
BNY Mellon
Last activity: 28 Jun 2021 14:49 EDT
What happens if service package name is wrong in SOAP Endpoint URL
We have interfaced two of our application via SOAP service, where both applications host a service and consumes that of other. Initially we had the endpoint URLs correctly with that correct service package name of the service consumed. Later on, with a copy/paste error we somehow had same endpoint URL with a service package name of one of the application. So one of our app has correct End point URL and other has a wrong one. Now the problem is, the system has not thrown any error all these years. Even though the package name is wrong in the endpoint URL the system somehow managed to route the Connect request to the appropriate application.
This raises a question, what is the significance of the service package name in the SOAP end point URL. Please help me to understand.
***Edited by Moderator Kayla to update Platform Capability tags****