What is the exact difference between Data Transform and Activity
Could you please pin point the exact difference between the Data transform and Activity.
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Could you please pin point the exact difference between the Data transform and Activity.
I would say the DataTransform is a bit like a Property-Set method in an Activity. Mainly used to set values on clipboard pages for example.
An Activity is something different where of course you can call Property-Set method or call DataTransform as well but you do many other things. Like showing harnesses, calling service rules etc...….
Activity also provides a way to execute Java code directly, that DT does not .
Activities are harder to maintain and not as easy to construct as other rules in Pega.
We should not use an activity for calculations or property validations that we can implement as constraints rules or Declare Expression rules. Use of a declarative rule (rather than an activity) eliminates the need to control how and when an activity executes. A best practice is to use declarative processing rather than activities when feasible.
For data manipulations, we can use a Data Transform instead of an activity.
To query from an external DB, we can use Report Definition rules instead of activities.
Activities are harder to maintain and not as easy to construct as other rules in Pega.
We should not use an activity for calculations or property validations that we can implement as constraints rules or Declare Expression rules. Use of a declarative rule (rather than an activity) eliminates the need to control how and when an activity executes. A best practice is to use declarative processing rather than activities when feasible.
For data manipulations, we can use a Data Transform instead of an activity.
To query from an external DB, we can use Report Definition rules instead of activities.
We may need to automate the processing of cases with a sequence of steps to be executed. Most of the time, this is possible with the steps in the case designer or multiple shapes in a flow rule or with declarative rules or data transform rules or a combination of those and other rules.
Divya Sri Padarthy
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