what is the difference between lookup and obj browse in pega
Basically lookup is nothing but data type having records stored and obj browse also fetches records so how is it different from lookup?
Basically lookup is nothing but data type having records stored and obj browse also fetches records so how is it different from lookup?
Accepted Solution
Lookup is used to get only one record which is a kind of obj open or obj open by handle. Browse is to get multiple records based on the filter condition.
The only Lookup I can think of is as a configuration for a data page source. Is this the lookup that you are comparing to Obj-Browse?
Obj-Browse is a method that can be used in an activity to search instances of a class and copy instances, or specified properties, to the clipboard as an array of embedded pages. The Obj-Browse method selects instances based on values of properties exposed as a columns, so you can use it to define a complex selection criteria and choose which fields you want to select. It is well documented below.
Lookup, when used as the source of a data page allows you to lookup an instance from a class based on the key value.
I am not exactly sure of the scenario where you would be comparing the functionality. Could you provide some further details?
@Marc Alderman The only Lookup I can think of is as a configuration for a data page source. Is this the lookup that you are comparing to Obj-Browse?-Yes
Accepted Solution
Lookup is used to get only one record which is a kind of obj open or obj open by handle. Browse is to get multiple records based on the filter condition.
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