
Working with dynamic tables with universal web adaptor
Hi All,
Recently I was working in a project in which we had to use universal web adapter.The was a particular requirement the we had to update all the 1s in the "Preference status" column in to 2.We had to go through the rows and update one by one if they are 1.I was unable to do that because I was using the universal web adapter and I couldn't interrogate dynamic table contents using the bull eye.Is there any way to check how many rows of data in that dynamic table using the universal web adapter? When I just interrogated, 2 controls were created.One for the table header and the other for the body.Those controls were table rows. After updating 1 to 2, I had to tab in and create a new row in the bottom of the table. If I can count the No of rows, I will be able to send tabs and get in to the "Preference status" column of each row and update it until the cursor reaches the last row.Then I can send more tabs to create new row.
Is there any way to identify the row count of a dynamic table when using the universal web adapter? any solution is appreciated, even a simple C# code will save the lives.
Consider that the "branch/plant", "Preference status", "effective date" and expire date are all text fields
Asiri Gamage