pending action from Pega the following text is displayed:
'You do not have any open tickets pending Pega's action'
Tickets I'm following
This section displays open tickets, that you are either following or an additional contact on e.g. INC, SR, HF, RCA.
The tickets are sorted by the last updated date/ time (latest at the top). Note: based on updates by Pega.
If there are no tickets which you are following or additional contact on, text below is displayed:
'There are no tickets you are following'
View all tickets [link]
Upon clicking the View all tickets link, the All tickets tab should open. The Create a ticket button is also available on this screen.
The All ticket screen defaults to the following filters:
- Account - Defaults to All (unless you are affiliated to only 1 account, in which case it defaults to that account)
- View - Defaults to All open cases
- Ticket type - All.
You can create and save your own views rather than rely on the default view.
Following tab (From All tickets)
From All tickets you can switch to the Following tab to see the full list of open cases you are following e.g. INC, SR, HF, RCA.
This list also includes any cases where you are the primary client contact or an additional contact.
If you are following a case you can select Unfollow to stop following the ticket. However if you remain a contact on the case it will still display in the Following tile.
Client Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) Icon
An icon is available, in the Open tickets tile, to identify when there is an open CSAT case for you to complete.
Note: this will not appear if there are no open CSAT cases. Only CSATs for the currently selected Account will be displayed, if you are affiliated to multiple accounts.
Hovering over the icon you'll see the following tool tip: 'Let us know how we did on your last ticket'
Clicking on the CSAT icon opens the CSAT case.
The Drafts tile is displayed in the top right hand corner, adjacent to Open major incidents, when you have open inflight drafts. When you do not have any draft cases, this tile is absent.
All draft ticket types, you create, will be displayed here, for example: INC, SR, HF, CC.
Up to 5 draft tickets can be displayed at a time. Pagination is available if more that 5 items are present.
Note: There is no link to all tickets on the Drafts tile and draft tickets will not be displayed on the all tickets screen.
Pega advisories
Client advisories are displayed in this tile in the format: Case ID (with a link to the advisory), Short Summary.
The list is made up of all open advisories which you are a contact on.
Up to 5 cases can be displayed at a time. Pagination is available if more that 5 items are present.
The Client advisories listed are displayed in date order, with the most recent on top.
If no open advisories are present, the the following text is displayed:
'You do not have any Pega advisories'
View all advisories link takes you to the All tickets screen with the filter defaulted to all client advisory tickets for all of your accounts.
Cloud Change and Cloud Maintenance
This tile contains only cloud related open tickets, that is, CC / CM tickets. It will only be visible you are affiliated to a Pega Cloud account.
For each ticket, displayed in this tile, the following information is displayed:
ID, Short Summary, Scheduled Start Time.
Note: Scheduled start time is based on the client's time zone.
As with the Open tickets tile, it is sub-divided into:
- Tickets pending my action
- Tickets pending Pega action
- If there are no cases pending Pega action, following message will be displayed in this section: 'You do have have any cloud tickets pending Pega's action'
- Tickets I'm following
Note: Only CCs will appear in top two sections as there is no primary contact on a CM case.
Within each sub-section, the tickets are sorted by scheduled start time (farthest past date to farthest future date). Tickets with no scheduled start time will appear at the bottom of the list.
Up to 5 tickets can be displayed at a time. Pagination is available if more that 5 items are present.
There is a View all cloud tickets link at the bottom of the tile. This takes you to the All tickets screen where the display is defaulted to all open CC and CM tickets across all of your affiliated accounts.
If you do not have an open cloud related tickets, the following text is displayed in this tile:
'You do not have any open cloud tickets'
Helpful Links
This section provides links helpful links to resources outside My Support portal.
Predictive diagnostic center (PDC)
If the account you are affiliated to is using PDC, this tile is shown with links to PDC.
The following text is displayed:
Predictive Diagnostic Center
Monitor your performance leveraging Predictive Diagnostic Center: https://pdc-central.pegacloud.io/prweb/PRAuth/directory
Learn more about PDC: Pega Diagnostic Center
My Pega Cloud
This tile provides a direct link to access to My Pega Cloud. The following text is displayed:
'Manage and review your cloud environments at My Pega Cloud <direct link provided>'
This tile is only displayed to Cloud Specialist users for Pega Cloud clients.