Follow these best practices to increase Manager and Agent adoption of Pega Workforce Intelligence. Communication regarding Workforce Intelligence and an understanding of the tool are crucial in stimulating proper adoption.
Before you begin
- Explain the benefits of Workforce Intelligence to Managers.
- Discuss how Managers can make use of Workforce Intelligence to track productivity, identify automation opportunities, improve processes, and understand workflows.
- Have Workforce Intelligence Admins and Managers take the relevant Pega Academy courses. [1]
- Create a Workforce Intelligence COE (Center of Excellence).
- Conduct a Workforce Intelligence kickoff meeting with the Managers.
- Communicate Workforce Intelligence to the Agents.
Sample Agent Communication for introducing Workforce Intelligence to your team:
What is Workforce Intelligence?
Workforce Intelligence is an application developed by Pegasystems Inc. that is designed to help increase company-wide productivity and maximize YOUR potential.
What does Workforce Intelligence do?
After it has been installed, Workforce Intelligence automatically collects desktop data from your computer in order to identify potential process improvement areas. For example, how many times cut/copy/paste is used from one application to another, or to show the number of different variations there are of a specific process.
What is <<company name>> goal for implementing Workforce Intelligence?
Our company goals focus on growing our business and delivering an exceptional customer experience. Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes and teams are a key tactic that supports these goals. We use Workforce Intelligence to learn how to improve our productivity and processes. The data that is collected within Workforce Intelligence is essential for identifying and prioritizing opportunities to increase our operational efficiency.
What data does Workforce Intelligence collect?
Workforce Intelligence collects information about the applications, systems and URLs used to perform our work, as well as metrics like the number of key strokes on an application page, clicks, cut/copy/paste actions, or how long a page takes to load. The data collected is grouped into three main categories: Production, Other Work, and Non-Work. These categories will be analyzed to identify how we can make you more successful and help drive operational efficiencies. It also shows us how you interact with various screens, in order to identify how we might be able to adjust our processes to potentially reduce the friction that a poorly designed screen creates.
Do I need to do anything differently?
Not really! The only difference is that there will be a robot icon visible in your system tray once the application is installed.
OPTIONAL: The only thing that you need to do is help categorize your “Off-Computer” work in order to appropriately analyze how you perform your daily tasks. Upon returning from an extended time away from your computer, you will see a pop-up dialogue box in which you select one of the reasons for your Off-Computer time. The amount of acceptable idle time and “off work" reasons (for example, meetings, lunch, paperwork, etc.) will be customized based on your business needs, and configured by your company’s Workforce Intelligence admin. If you close the dialogue box without selecting one of the choices, it will be reported as “unknown Off-Computer time.”
How will the data collected be used?
The data collected will be used to gain insights into production work, in order to identify:
- How work is actually done (i.e. the processes)
- Bottlenecks, inefficient processes, and non-value-added activities
- Manual workarounds and different ways applications are used to perform similar work
- Process best practices
- The employee technology experience
- How the employee experience is affecting the customer experience
- The impact of application wait times on production goals
- Hidden obstacles to optimizing the employee and customer experiences
- Opportunities for automation of repetitive tasks
Team leaders will be trained on how to understand and use the data collected to improve processes and productivity.
Who is sponsoring this project?
<<Sponsor name>>
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
<<Contact name and email>>