WebMashUp doesn't show anything when set login URL to data-pega-url
I need to use WebMashUp with SSO.
I use SAML 2.0 Authentication Service which named as "SAMLAuth" and set alias as "sso".
Login URL of Authentication Service was set as "http://{host}/prweb/PRAuth/sso" automatically.
So I set the value of "data-pega-url" on the mashup code as "http://{host}/prweb/PRAuth/sso", but I couldn't see anything when I opened the screen.
If I set "data-pega-url" as ""http://{host}/prweb/PRAuth/" it shows Login screen but SSO didn't work.
I checked the web.xml file and confirmed there is setting of "sso" servlet ,I pick out the setting of "sso" from my web.xml files as "web xml setting.txt".
What should I set "data-pega-url" when I use SSO?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***